Biola Broadcaster - 1964-04

CALIFO RN IA Arroyo Grande-San Luis Obispo KCJH 1280 9:00

I B I O L A broadcaster Monthly Publication of the BIOLA FELLOWSHIP Vol. 4 No. 4 A PR IL , 1964 THE W ISDOM OF W INN ING SOULS ................ 3 ARE YOU READY? .................. 5 BURIED APPROACHES ............. 7 HOW TO FEED T H E M ............... 9 W H Y W IN SOULS? .................. 11 THE ONLY KEY ...................... 13 QUESTIONS A N D A N SW E R S .......14 ILLUSTRATIONS ......................20 GOD USES " S " ....................... 23 BABIES ..................................25 MODELS IN GOD'S WORD ........ 28 PARABLES AN D PEARLS ..........30 TU ESDAY-TH URSDAY BIBLE STUDY ......................33 BIOLA FELLOWSHIP PLAN ........ 34 COVER: Second generation Biolans gather for family picture with Biola Alumni Director William Eitzen (cen­ ter). From left to right are Rev. and Mrs. Stewart McDougall (missionaries to Africa), Mr. Eitzen, Murray M c­ Dougall (Biola College sophomore), Janet McDougall (Biola College fresh­ man), and Don McDougall (Talbot Seminary student). STAFF President ......... _._S. H. Sutherland Editor .................. Al Sanders Production ___ __ Virginia Schwepker Printing ............. Church Press Published monthly by the Radio Dept. BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Cal. Controlled circulation postage paid at Los Angeles, California. CONTENTS


Bakersfield-Wasco KÀFY Chico-Marysvllle KHSL Fresno-Dinuba KRDU KWSO

550 1050 1290

7:30 A.M. Sun.



8:30 A.M. Sun.


8:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. 6:30 P.M. 8:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 8:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 12:30 A.M.



94.5 (FM)

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1570 1570

107.5 (FM)

KTYM 1460 Los Angeles-Long Beach KGER 1390 KGER 1390 Oxnard-Ventura-Santa Barbara KAAR 104.7 (FM)



Reddina-Red Bluff KQMS San Bernardino KFXM

1400 590 1350

8:00 A.M. MTWTF 7:30 A.M. Sun. 9:30 A.M. MTWTF


Santa Cruz KSCO San Diego KBBW


8:30 A.M. Sun.


102.9 (FM)

7:30 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 7:30 A.M. 8:30 A.M. 7:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M.

860 910


San Francisco KFAX Santa Marla KCOY

1100 1440

Sun. Sun.


93.1 (FM)



Albany-Eugene KW IL Ashland-Medford KRVC Coquille-Coos Bay KWRO KW IL

8:00 A.M. MTWTF 3:00 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MWF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A M. MTWTF 8:00 A.M. MWF 10:00 A.M. MTWTF 7:00 A.M. MTWTF 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 12:00 Noon MTWTF 12:00 Noon MTWTF 3:30 P.M. Tues. 11:00 P.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 12:30 P.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MWF 11:30 P.M. MTWTF 8:00 A.M. MTWTF

790 790


630 800

Portland KPDQ KPDQ

93.7 (FM)


Blaine-Vancouver, B.C. “ KARI 550

Seattle-Tacoma KGDN


Spokane KCFA

1330 1490

Walla Walla KTEL


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The Wisdom o f W inning Souls

by l>r. Walter L. Wilson

of the most blessed opportuni- tives given to the believer by the Lord is that of soul winning. The real secret of success, for those of you who may not be enjoying this privilege, is the approach. One of the first rules is always to be courteous. Don’t interrupt a conver­ sation, start with an accusation, or bring up some matter that isn’t even your business. Next, be alert and watchful in your discussion. See what the effect of your first words are on the individual. See if he is interested or nervous. He may

have to keep an engagement or some appointment. The third rule is to be sympathetic. Your position is not as a critic or as a superior person, but rather as a friend. In the fourth place, observe some ar­ ticle or familiar object as a ’ spring­ board” for your conversation. It might be a gold lapel cross and you can begin by saying, “Aren’t you glad that cross is empty? The person’s attention is immediately gained and you can then tell why Christ is not there. Another first thought might be used if you are talking to a man who is

