Cannapages Nov/Dec 2023 Edition - Denver/Boulder/Slopes

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Dispatches from the Highlands

News from CannaTown NOV-DEC 2023

Vol 10. Edition 6

$4.20 Cents


********* e creepily satised-looking women below relish in a new haul of presents conscated from local holiday celebrants - full story pg B17 "We're just so worried about what you're giving your family that we'd rather receive it."

CP GIVEAWAYS VISIT OR USE THE QR BELOW ENTER UP TO ONCE PER DAY WIN THE HOTTEST Vapes, Bongs & Rigs! It cannot be overstated how much better your chances are of winning this than any lottery that exists today. Go Enter! Season's Greetings From Purp, Page 13 Deals In Your Area! Local Maps, Page 16 Flooe At It Again Rampage, Page 8 HOA authorities are warning residents to stay indoors while Flooe destroys the neighborhood, just like last year. See Rampage......... .....................Page 8 "Yes Virginia" Letter Traditional, Page 13 We look back at the letter a poor college girl wrote asking a stoned editor about St. Nickeljoint during a simpler era. See Traditional.......... ..............Page 13

The Holidays Are Here! Christember, Page 10 Excitement is in the air as CannaTown buzzes with hustle and bustle and a bunch of other yuletide tropes . See Christember...... .................Page 10 Bombay Bicycle Club Album Notes, Page 14 New albums, old albums -- they’re all game as Erickson takes on the soundtrack to your chill. See Album Notes. ..................Page 14 Hash Oil Muns Cousin D Recipe, Page 15 Savor for yourself or be the life of the party! Cooking with THC made easy. See Recipe ................................Page 15 Weekly CannaScopes See Fortunes, Page 9 Christember Comic e High'r Side, Page 12 Today’s Coupons feature:

DENVER & BOULDER CANNABIS LISTINGS Addresses, Phone by Categories: Dispensaries . . . . . . . . . . 18 VapeShops ........... 34 GlassShops ........... 35 Kratom/Herbal . . . . . . . . . 37 Doctors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Hemp/CBD........... 38

Apothecary Farms Denver Page 91 Reefer Madness Denver Page 69 Seed & Smith Denver/Louisville Page 93

21+ Tourist? Recreational Shops Listings on Page 18! FIND DOCTORS, GET MED CARD pg 38 **** SAVE BIG WITH COUPONS pg 41

Page 8

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

CannaTown News


e Highest Authority Since 2009

Cannapages is a JohnsonConcept Company Published by

Nathan Johnson Micah Johnson Isaac Johnson Sales Director Dillon Rice Production Mike G. Customer Success Molly Norton Lead Developer Mike Morris Contributors Dan Henrickson Matthew A. Erickson Cover Art Justin Redmon Logo Aaron Draplin

OTHER HEADLINES CBD found in wool of wild Albanian mountain goats "It's a great discovery but extraction will be dicult." pg 150 Boeing stock downgraded aer paper airplane report pg 157 CSPAN "musical episode" reviled pg 166 Musk oers to slap senior in face pg 171 **Brought to you by Borscht by Boris** “Opaque and lukewarm, like life.” While no one has seen Flooe for days, the evidence of her rage shows a path of destruction through the neighborhood, from decimated garages, to bucket res, soiled couches and dry projectile vomit. “is is one of the worst years,” says Flores. “I just wish someone would stop that damn dog.” e Shwaggelberry HOA authorities are letting residents know to watch out, because Flooe is at it again. “From out of nowhere she came through our screen door this time and took down the tree,” says resident Edna Flores. “And she jumped right back into the rum punch, just like last year.” Much like winters past, this year’s rampage seems to have hit a nerve with a few tired revelers, who say they know it’s coming and have given up. Some just leave their doors un- locked. “Every time! With the presents, all chewn up, and the stockings just torn to bits, it breaks the heart,” HOA presi- dent Tate O'Brian says. Like many who spend their holidays cleaning up aer Flooe, the lines of despair are permanently etched on O'Brian’s face, no matter the festivities or mistle- toe. “She even ate our mistletoe,” he explains. “Because that’s what the cute hellspawn of a holiday nightmare does.”

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Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. No part of this publica- tion may be reproduced or reprinted without expressed written consent of the publishers. Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of these listings and their inclusion. Cannapages does not accept responsibility or liability for any omissions or errors.