isn’t eveiybody?” Make them think about the question that has a real point to it. In a similar vein you could talk of something that attracts interest. To a doctor I always talk about peculiar things in the body. For instance, why is it that canker sores in the mouth never leave a scar? It is because God has made the flesh to heal with the same kind of tissue. If the mouth was full of scars, one would lose his sense of taste. An eighth thought concerning the approach is- to remember to let the other person do some of the talking. Get them started and let them finish. This is your opportunity to learn about them. When Jesus met Nicodemus, He let him do the talking. Don’t unneces­ sarily break into his conversation. You listen to what he says, so that you will know what kind of answer to make (I Peter 3:15). As our last thought, always put yourself on the level of the person with whom you are dealing. Don’t talk down to him. You must use divine wisdom and judgment as you listen. Suppose you say to an unsaved friend, “How would you like to be absolutely holy; good enough to go to heaven if you should drop dead now?” Or you might take the position of being a learner and ask, “My friend, can you tell me how I can be saved and go to heaven?” 'When I go into an airport, I head for the information desk and inquire, “If this is the information desk, can you tell me how I can have my sins forgiven and go to heaven? I’d like to know.” You would be sur­ prised at the answers one gets. (I never yet have found anybody in such a place who knew anything about the Bible, the way to heaven, or how to get one’s sins forgiven. This is in the United States, not Africa, India or China.) As we have seen, there are many possible ways whereby we can approach loved ones as well as strangers who need the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour. The important thing is to ap­ proach someone, not just sit back and think about it. You will be blessed by God as you do. 4

bald. You might tell him, “Say, I’m glad to meet you. Perhaps you’re a prophet of God.” This will get his at­ tention and he will wonder why you said it. You can explain that the Bible tells about a bald-headed man who was a prophet, but who was scorned by the village children (II Kings 2:23). Un­ less my experience is a hundred per cent wrong, he will want to know more about the Bible and especially this in­ cident. This is why you need to read and study your Bible. As another means of approach, seek to refer to some interesting object M y times are in that mighty Hand That formed the earth, the moon and stars; That measured oceans, heavens span And for the sea set doors and bars. Why should I fear what man can do, When in that hand I rest secure? In life, or death, 'twill bear me through There I am sheltered safe and sure. M y times are in my Father's Hand, How could I wish or ask for more? For He who has my pathway planned, Will guide me till my journey's o'er. M y times are in my Saviour's Hand, Nail pierced upon the cross for me, And He will lead me to that land. Where I with Him shall ever be. — Margaret K. Fraser which is nearby. It may be an animal, a part of the landscape, or even some­ thing pertaining to the weather. The sixth suggestion on approach could be to ask a serious question. Here is an example — start by saying: Did you ever figure up how many sins are against you?” Or, “Do you suppose God would be pleased to have you come and live with Him?” It is not good just to start by saying, “Are you saved?” Most people of the world won’t even know what you are talking about. It is like asking, “Are you a Christian? It is too easy for anyone to say, “Sure, MY TIMES ARE IN HIS HANDS

"'XA7" hat a blessed privilege it is for ” * the believer to help others know the Lord and to find peace with God. In order to qualify as a soul winner, it is basic that we, ourselves, should be saved. We should know how and why we are saved. We don’t have to pin­ point the specific date. I don’t know about my first birth. They tell me I was bom in Aurora, Indiana, but I have no vivid recollection of that. It was May 27, 1881. To find out if I am alive, all people have to do is to look at me. My birth certificate isn’t re­ quired. To be ready to tell others about Christ’s saving power, you must be alive in Him. “And you hath he quick­ ened (made alive) who were dead in trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2:1). In this area you must have confidence and assurance which is what our Sav­ iour wants to give you. In the second place, we should have a desire to win others to Christ. Paul’s testimony was, “Woe is me if I preach not the gospel.” Jesus declared, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” If you don’t care anything about it, you will never have any real re­ sults. Fishing for men, finding out what to say to them, and knowing the way in which to say it is one of the greatest privileges of life. Another important point to remem­ ber is that we must have a clear, defi­ nite message so people know what we are talking about. If you are going to win men for Christ, you must have a definite, clear cut message. There can be no doubt about the meaning of what you are telling. Habbakuk rightly states, “Write the vision; make it plain 5

upon tables, that he may run that read- eth it.” Unless this is true with us, we are wasting everyone’s time. In the fourth place, we should be able to use various messages. The Bi­ ble is full of interesting truths and stories. Whatever the spiritual need, God has an important word for us. We must be well acquainted with the Bible, not with just one or two favorite verses, so that we will know where to turn for the proper guidance. Be ready with several approaches. It may be the lost sinner who needs to be found. It may be the sinner who needs to be jus­ tified. It may be the unclean sinner who needs to be cleansed. There are many wonderful aspects of the Gospel message. I have twelve which I use in my ministry of dealing with souls. For the fifth point I want to under­ score the importance of being in love with the Lord Jesus Christ and His blessed Word. The Holy Spirit does it for you, if you want Him to. He will make the Saviour precious and real to you so that you may talk about Him intelligently, heartily and happily. Sixth, use a friendly, wise approach to the prospect. Someone may start by telling you, “I have a religion that sat­ isfies me.” With a kindness in your voice and on your face ask, “Do you suppose that it satisfies God? Have you ever gone to His Word to see if what you believe suits the Lord?” Or you might suggest to a potential convert, “Supposing I have the opportunity of speaking to a condemned man. He is going to die for his crimes. What could I tell him that would be of help?” You will be surprized what little will be