Vol 10. Edition 6

News from CannaTown

Page 9

CANNASCOPES : Discover Your Fortune! Aries - e ghosts of holidays past will follow you everywhere this season, even to Wal- greens, where they'll recommend toothpaste. Taurus - Who needs a therapist to help you stop squeaking like a penguin, when you've got a perfectly good magic wand? Gemini - ere's just something about serving Folgers from your coee shop just to delight in the grimaces on every new face. Cancer - You knew this day was coming, because it's Tuesday and it arrives every week. Leo - You were too excited to sleep, which made it a lot easier to y the airplane. Virgo - Now that you know why they shout "John Jacob Jingelheimer Smith," you’ll never sing that godforsaken song again. What Came to Pass News in Brief CannaTown Postal Service Bans Poop, Pies While the postal service has long been a conduit for strange packages, department authorities are alarmed that a plurality of their work now ts into the “unsendable” category. In response, they’re releasing a full list of new- ly banned items. “We believe perhaps there’s a scourge of postal prankery afoot. ere’s no reason anyone would order a box full of ies. Or shaving cream. Or rotten onions,” says local Postmaster Bernadette Grainer. “Meanwhile, there’s grandmas out there not getting holiday cards.” Grainer says most mail processors have reached the psychological limits of their own fortitude, handling things like foreign girae feces, nuclear reworks, and long expired meat, on a “regular basis.” In one incident, someone sent a used, half-full latrine. “It was shipped in parts,” Grainer says. “We had to call in Hazmat.” Critics are not happy that the list will include fruit pies.

Libra - ick as molasses, your accent will trickle out when they ask how you got that whole mall Santa display into your garage. Scorpio - You didn’t realize it until now that you’re in the moment, but one-person ash mobs are super lame. Sagittarius - Even for a cultural warrior, you sure do wear a liberal amount of makeup. Capricorn - e conversation will boil over and end somewhat violently, as many of your inner dialogues do. Aquarius - Sure every miracle needs a hand, but make sure to wash yours rst, you wretch. Pisces - You will hear bells and the magical clip clop of feet upon your roof, however you will not be prepared to nd a mini-herd of cows led by a paranoid hobo on stilts.

World's very worst circus comes to town, Pg B4

Stories in Today’s Other Sections

I ate Häagen Dazs poop avored ice cream so you don't have to ........................................ E6 Art collectors realize they're basically buying physical NFTs ........................................... F2 Best contemporary jousting lances for home defense ..................................... ........ ...... G13 Barbed wire not great look ......................... H1

Page 10

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Christember in CannaTown


‘NUGGERSH IN THE KNICKERS’ Wastey’s Department Store Lower Cannhattan 5th Avenue is year marks 150 years of nding the “Nuggersh in the Knickers,” an ongoing event hosted at Wastey’s in downtown Can- naTown that has brought generation aer generation out to nd the nd the hidden, and very skunky nuggersh, hidden in the pockets of a mystery pair of slacks located somewhere within the store. Navigating through literal mountains of garments, crowds descend daily to see who can dis- cover the nuggersh--which goes home with the person who nds it. “I’ve been doing this with my whole family for decades,” said Flo Mayower as she waded knee-deep through a room of khakis. “One year we almost won. We smelled it, but we couldn’t nd it.” is year may be one of the most successful ever, because “it inspires us all that any one, rich or poor, could nd the nuggersh,” says store manager Barney Stone. "Even me again."

HANDSHAKES FOR HANDBAGS Spli River Palladium Splington Falls In its rst year back since the pandemic, HandShakes for Handbags once again provides local residents with fancy holiday handbags in exchange for a handshake. As usual, almost no words were uttered during the incredibly tense 4-hour ordeal, which ended in indoor sticus, mudslinging and a general sleu of hospitalized participants.

Vol 10. Edition 6

News from CannaTown

Page 11

NICKELJOINT VISITS THE DOCKS Holiday Wings N' Weed Picnic Docks, Lower CannaTown e local dock people of Lower CannaTown were thrilled, and some rightfully reserved, when St. Nickeljoint crashed a Wings ‘n Weed picnic on Saturday aernoon. e feisty old elf said he needed gas money to get to Zazaville and took up a collection among those present. He also ate seven plates of zesty hot wings and destroyed a porta-jon. “It felt great to meet him,” said boatsman Gerry Froth. “He asked for my shoes and said that I’d get a brand new pair this com- ing Weedmas.” "Bullshit," Froth added.

JERRIES CLUB TOY FUNDRAISER Jerrygold Lodge West Burnadoobie e old men at the Jerrygold Lodge threw a press conference Tuesday to announce they had successfully collected and donated roughly 2,000 large wooden toys. Although reporters were swi to point out that the gis arrived as raw goods direct from China and are completely unassembled, the group was adamant that they were still making a dierence. “We’re really proud of our eorts,” said president Henry inmint. “Imagine each child’s expression as they open a box full of sticks and blocks and experience the kind of disappointment most people have to wait until adulthood to feel.”

RUNNING OF THE TREES Festival of San Ganja'n Downtown Bongloma

TODD STILL DOING MUG TRICK Peggy's Annual Christember Party Longrip Lane in Haze Heights Onlookers have conrmed Todd is showing that new gal his stupid mug trick that he always does, and he looks ridiculous in that apron. e gal does not appear amused.