suggested, and the question will give you the opportunity of stating your stand and position. This qll requires much patience and understanding. Ev­ eryone doesn’t have the same intellect or background for understanding. Don’t be afraid of using illustrations, metaphors, similes, allegories and all sorts of figures of speech. Your task is to get the person to understand the Word. Of course the Holy Spirit must do it through you. Some of those to whom you talk will say, “I was born in this church and I’m going to die in it.” Or they may say, “My religion is the only one that’s right in the world.” You can answer that by stat­ ing, “Well, suppose the Lord Jesus called you into His presence now? What would you say to Him? Suppose He sent you out to tell folks about Him, what would you tell the people?” In just a few minutes, that person is overwhelmed and overcome. As you talk with people about the Saviour, diagnose their cases and see what their trouble is. Perhaps they don’t believe the Bible is true. Pin them down, in a kind way, and ask, “What part? What Scripture don’t you think is true? What chapter or verse?” Hold them right to that. Then, there are those who really think God owes them salvation be­ cause they are so lovely and upright. After all they pay their debts. Simply ask them, “Will that make you a rela­ tive of God? Do we become children of God because we obey His laws and His rules? Suppose you lived in my home as my secretary and you never did a thing wrong. You never stole a thing. In fact you were always trying to help me in my work. That wouldn’t make you my relative, would it?” You ex­ plain to the friend, that it isn’t good works whereby we are saved, it is be­ cause of the work of the Lord Jesus Christ that we find joy, peace and eternal life. Christian friend, if you are in earnest, the Saviour will make you a fisher of men. Go to Him, love His ways, study His Word, depend upon His Holy Spirit and He will make you a great servant of God.

Dr. Walter L. Wilson (seated) confers with Radio Director A l Sanders before air time. Although he is an octogenarian, the ever friendly Dr. W^alter L. Wilson, this month’s speaker, has a unique way of answering the familiar question, “How are you?” With a twinkle in his eye he will reach into his pocket and pull out a specially printed slip of paper on which are written these words: MY ANSWER You ask me, “How are you?” and l reply at once and w ith pleasure: My appendix is in and my tonsils are out. M y epiglottis is working nicely. My sinuses are clear and my joints all fu l­ ly lubricated. My digestion is fine arid my lachrymal glands are working. My spleen is O.K. and my pancreas is in good condition. M y feet are free from corns and bunions and my heart is beating with regular rhythm. My breathing is also regular. Now if you wish further information let me know, and also let me know what you will do w ith this information. Dr. Walter L. Wilson 6



by Dr. Walter L. Wilson

S oul w in n in g has often been com­ pared to fishing. Our Lord Jesus Himself referred to it in this manner. The first thing I have found that works is to cover over the hook with some kind of bait which would appeal to the fish. When Jesus met the woman at the well, He didn’t start talking to her about her soul. He said, “Will you give me to drink?” She knew what He was talking about. He used the thing that was right at hand. Then, after more conversation, He told her that He wanted to give her the living water of the Holy Spirit. The Bible tells us that she received it and became a liv­ ing woman missionary. She went into the city and said, “I’ve found a man who has told me all things that ever I was. Is not this the Christ?” One time I was trying to win a far­ mer for the Saviour. As we watched the various mother hens and their baby chicks I asked him, “How can you tell which are which; who belongs to who?” He had some commeal which he put in front of one Plymouth Rock hen. She hurriedly called her babies and they came flying. Then he laid some down in front of a White Leghorn and she called hers, and my but they ran. He did this until all the families were together. I used that to show the man how, in a coming day, Christ will de­ scend and call all His children to Him. This was the basis of opening up an entire little Gospel message which was the means of seeing him saved. There is always something you can use to

make contact with others who need the Lord. One day Dr. Harry A. Ironside was riding along a road out in Wyoming. He saw a sheep run across the road, which seemed to have six legs. He asked the farmer how such a thing could be. The farmer explained, “You see, I had a sheep whose baby died and at the same time another one whose mother died. I told myself I had a perfect answer: a mother with no baby, and a baby with no mother. But when I put them together the mother wouldn’t have the baby. It didn’t smell like her own and she kicked it away. No matter how many times I brought it back, the mother rejected it. So I took the dead lamb’s skin and fastened it on the other lamb. When the mother smelled it, she accepted it as her baby and the two were happily brought to­ gether.” Dr. Ironside had a beautiful opportunity to point out to the farmer that God does that for us. We have no right to come to Him. So He takes the Lord Jesus to cover us with His own robes of righteousness. In this wav we put on Christ; we hide ourselves in Him. I led a scientist to Christ one time by pointing out some interesting things about the limb of a tree. A single limb may weigh two tons. It is covered with branches and yet it doesn’t fall down. It has the life of the tree in it. It goes in about half way to the heart of the trunk supporting it. God makes a mir­ acle of it for nobody knows how it is

possible. In the same manner I pointed out to the scientist something- that no one can explain. How God can take sin-broken sinners and make them whole again is beyond human compre­ hension. Often by asking a auestion which will make a person think about his soul, his heart and his life, is a means of opening the conversation on eternal THE FELLOW CALLED I It is my endeavor, to be patient and kind. When I see imperfection in a brother of mine, For I see in myself much room to improve; As I search my own heart, and watch every move. I want to forbear, forbearance I need, And don't judge me harshly, your mercy I plead, Expect not from others that thing you can't do; And do unto others, as if unto you. If you can't conform to the Bible my brother, It's useless to try, to conform then another, We can't always tell, when we look and we sigh, For it is not always YOU but often it's I. The moral of this story I'm sure you can see, Before you judge others, take a good look at ME. It will save you much trouble, on your way to the sky; If often you judged the fellow called I. matters. It is such a wonderful thing to deal with souls. Know the person to whom you are talking. If it is a re­ ligious person use one kind of a lang­ uage. If he is very irreligious and doesn’t go to church at all, use a dif­ ferent kind of language. Pray that the Lord will give you his perfect wisdom for the purpose which He always bless­ es, for remember, “He that winneth souls is wise!”

THE TWO DEFINITIONS Wrong is wrong, even if everybody does it. And in God’s sight, right is right even if nobody does it. Man may call sin an accident, but God calls it an abomination. Man calls sin a blun­ der, God calls it a choice. Man calls sin a defect, God calls it a disease. Man calls sin an error, God calls it enmity. Man calls sin fascination, God calls it fatality. Man calls sin an infirm ity, God calls it iniquity. Man calls sin a luxury, God calls it leprosy. Man calls sin liberty, God calls it lawlessness. Man calls sin a trifle, God calls it a tragedy. Man calls sin a mistake, God calls it madness. Man calls sin weak­ ness, God calls it wilfullness. “ There­ fore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ; by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” * Too many people want only to be made well; rather than to have the Great Phy­ sician make them whole. ACTIVE FOR THE LORD A ll too many believers, while they know they have the Saviour, don’t fu l­ ly and intimately know the Saviour whom they have. One such person de­ clared that he wanted the Lord to be his “constitutional king.” In other words, while he would pay Him hom­ age, yet this individual was reserving the right to be the prime minister of his own life and affairs. A pastor was once asked how many members he had in his church. He responded by say­ ing, “I have a thousand.” W ith such a large number he was asked if they were all active. Smiling he replied af­ firmatively, “Why, of course! One hun­ dred are active for the Lord and the other 900 are active for the devil!” In which camp do we find ourselves? On the side of the Saviour, willing to do His bidding, or are we merely passive­ ly interested in the things of Christ?” “Choose you this day whom ye w ill serve!” 8 * *

T here is a wonuenui Scriptural il­ lustration of the romance of soul winning in an incident about Elijah and Elisha. Elijah had been called to live in a widow’s home. It was there that a little boy died. The mother sent for Elijah, who told his servant to go on ahead with his staff. But this didn’t do any good. When Elijah arrived he stretched himself upon the child (I Kings 17:21). I believe the Lord is telling us that we need to have that same desire in soul winning. When you deal with a person about the Saviour do the same thing. Fit yourself to the person with whom you are dealing. If it is a police­ man, talk to him about things in which he is interested. If it is a railroad engi­ neer, use appropriate language and that which fits the occasion. And so it goes with people in all walks of life. The first two letters of the word Gos­ pel are “Go!” Don’t expect people to come to the church. They have no interest in such a place. God desires for us to take the Gospel to them in their homes or into their places of business. We invite them to come to church to hear the Gospel, but God’s plan is real­ ly for you to take the Gospel to them. You don’t ask a fish to climb into the

kitchen pan, do you? You must go where the fish are. Soul winning does not follow the path of pity, but the passion of obedi­ ence. The Lord said, “You go.” Every kind of person whom you meet needs what you have. It goes without saying, however, that we must use wisdom in talking with them. There must be an absolute unselfishness in the work of the Lord. It isn’t “me first.” Remember the man who sought to excuse himself by saying, “Lord, I’ll follow you, but suffer me first to go home and bury my father.” Like so many of us he put his own desires and will first. You will not be a good soul-winner if you do the same. Natural abilities aren’t the important things in soul winning. The Lord took Billy Bray, a crude coal miner, just as ignorant as he could be, and made him a great evangelist, who shook all Eng­ land for Christ. He is the man who said, “If you put me in a beer barrel, I’ll holler ‘hallelujah’ through the bung hole.” He simply took the precious lov­ ing Lord’s Gospel to each one and he fitted himself spiritually with their con­ dition and position. Loyalty to Christ costs everything. If you are going to be His servant you


Pictured above are members of the Biola administration staff and featured speakers frpm this year's annual Torrey Memorial Bible Conference. From left to right are Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Biola president, Major lan Thomas, Rev. Thomas E. Steele, conference director, Dr. Arnold T. Olson, Dr. James H. Christian, Biola College dean, Dr. Walter L. Wilson, Dr. Cornelius Van Til, Dr. Lehman Strauss, Dr. Ralph Stoll. Rev. Donald MacFarland, and Mr. Richard Bennett.