It’s a rite of passage, albeit controversial to some: the running of Christember trees through the streets of Bongloma, oen marked with injuries and craziness, is just the start of the preparation for the holidays. From here, the trees will shorn and tted for a T-shirt, then leaned up in a cozy corner.

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Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Christmas: Day 13


Chrismacus Festivies: Holy week of prepration before the month of Christember, origin of name unknown. Christember Birthdays: e merriest of of unbirthdays! By changing yours and your friends' birthdates to this month makes for constant celebration and heavy smaking - which is, aer all, the whole point of Christember. For example, Can- napages’ birthday is Christember 28th, or olde January 11. (1) Christember First: To best enjoy the First day of the Best Month Ever Invented (pending Congressional Recognition), you will have made all the proper preparations during the Festivies and stockpiled enough food and grass for two or three large yeti. (3) Day of Friends: Spend the day smaking with your friends and head to your favorite glass shops to buy new smakeware for each other to give out on their respective Christember Birthdays (see Christember Birthdays). (6) Saint Nickeljoint Day: Help Nickeljoint load his dab bus, to deliver gis to all good Cadets. You must help, or he will never get on the road. (10) 8:40 Fast: Begin a fast of all food and drink beginning on 8:40pm on Olde Christmas Eve, only to be broken during the next day’s feasts. (11) St'y High Trial: e Cadets goal here is to stay high all day from sun-up til sundown - this could get precarious on this particular day.

(14) St. Stephopolas Day: Traditionally elebrated at Canndy Cane Mountain in the Highlands, this is the patron saint of smoking in front of people who don’t approve of getting high. Legend has it the term “step o” has direct origins to this saint. (17) Seventeeve: On this day it is important to turn over a new leaf, or get back to your roots—whatever the reason, it’s time to make a resolution. And during Christember, you can only make one resolution, which is to smake more of the sweet ganj. (18) Christemberence: Find and smake up the person who rst shared with you the joys of Christember, as a thank-you. (22) Sir Satchelkins Day: Also traditionally celebrated at Canndy Cane Mountain outside of CannaTown, this day commemorates the person who saved the rst ever Cannamas. Refering to your bag of weed as a “Satchel” im- mortalizes this patron saint. (25) Cannamas Day: Just in the nick of time, St. Nickeljoint nally makes it into CannaTown with his presents - enjoy music and food while he rells on gas and power-naps. en nugs for good cadets, resin and stems for bad. (30, 31, 32) Days of Feasts: ree solid days of feasting is the only real way to bring Christember to an appropriate end.

Vol 10. Edition 6

News from CannaTown

Page 13

Christember in CannaTown

Yes, Virginia, ere is a St. Nickeljoint First published in the CannaTown Register , 1897

Dear Editor, I am 18 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Saint Nickeljoint. But my homie said, “If ya see it in Cannapages, it is so.” Please tell me the truth, is there a St. Nickeljoint? - Virginia O’Green Virginia, ose skeptic dudes are are wrong. ey’ve been aected by the total drag of the downer age. ey do not believe except what they smake. ey think that nothing can be, which is not smake-able by their little bowls. All bowls, Virginia, whether they be men’s, or women’s, are little. In this great Canniverse of ours, man is a mere insect, an ant, especially when medicated. Yes, Virginia, there is a St. Nickeljoint. He exists as certainly as sparkling ower, and hash oil, and keef-rolled wax-infused doobies, and you know that these things abound and give to our life its high- est, highest joy. And munchies. Alas! How big a bummer, would be the world if there were no St. Nickeljoint! As much a drag, as if there were no Virginias! ere would be no illustrious highs, no jolts through the atmosphere, bitzkrieg smack-dabs or ying through space to make tolerable this existence. e eternal bowl with which cadet-hood lls the world, would be cashed out, cashed ! Not believe in St. Nickeljoint? You might as well not believe in Rupert the Red-eyed Reindeer! You might get your homies to watch all the couches in town, just to catch Nickeljoint crashing for a few hours, then roasting a bowl before duck-taping Zip-loc bags full of freshly-cured cannabis upon the mantel--but even if they didn’t see this very spectacle, what would that prove? Nobody sees St. Nickeljoint, not since he gave all his clothes and belongings away on the Amsterdam river ats in the 80’s. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a Nickeljoint. e most real things in the world, are the things you only see when you’re higher than a kite and sitting in your own living room. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course you did, we all did, when the Durban Poison wax came through town. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders that are unseen, unless we keep smakin’ on that wax. Where was I? Oh, yes. Only a true, teary-eyed roast can push aside that curtain, to view the supernatural glory of cannabis beyond our wildest dreams. Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world, there is nothing else that totally abides so hard. No St. Nickeljoint? ank God he lives and he lives forever, up in the Highlands! A thousand years from now, maybe 4 times 20 years from now, he will continue to make glad the hearts of cadets!

Season's Greetings From Purp Yuletide greetin's, ya smooth bastards. Let me be the rst to oer the most congenial of welcomes. Why am I so charitable on this crisp autumnal day? Because of the harvest, my vast bales of crops, hangin' to dry at the homestead. Y'all need some purp? I got that. I got that purp right here. And this ain't just any purp. is my friends is a special cultivar of grand delight, one entrusted to me by the divine. When the crop nishes curin', the holiday will suddenly t together. All means of spectacular news will y about the yuletide purp at Purp's Purp. Just you wait, for the headlines, for the front page photo- graphical documentation. at's right, it'll happen, sure and begorra, or my name ain't Bertrand DePurp the ird . Now I'm sure St. Nickel- joint will bless y'all this month, but remember, even the sparkliest elf- grown highlands nugget goes fast, especially 'round the family circle. Lest y'all cast yer winter stash to fortuity, y'all better stock up. She's a gorgeous goddess of ower and she goes quick. So, y'all need that purp? I got that, right here .

Page 14

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Album Notes from Erickson “The Soundtrack to your Chill”

Je Rosenstock HELLMODE DIY and punk at heart, Je Rosen- stock created the rst pay what you want record label back in 2006, and

Bombay Bicycle Club My Big Day Following a three(ish)-year

now the h album under his own name is the most professional (and expensive) thing he's done. HELLMODE is anthemic and, yes, pop punk, but, as Rosenstock himself says, "I feel like in 2023, you can write an unabashedly poppy punk song and it’s probably not gonna be on the radio anyway, so it doesn’t feel like a sellout move." Not that anyone would ever accuse the man who gives everything away of selling out.

hiatus, and nearly six years aer their pre- vious album, Bombay

Bicycle Club's 2020 return on Everything Else Has Gone Wrong felt like a band reunited yet uninspired. Not great, not bad, just playing it safe. October's My Big Day suers no such hesitancy. Perhaps it's the condence earned through a superior batch of songs. Maybe it's the extra juice from a surprising range of guests (including Jay Som, Chaka Khan, and Damon Albarn) that elevate their respective tracks. But My Big Day draws the London quartet back towards the territory explored on So Long, See You Tomorrow , still their masterpiece, while also branching out within their brand of indietronica.

Woods Perennial

On their twelh record, the folkie- psych rockers out of Brooklyn lean into those parts of

Husbands CUATRO

the equation with equal aplomb. Opening and closing with instrumentals, along with a couple more mixed in, Woods are in no hurry on this mellow aair. As their name may allude, the band's stylings pair perfectly with the autumn air slowly moving in, and this of- fering will only t better as the temperatures continue to drop. Notable: Following 2018's excellent Be the Cowboy , last year's Laurel Hell fell a little at for me. Some 19 months later indie-folk singer-songwriter Mitski is back and e Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We is far more engaging to my ears. Sparse and beauti- ful, it's also deserving of far more than these brief few words.

e third Husbands album featured here, the guys from Oklahoma have now taken a 2-1 lead

over their French counterparts. CUATRO is Danny Davis' rst record under the moniker without co-founder Will Norton, and while it may lack some of the sonic depth and experi- mentation of last year's Full-On Monet , the fourth LP (in case you couldn't decipher the meaning, despite the spelling) retains plenty of catchy, synth-y pop goodness. ink a little less Full-On Monet , a little more full-on Animal Collective.

Vol 10. Edition 6

News from CannaTown

Page 15

Directions: To begin, premedicate one stick of butter with your preferred dosage. Preheat to 350° and gather your mini mun tin and liners. Cream together all butter, sugar, eggs, honey, sour cream, milk and one cup of milk. Blend in the our, baking powder, salt, pudding mix and baking chips. If the texture is a little bit dry, add the remaining half cup of milk. Note that cocoa powder was used for a ‘double chocolate eect’ -- but feel free to ex- periment with dierent puddings and chips. I used a handy #70 scoop to get the perfect heaping rounded dollop to nearly ll a liner. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes, or adjust to longer time for full-sized muns. is recipe yields about 12 dozen. If you put in about 720 mg of active product that would give you 5 mg per mun. You decide how strong they are! Aer you remove them from the tin to cool, wait approximately 10 min, then while still slightly warm, seal in ziploc bags to lock in moisture when they set. ese are best eaten cool, for the full texture experience.

Recipes from Cousin D Essential Hash Oil Mini Muns ese morsels have that texture you get from those big gas station muns: moist, dense, yet uy. In this particular batch I used cinnamon baking chips and added cocoa to conjure a sort of Mexican chocolate zest. Ingredients: 3 sticks butter, soened 1 medicated stick butter, soened 4 eggs 1 cup white sugar 1 cup honey 2 cans sweetened condensed milk

8 oz sour cream 1-1 1/2 cups milk 5 cups our 2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp salt

2 small boxes chocolate pudding 1 cup of cocoa powder (optional) 2 bags your choice baking chips

Need Help with Infusion? Check out Cousin D's easy guide before you bake!