MISTAKES OF LIFE Have you ever noticed how readily people seek to excuse themselves for the faults in their lives which are so apparent? Here is a compilation of seven mistakes from daily life, not necessarily given in the order of their importance. First, one of the primary mistakes of life is to fail to save your money. Second, to fail to improve your mind with good reading. Third, to try to make others believe exactly as you do. Fourth, to believe a thing is impos­ sible just because you can’t do it. Fifth, to worry about something that cannot be changed or a circumstance that is very likely never to occur. Sixth, to believe that one can climb the ladder of success by stepping on someone else. And seventh, the greatest of all and yet a mistake that is occurring in the lives of many, and that is the realization that while there, must be life after death, no preparation has been made for eter­ nity. “Behold now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of salvation.” 10

don’t count the cost. You don’t say, “Alright, what’s in it for me?” Don’t tell the Lord that you haven’t had sufficient education. If you saw a man in a burning building, you wouldn’t say, “I don’t have enough education to tell him to get out.” How foolish we are sometimes in trying to find excuses for not wanting to do what the Lord desires of us. Don’t misunderstand, however, it is good to get all the educa­ tion you can in various fields, and especially the Word of God. Get to know your Bible and the Sav­ iour. Take the position of being a very kind and gracious benefactor to the one with whom you are dealing. Take the place of the person who is listening to you. Try to see how they feel and how thy react to information you give them. You must use God-given common sense to know how to apply the message in each individual case. Don’t let Satan keep you from the joyous reward of leading precious souls to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

G od tells us that the most basic reason He wants us to be soul winners is because lost men and women and boys and girls are dead without a Saviour. I was riding along in an under­ taker’s hearse and felt lead to say to Him, “I wonder if you’re dead to God like this friend in the back here?” He answered quickly, “What do you mean?” “Well,” I said, “this friend doesn’t care anything about his fam­ ily. They love him but he doesn’t re­ spond. They call him but he doesn’t answer. They command him but he won’t obey. They love him but he doesn’t respond. He’s dead to them. Maybe that’s the way between you and God. God calls you but you don’t reply.” When I was finished, the fun­ eral director said, “Sir, you’re abso­ lutely right, I’m glad you said this to me. I’ve buried quite a few people lately and it frightens me. I sat up until two o’clock this morning reading my Bible, trying to find out how to be a Christian. But I didn’t find out.” What a precious opportunity to lead him to the Lord. But not only is the unsaved man dead, he is also blind. He doesn’t read the Bible, for it doesn’t mean anything to him. He reads the Psalms and they bore him. He looks at Matthew and it tires hmj. He doesn’t know what he is readingxHe doesn’t see the things of God. He could read the 53rd chapter of Isaiah and never see the Lord Jesus Christ or anyone else in it. That is why Jesus said, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” This is why we are to take the Gospel to others so that they may

see Christ, the meaning of Scriptures, and become an intelligent person. The third reason for witnessing to the unsaved man is because he is wicked. Suppose you commit one sin a day. That would make 365 sins a year. In ten years you would have committed 3,650 sins. But suppose it is ten sins a day? Sins of omission and of commission; sins of ignorance and presumption; sins you cause other peo­ ple to commit. Who would want to look at this terrible record? That is why God sent the Lord Jesus Christ to cleanse men from all sin. When a man trusts the Saviour, God giyes him a new life by the Holy Spirit. In addition, the sinner is unclean. No man can enter into God’s presence unclean. Sin defiles the soul, heart, mind and body. The only way one can go to heaven is 1 y being cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ His son. A doctor, going into the operating room, must be surgically clean. He must put on a sterilized suit, gloves and facial bandage to cover his face and head. Sin must be taken away before a man can enter heaven. We need to remember also that a sinner is the enemy of God. If you want to prove it just mention to an unregenerate man something God says about the way he is living and you will find bitter resentment and hatred. It has always been true as in the days of Christ when the crowd shouted, “We will not have this man to reign over us.” Jesus Christ takes the enemy char­ acter and makes him a friend. The sinner can sing, “Hallelujah, ’tis done. I believe on the Son!” No human being apart from the Holy 11

GATHERING OR STINGING Some of God’s most interesting crea­ tures are the familiar and ordinarily industrious honey bees. Many years ago, a number of hives were brought from a cold climate to the tropical island of Barbados. According to their new owners, they were not surprised to see them go to work immediately gathering honey for the winter which their instincts taught them to expect. In the Barbados, however, the winter didn’t come. W ith no difference in seasons, the bees eventually grew lazy. They stopped gathering honey and citi­ zens complained that they seemed to spend their time flying around stinging people. Trouble is usually produced by those who arerit producing anything else. Concerning the second coming of Christ, some may erroneously say, “Where is the promise of the Lord’s return? He said He would be back and yet He hasn’t come. Maybe He won’t.” God’s Word has told us to watch and pray. This is not an armchair religion.” A Christianity which is vibrant and vital is one which expresses itself in real service to God. Have we slack­ ened in our search for the sweet honey of His Word? Are we busy for our­ selves or busy for Him? This month’s “Biola Hour” ‘station salute goes to KGER which carries the programs twice daily. Picture below is Mr. E. William George, manager.

Spirit can understand spiritual things. That is the reason we have more than two hundred different religions in the United States. To understand eternal things, we must have eternal life. There must be a new life imparted and implanted in our souls. An unsaved man doesn’t know where he is going. That is why we refer to him as being “lost.” The Saviour right­ ly declared, “I am the way, the truth YOU TELL ON YOURSELF You tell what you are by the friends that you seek, By the very manner in which you speak. By the way you employ your leisure time, By the use you make of dollar and dime. You tell what you are by the clothes that you wear, By the spirit in which you, your bur­ dens bear, By the kind of things at which you laugh, By the records you play on your phonograph. You tell what you are by the way you walk, By the things about which you delight to talk. By the manner in which you bear defeat. By so simple a thing as how you eat. By the books that you choose from the well-filled shelf, In these ways and more, you tell on yourself. So there's really no particle of sense In an effort to keep up false pretense. and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” He is a wonderful Redeemer, Saviour, and Lord. He came to seek and to save that which was lost. These are the conditions of the man who has never placed his faith and trust in Christ who alone can cleanse him and make him fit for hea­ ven, giving him the nature and knowl­ edge of God which can be obtained from no other person.




by Dr. Walter L. Wilson

1 1| ' he key to ale soul w in n in g is the -I! blessed Holy Spirit. He is the One who is the Lord of the harvest and the One to whom the Saviour said we should pray in regard to the salva­ tion of the lost. There are many rea­ sons why He is so essential. The Sav­ iour didn’t go out into His public ministry until the day when the Holy Spirit descended upon Him as a dove. The Lord Jesus told His disciples to tariy in Jerusalem until the power came upon them, meaning the Holy Spirit’s baptism. This was at the time of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit has complete charge of the harvest fields. When the Holy Spirit entered into Paul and made him a soul winner we find how the great Apostle’s life was guided in both his “starts” and “stops.” He and the Holy Spirit were intimate friends. The same thing was true of Philip. The Holy Spirit tells you and me where and when to go. He directs us to the sinner. He told Peter to go down to the house of Cornelius, and Peter went. He told Phillip to go down to Gaza where he lead the eunuch to Christ. The Holy Spirit sees the troubled soul needing the message of redemp­ tion. He teaches us what to say after we get to the place of His appointment. It is not only important what to say to a person. It is also important to know what not to say. One day I said to a man, “Are you bad enough to go to hell?” He said, “No, indeed I’m not!” He was attending one of my meet­ ings and I shocked him by saying, “Ex­ cuse me then, I’ll go and find some­ body who is.” He came back to the afternoon meeting with tears in his eyes. He said, “Dr. Wilson, I didn’t want you to know how wicked I really am. I’m so bad I’m going straight to hell. I do want to be saved.” So I led him to Christ, right then. In addition, the Holy Spirit con­ victs the unbeliever of sin in his heart.

You and I can’t do it. Sob stories won’t accomplish it. Fire or earthquake will not do it. The Spirit of God is the only one who can convict a man of his sin and of how his old nature is opposed to the Lord. I had that same experi­ ence myself. I was reared in the church. My father was a preacher but I was a black sheep for I couldn’t believe that God loved me at all. I knew I didn’t deserve it. Oh, I knew I deserved His wrath. But the Holy Spirit told me He loved me. So, one night I trusted the Saviour. That was back on De­ cember 20, 1896. He gave me a new life and saved my soul just because I believed when He came to convict me of my sin. How foolish men are to try to do things for themselves. We want to be successful in every area of life, but are miserable failures because we miss receiving God’s free gift, eter­ nal life. The Holy Spirit wants our bodies to be His dwelling places. Did you ever give your body to the Holy Spirit? Romans 12:1-2 tells you to do it. In .this way our lips are His and He can speak His messages through us. The same with the hands, the feet, and every other part of us. The Holy Spirit is the One who brings the Word of God to our minds. You may have a good memory but there are a lot of things you can’t recall in life. The Spirit en­ ables us to “be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” He will re­ veal Christ and the things to come.. The Holy Spirit will meet your needs spiritually and physically. He will show you to whom you should go. Men will thank you for ever that you told them about our lovely Lord Jesus Christ. So, if you want to be a soul winner, go to Him, get acquainted with your Bible and then turn your life and body over to Him. He will make you what you ought to be.