Boulder, Denver, & Surrounding Areas + Mountain Slopes Find the closest dispensary to you online at KEY: DISPENSARIES



Berkeley Dispensary 5398 Sheridan Blvd .................................................................................. Arvada 720-310-8057 Dalwhinnie Farms 108 S Mill Street ............................................................................................... Aspen 970-429-8830 Green Dragon 409 E. Hyman Ave .................................................................................................. Aspen 970-429-4365 Jars Cannabis 710 E Durant Ave E-1 .............................................................................................. Aspen 970-925-6468 Native Roots 308 S. Hunter St ........................................................................................................ Aspen 970-429-4443 Roots Rx 400 E Hyman Ave A102 ................................................................................................. Aspen 970-900-9333 SILVERPEAK 520 E Cooper Ave 202....................................................... Aspen 970-925-4372 see ad on page 95 - cannasavers page 77 The Green Joint 720 E Durant Ave E-3 .......................................................................................... Aspen 970-710-2657 Altitude 10455 East Colfax Avenue ...............................................................................................Aurora 303-343-0166 Colorado Harvest Company 11002 East Yale Avenue, Unit A .....................................................Aurora 720-535-9489 Emerald Fields 503 Havana St ......................................................................................................Aurora 720-669-3571 Good Chemistry 16840 East Iliff Avenue .......................................................................................Aurora 303-745-2420 Green Dragon 19151 East Quincy Avenue ..........................................................................................Aurora 303-400-1451 15225 E 6th Ave ...............................................................................................................Aurora 720-458-6950 Jars (Buckley) 4343 South Buckley Road, Unit E .................................................................Aurora 303-680-1016 (Southland) 6260 South Gun Club Road .......................................................................Aurora 303-766-8677 Lightshade (Iliff) 16821 East Iliff Avenue .....................................................................................Aurora 720-575-6702 Livwell 1401 Peoria Street ...........................................................................................................Aurora 303-993-7548 19201 E Colfax Ave .........................................................................................................Aurora 303-366-1077 LOVA (Aurora) 19005 E Quincy Ave ..............................................................................................Aurora 720-379-4554 Medicine Man 1901 South Havana Street .....................................................................................Aurora 303-923-3825 Rocky Road 1712 South Chambers Road .....................................................................................Aurora 720-741-2501 Star Buds 10100 E Montview Blvd ..................................................................................................Aurora 720-459-7143 14655 East Arapahoe Road, Unit B ................................................................................Aurora 303-699-1222 Terrapin Care Station 11091 East Mississippi Avenue, Suite A .......................................................................Aurora 303-954-8402 11900 East 33rd Avenue, Suite 100 ...............................................................................Aurora 303-954-8402 The Green Solution 10195 E Montview Blvd ..................................................................................................Aurora 720-689-2351 14301 E. Colfax Ave. .......................................................................................................Aurora 720-501-2372 19370 E. Quincy Ave ........................................................................................................Aurora 303-990-9723 3179 S. Peoria Ct .............................................................................................................Aurora 720-501-2370 350 S. Potomac St ...........................................................................................................Aurora 720-501-2371 XCLUSIVE CANNABIS 15200 E 6th Ave ................................................................ Aurora 720-738-4200 see ad on inside cover - cannasavers page 87 High Country Healing 40801 US-6 Ste 5 ........................................................................................ Avon 970-470-4794 Native Roots 41290 US-6 B5 .......................................................................................................... Avon 970-470-4079 Rocky Road 40928 US-6 .................................................................................................................... Avon 970-688-5633 Roots Rx 40690 US-6 E-2 .................................................................................................................. Avon 970-399-9333 Sunrise Solutions 43 Main St......................................................................................................... Bailey 303-816-6337 The Happy Camper Cannabis Company 80 Rosalie Rd ................................................................Bailey 303-816-0420 LOVA 701 E Valley Rd Unit 110 .................................................................................................... Basalt 970-340-4680 Roots Rx 165 Southside Dr ............................................................................................................. Basalt 970-539-9333 Green Tree Medicinals 1090 N. 2nd St .................................................................................... Berthoud 970-670-9120 Livwell 1015 N 2nd St ................................................................................................................ Berthoud 970-344-5060 Rocky Mountain Organics 5312 Hwy. 119 ...........................................................................Black Hawk 303-582-5032 The Green Solution 231 Gregory St ......................................................................................Black Hawk 303-990-9723 14er Holistics 2897 Mapleton Avenue 800 ................................................................................. Boulder 303-539-6525 Boulder Wellness 5420 Arapahoe Avenue F .............................................................................. Boulder 303-442-2565 Cannabis Depot 3390 28th St ....................................................................................................... Boulder 720-242-7435 Cosmic Light 5565 Arapahoe Ave .............................................................................................. Boulder 303-440-6700 DEN REC 5420 Arapahoe Ave D ................................................................................................... Boulder 303-443-0240 Eclipse Cannabis Company 933 Alpine Avenue #2 ................................................................... Boulder 720-420-0782 Elements 1534 55th Street ........................................................................................................... Boulder 303-444-0861 Emerald Fields 5190 S Boulder Rd .............................................................................................. Boulder 303-499-2898 Fresh Baked 2535 Pearl Street ..................................................................................................... Boulder 303-440-9393 Green Dragon 1750 30th Street #7 .............................................................................................. Boulder 720-446-5490 Green Dream Cannabis 6700 Lookout Rd #5 ............................................................................. Boulder 303-530-3031