not with Him now in heaven? Did Moses write the first five books of the Bible? If so how can we be sure?” A. At the catching away of believers at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ for His church (John 14:1-3; I Corinthians 15:50 to 58; I Thessalonians 4:13 to 18) the bodies of believers will be brought out of the grave and reunited with their souls. Believers who died before Christ came are now, as to their spirits, in the presence of the Lord. Most emphatically Moses did write the first five books of the Bible. Our Lord Jesus Christ, Himself, frequently in the Gospels referred to events, in­ cidents and personalities in these books declaring, “Moses said,” “it is written in the law of Moses,” and “Moses wrote.” We need no better authority than the infinitely omniscient blessed Son of God. Q , Los Angeles, California — “Can mod­ ernists have a genuine Christian ex­ perience?” A. There are many shades of modern­ ism. The ultimate in Bible believing Christians includes those who believe the Word of God from cover to cover and who accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, depending entirely upon His meritorious work for salvation. Modernists are those who deny the fundamentals of the faith. They deny the infallibility of the Bible, the virgin birth, the atoning work of Christ on 14

Q . Costa Mesa, California — “In Hebrews 11:39 we read, ‘And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise’ Could you explain this?” A. This refers to that faithful cloud of witnesses who in their lifetime testi­ fied to the marvelous sustaining power of faith in God. They received God’s approval through their faith. They were all looking on to the ultimate final realization of their hopes in a coming day. They could not enter into them until we in this age received our portion as well so that we might re­ joice together. This is in the economy and wisdom of our sovereign God. Old Testament saints did not receive the full realization of the promise. The hour in God’s program for the Messiah had not yet come. In the meantime faith is the sustaining portion. Q . Coeur d'Alene, Idaho — “What will happen to the Bibles when this earth passes away?” A. On the cornerstone of our buildings at Sixth and Hope Streets in Los An­ geles are these words, “Forever, O Lord, Thy Word is settled in heaven.” This is the important place for God’s testi­ monies. This earth may pass away, but not so with the truths of our Lord. Q . Edwardsville, Kansa» — “A t the rap­ ture are our bodies brought out of the grave and then reunited with our souls? Are those who died before Christ came

Calvary’s cross, and the bodily resur­ rection. It is possible for a Modernist to become saved. This would happen only as salvation comes to any person through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Some individuals at one time were warm in their spiritual experience and testimony but somehow the cares and activities of the world came in and they became cold and indifferent. There is a vast difference between one who pro­ fesses salvation and one who possesses salvation. We need to pray for the modernists and liberals as we would for any who know not the Lord Jesus Christ. Q . Fresno, California — “Why is the re­ lationship between Christ and the Church likened to the husband and wife relationship rather than to moth­ er and childP” A. This is discussed for us in the fifth chapter of Ephesians. In verse 25 we read, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.” In verse 31 we read, “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife.” As Paul was writing this epistle, under the inspira­ tion of the Spirit of God, he wanted to give the closest, most intimate and sacred relationship which can exist on earth. It is not between a parent and a child, as near and dear as that re­ lationship maiy be. There is ohe which transcends this. The union of a hus­ band and a wife goes far beyond all others. So the Lord Jesus Christ’s love for his church is likened to this God- blessed fellowship. If this wonderful Biblical principle were followed more carefully and faithfully, Christian homes would be much more secure and would know more of the blessings of God upon them. Q. Bremerton, Washington — ‘i n Genesis 6:1 and 2 we read, ‘And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were bom unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives


SUNDAY, MAY 31 3:30 P.M. ☆ ☆ Dr. Jack MacArthur, Speaker ☆ ☆ BIOLA CAMPUS

13800 Biola Avenue La Mirada, California of all which they chose.’ Who were these people?” A. Some believe the phrase “sons of God” refers to fallen angels who may have been given human bodies. Co­ habiting with the daughters of men, their offspring were supposedly giants who dwelt in the land (Genesis 6:4). We do not believe that this is a Scrip­ tural interpretation. The phrase “sons of God” simply refers to men of a godly line, perhaps descendants of Seth. The “daughters of men” were no doubt those who belonged to a godless seg­ ment. The mixture of belief and un­ belief almost inevitably produces un­ godliness. Mix clear and muddy water and you will have muddy water. We rightly are told to be separated and to keep free from the things of this world. Q . Manhattan Beach, California — “Please explain Proverbs 31:6 and 7 which reads, 'Give strong drink, unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. l e t him drink, and forget his poverty, and re- 15