Hash House 302 Pearl Street ....................................................................................................... Boulder 303-993-3066 Helping Hands Herbals 1021 Pearl Street B ............................................................................... Boulder 303-444-1564 Karing Kind 5854 Rawhide Court ................................................................................................. Boulder 303-449-9333 Magnolia Road Cannabis Company 1750 30th Street Unit 84A.............................................. Boulder 720-741-6111 Maikoh Holistics 2750 Glenwood Dr. Ste 8 ................................................................................. Boulder 720-476-6805 Native Roots 1146 Pearl Street #200 .......................................................................................... Boulder 720-726-5126 Options Cannabis 5290 Arapahoe Ave Ste J .............................................................................. Boulder 303-953-2852 Snaxland 7464 Arapahoe Avenue A9 ........................................................................................ Boulder 720-366-6615 Starbuds 1750 30th Street #12 .................................................................................................... Boulder 720-612-4382 Terrapin Care Station 1795 Folsom Street .................................................................................. Boulder 303-954-8402 5370 Manhattan Circle #104....................................................................................... Boulder 303-954-8402 The Dandilion Native Roots 845 Walnut Street......................................................................... Boulder 303-459-4676 The Farm 2801 Iris Avenue ........................................................................................................... Boulder 303-440-1323 The Health Center 537 Canyon Boulevard .................................................................................. Boulder 720-532-8664 The Republic 8401 Baseline Road ............................................................................................... Boulder 303-325-7385 The Village Green Society 2043 16th Street ............................................................................... Boulder 720-389-5726 Unity Rd 1537 Pearl Street B ....................................................................................................... Boulder 720-287-0645 Breckenridge Organic Therapy 1900 Airport Rd #1A ........................................................ Breckenridge 970-453-0420 Green Dragon 1795 Airport Rd. #3A .................................................................................. Breckenridge 970-453-4900 Organix 1795 Airport Rd #2A ............................................................................................ Breckenridge 970-453-1340 The Dispensary 1805 Airport Rd B1C ................................................................................. Breckenridge 970-389-6839 Broomfi eld Confi dential 11640 Teller Street STE E.............................................................. Broomfield 303-600-8269 Livwell 137 Nickel St ............................................................................................................... Broomfield 720-756-2385 Magnolia Road Cannabis Company 1995 W Midway Blvd .................................................. Broomfield 720-287-1362 THE DAB 4490 W 121st Ave #8................................................. Broomfield 720-504-5115 see ad on page 95 - cannasavers page 77 GoodFlower in Sopris 1101 Village Rd UL-4B ......................................................................Carbondale 970-340-4474 High Q 303 Main St .................................................................................................................Carbondale 970-510-3067 The Green Joint 655 Buggy Circle .........................................................................................Carbondale 970-963-9323 Tumbleweeds 304 CO 133 ......................................................................................................Carbondale 970-510-3065 High Q 755 S Grand Mesa Dr ...................................................................................................Cedaredge 844-420-3265 Central City Cannabis 135 Nevada St ................................................................................... Central City 303-582-3530 Igadi 171 Lawrence St ............................................................................................................ Central City 303-582-3093 RMO Dispensary 161 Gregory St ......................................................................................... Central City 303-582-3991 Canna City 7150 Eudora Dr ...........................................................................................Commerce City 720-336-8689 Cookies Denver 5385 Quebec St ................................................................................... Commerce City 720-780-8865 Kind Castle 4970 Monaco St ...........................................................................................Commerce City 303-901-9418 Krystaleaves 5301 Vasquez Blvd #101 .........................................................................Commerce City 303-802-0026 Livwell 5846 Dahlia Street ...............................................................................................Commerce City 720-476-4736 Silver Stem Fine Cannabis 5275 Quebec Street #105 ................................................. Commerce City 720-458-5820 Stadium Gardens 5441 Quebec St ...............................................................................Commerce City 720-465-5449 Star Buds 5844 Dahlia Street ..........................................................................................Commerce City 303-999-0401 Unique Cultivations 4955 Newport Street ......................................................................Commerce City 720-229-3346 WOW World of Weed 5433 Quebec Street ......................................................................Commerce City 303-286-0420 Good Vibes Rocky Mountain Dispensary 820 W Victory Way ....................................................... Craig 970-620-4667 HoneyBear Apothecary 227 E Victory Way ..................................................................................... Craig 970-620-4678 Rocky Mountain Cannabis 535 Yampa Ave #100 ......................................................................... Craig 970-620-4708 The Kind Castle 690 W Victory Way ................................................................................................. Craig 970-620-4209 Tumbleweed 316 W Victory Way ................................................................................................... Craig 970-329-2210 Back Country Cannabis 329 Belleview Ave A ...................................................................Crested Butte 970-349-7350 Durango Organics 310 Belleview Ave #2 ...........................................................................Crested Butte 970-349-5993 Rocky Mountain Cannabis 322 Belleview Ave ..................................................................Crested Butte 970-251-5472 The Dispensary 423 Belleview Ave ....................................................................................Crested Butte 970-349-6640 Buds Premium Cannabis 2034 I-70 Frontage Rd .....................................................................De Beque 970-609-2837 Elk Mountain Trading Post 170 E 3rd St ...................................................................................De Beque 970-283-8937 Kush Gardens 4550 Highway 6 #24 ..........................................................................................De Beque 970-283-8927 Tumbleweed 2185 45 1/2 Rd ....................................................................................................De Beque 970-609-9877 1136 Yuma 1136 Yuma Court .................................................................................................... Denver 720-900-1136 A CUT ABOVE 1911 South Broadway...................................................... Denver 720-536-8965 see ad on page 6 - cannasavers page 43 Affinity 7739 East Colfax Avenue ................................................................................................ Denver 720-479-8458 Allgreens 762 Kalamath Street ..................................................................................................... Denver 303-658-0107 Altitude (West) 1568 South Federal Boulevard ......................................................................... Denver 720-708-5428 (East) 6858 East Evans Avenue .................................................................................. Denver 303-756-8888 Alto Dispensary 2160 S Lipan St ................................................................................................. Denver 305-972-1853 AMCH 1301 N Marion Street....................................................... Denver 720-961-0560 see ad on page 19 - cannasavers page 45





APOTHECARY FARMS 2251 South Broadway...................................................... Denver 303-862-5016 see ad below - cannasavers page 89 Ascend Cannabis Co 3555 South Yosemite Street .................................................................... Denver 720-482-3191 BEST HIGH DISPENSARY 1518 Quince St ................................................................. Denver 303-900-0809 see ad on page 21 - cannasavers page 47 Bgood Apothecary 80 South Pennsylvania Street ....................................................................... Denver 303-777-5239 Bonnie Brae Rec (Silver Stem Cannabis) 2331 E Ohio Ave....................................................... Denver 720-771-9866 Callies Cannabis Shoppe (Rino) 3054 Larimer Street ........................................................................................... Denver 303-297-2273 777 Canosa Ct. .............................................................................................................. Denver 720-415-2976 Cannabotica 219 Vallejo Street.................................................................................................... Denver 303-777-1550 Cherry Peak 4601 E Mississippi Ave ........................................................................................ Denver 303-386-3185 Colorado Cannabis Connection 4550 South Kipling Street #4.................................................. Denver 720-328-2355 Colorado Harvest Company 1178 South Kalamath Street ......................................................................................... Denver 303 777-1840 1568 South Broadway .................................................................................................... Denver 303-722-1227 Cookies Denver 2057 S. Broadway.............................................................................................. Denver 303-862-5169 Cross Genetics 2440 West Evans Avenue .............................................................................................. Denver 303-936-0624 4902 East Smith Road, Unit C ...................................................................................... Denver 720-689-5704 Dank 3835 Elm Street Unit C ........................................................................................................ Denver 303-394-3265 Del Mundo Cannabis 2394 S Broadway ....................................................................................... Denver 720-379-7295 Denco 3480 Park Avenue West, Unit B.................................................................................... Denver 303-433-2266 5155 East 46th Avenue................................................................................................. Denver 303-388-0434 DENREC 2042 South Bannock Street.......................................................................................... Denver 720-390-5070 2117 Larimer Street, Unit 1 ............................................................................................ Denver 303-296-2093 DENVER KUSH CLUB 2615 Welton Street........................................................... Denver 303-736-6550 see ad on page 23 - cannasavers page 51 Elite 605 S Havana St ................................................................................................................... Denver 303-484-8202 ELITE CANNABIS 1410 S Santa Fe Dr........................................................... Denver 720-287-4081 4401 Zenobia St ............................................................... Denver 720-550-8339 see ad on page 23 - cannasavers page 55 Emerald Fields 2215 E Mississippi Ave .................................................................................................. Denver 720-595-3143 2675 West 38th Avenue ................................................................................................. Denver 720-389-9179 EverBloom 4095 Jackson Street..................................................................................................... Denver 720-226-9298 5110 Race Street........................................................................................................... Denver 720-226-9295





Fox Cannabis 4773 Fox Street ..................................................................................................... Denver 720-881-7460 FRESH CANNABIS 965 S Colorado Boulevard ............................................... Denver 720-596-4611 see ad on page 23 - cannasavers page 57 Frost Exotic 2949 W Alameda Ave............................................................................................... Denver 720-787-4909 Ganja Gourmet 1810 South Broadway ........................................................................................ Denver 303-282-9333 GOLDEN MEDS 1755 S Broadway ............................................................. Denver 720-583-2119 2280 S Quebec St............................................................. Denver 720-428-8352 330 Federal Blvd............................................................... Denver 720-583-0194 4620 Peoria Street ........................................................... Denver 720-502-6393 970 S Oneida St ................................................................ Denver 720-287-2377 see ad on page 98 - cannasavers page 59 Good Chemistry 2563 15th St #103 ........................................................................................................ Denver 720-328-2131 1724 South Broadway................................................................................................... Denver 303-733-3113 330 East Colfax Avenue................................................................................................ Denver 720-524-4657 Green Cross Of Cherry Creek 3400 South Oneida Way Suite 101............................................. Denver 303-321-4201 Green Dragon 310 Saint Paul Street .................................................................................................... Denver 720-536-5462 1250 Grant St .................................................................................................................. Denver 720-505-5887 4103 Sheridan Blvd ........................................................................................................ Denver 720-459-6650 5130 East Colfax Avenue ............................................................................................... Denver 720-458-6450 930 West Byers Place .................................................................................................... Denver 970-480-0660 Green Man by Trees 7289 East Hampden Avenue ...................................................................... Denver 720-382-5950 Green Remedy 1052 S Quebec St ................................................................................................. Denver 303-745-4580 Green RiNo 3450 Brighton Boulevard.......................................................................................... Denver 303-433-3151 Green Sativa 2426 S Federal Blvd................................................................................................ Denver 720-403-8167 Green Valley Dispensary 4650 Tower Rd ..................................................................................... Denver 303-593-0064 Greenfields 1798 West Mississippi Avenue .................................................................................... Denver 303-455-1795 2038 S Navajo ................................................................................................................. Denver 303-295-0485 Herban Underground 70 N Broadway #50 .................................................................................. Denver 720-343-4372 HERBS 4 YOU 20 East 9th Avenue .......................................................... Denver 303-830-9999 see ad on page 25 - cannasavers page 61 High Level Health 1620 Market Street ......................................................................................................... Denver 303-953-0884 2028 East Colfax Avenue ............................................................................................... Denver 303-355-9333 970 N Lincoln Street ....................................................................................................... Denver 303-839-9333 HIGH WEST CANNABIS 10625 E 51st Ave #100................................................... Denver 720-287-0820 see ad on page 25 - cannasavers page 63 Higher Grade 1269 Elati Street............................................................................................................ Denver 303-993-4547 3480 S Galena St ............................................................................................................ Denver 720-350-4071 3111 West 38th Avenue ................................................................................................. Denver 303-955-0186 House Of Dankness 10555 East 45th Avenue ............................................................................ Denver 303-373-7373 Jars 403 16th Street, Suite 1 .................................................................................................. Denver 303-534-6255 4305 Brighton Boulevard ............................................................................................... Denver 303-297-1657 Karmaceuticals 4 South Santa Fe Drive ...................................................................................... Denver 303-765-2762 Kaya Cannabis 1075 South Fox Street .................................................................................................. Denver 303-593-2931 3937 West Colfax Avenue ............................................................................................ Denver 720-287-3934 Kind Love 4380 E Alameda Ave..................................................................................................... Denver 720-390-3600 3899 N Quentin St......................................................................................................... Denver 303-307-4204 KIND MEDS 260 North Santa Fe Drive................................................. Denver 720-366-8888 see ad on page 25 - cannasavers page 65 L’Eagle 380 Quivas Street ............................................................................................................. Denver 303-825-0497 La Conte’s 105 East 7th Avenue ...................................................................................................... Denver 303-292-2252 5194 Washington Street ................................................................................................ Denver 303-292-2252 Laughing Grass 1110 W Virginia Ave Unit 1 ................................................................................. Denver 720-379-8567 Lemonnade 4500 Washington Street, Unit B .............................................................................. Denver 720-572-4902 Levels 5201 West 48th Avenue ..................................................................................................... Denver 303-993-6424

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