member his misery no more.’ A. It is always well to read the verses in which arfy po.rtion of Scripture is found. In verses 4 and 5 of this same chapter we find, “It is not for kings, 0 Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine; nor for princes strong drink: Lest they drink, and forget the law, and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted.” Anyone in authority should not allow his mind to be befuddled with strong drink. The writer is saying that the only thing drink is good for is for someone ready to die. It is far from being a positive command or rec­ ommendation. The last thing in the world one should do to maintain good health is to use such beverages. Q. San Francisco, California — “Does God have the power to prevent his churches from burning? It does seem strange that He would permit their destruction if they have been dedicated to Him.” A. God is all powerful! He can prevent His churches from burning as well as anything else He may desire. God’s ways are perfect and always best. His will is for our highest good and for His divine glory. Many times, with our finite knowledge, we cannot explain why God allows certain experiences to come to pass. For instance, we see peo­ ple •thoroughly dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ who go through suffering and persecution. Job rightly said, “Though he slay me yet will I trust him.” That is the position of the vic­ torious Christian. Then again there may be times when people get to wor­ shipping a church building rather than the Lord of the church. In addition, without being facitious, it might be also true that such is the only way the Lord can get a little “fire” into some of the churches. Q . San Francisco, California — “Proverbs 22:6 tells us that if we train up a child in the way he should go, he w ill not depart from it. But didn’t Eli train up his sons in the way of the Lord? And what about all of the other Gospel ministers of our day whose children

seem to go wrong?” A. This is a very heart searching ques­ tion. In the case of Eli, although he was a godly man, he was quite remiss in the rearing of his children. The Scriptures indicate that he didn’t re­ strain them and was far too lenient when he should have been more of a disciplinarian. This was evidently Samuel’s great shortcoming, too. The people of Israel did not want his sons to succeed him. That is the reason they asked for a king. David had been len­ ient with his sons as well. As to the Gospel ministers of our day whose chil­ dren go wrong, let it be said that this is not generally the case. Proverbs 22:6 is eminently true. There are tremen­ dous consequences if we “fall down” in our job. Paul tells of his concern that busy Christian parents don’t merely preach to others to the neglect of their first responsibility which is their fam­ ilies. Q . Pacoima, California — “Why should we fast?” A. We should not fast in order to gain merit in the sight of the Lord. We should not fast in order to follow cer­ tain religious rituals. Fasting was com­ manded in the Old Testament for cer­ tain definite reasons and over certain periods of time. It was under the dis­ pensation of the law and does not per­ tain in this particular age of grace. As we look in the mirror we may see a physical need for periods of fasting. Furthermore, it is profitable to give ourselves to prayer and fasting. It can be a wonderful spiritual blessing in our hearts and lives. Q . Jacksonville, Oregon — “What did the apostle Paul mean when he asked the believers if they had received the Holy Ghost since they believed?” A. In Acts 19:1 we read, “And it came to pass, that, while Apollos was at Cor­ inth, Paul having passed through the upper coasts came to Ephesus: and finding certain disciples . . .” The first mistake is to think that the word “dis­ ciples” means believers as we know 16

them today. This does not necessarily follow. It does not mean that they were saved. Certain disciples learned of the way with a head knowledge, how­ ever, they turned back. Then in verse two comes the question, “Have ye re­ ceived the Holy Ghost since ye be­ lieved?” They had indicated that they were followers in some aspects else they would not have had the name “disciples.” They said they had been baptized into John’s baptism. This was a transitory era and is certainly not true with the day in which we are living. No one is living that close to Pentecost. These people were unaware of the new state of the Christian faith and church. This is why Paul asked them the question. They did not even know the Holy Spirit was due to come. They had not known anything about the happenings at Pentecost. John bap­ tised in view of the One, Jesus Christ, who was to come afterwards. They hadn’t gone on to the completion for which John’s baptism was instituted. Having received the amount of light already given, they were ready to re­ ceive the further revelation the apostle Paul gave them. Q . Eugene, Oregon — “Are there fourth and fifth dimensions as well as first, second, and third?” A. We do not know of any. It has been well said that a man may not be able to control the heighth of his stature but at least he can control the width and depth of his character. These are two important dimensions of life. Q . Tulare, California — “A speaker in our church said lice brought upon Egypt were not lice at all, but actually were mosquitos. Do you believe this?” A. No, we do not. If they were mos­ quitos the Lord would have said so. Speakers who try to be very profound and to improve upon the Word of God ofttimes ask us to believe a bigger miracle than the one they are trying to disprove or to belittle. Q . Forest Grove, Oregon — “What does it mean about the immortality of the


Hospitality Day brought more than 5 00 high school students to the campus to see Biola “first hand."

soul? This always puzzles me.” A. The Bible does not refer to the immortality of the soul. It speaks of the immortality of the body. The rea­ son is that the soul never dies. (There is a certain sense in which a soul is said to be spiritually dead.) The soul of an unbeliever will go on throughout all eternity in conscious woe. The soul of a believer will go on in eternity in conscious bliss, and eternal life. The part of man which never dies is the soul. I Timothy 1:17, “Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.” If Jesus Christ did not have a mortal body, He could not have been put to death. It is the sep­ aration of the immaterial part of man from the material part of him. Read I Corinthians 15:53 for additional proof. In this entire 15th chapter, Paul is answering questions not on the resur­ rection of the soul, but on whether there is a possibility, contrary to the Greek philosophy denying it, that there is the resurrection of the body.


O fficials of Biola College, one of the five schools of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles, Inc., have an­ nounced the establishment of a pro­ gram of nursing. The graduate who satisfactorily meets all of the pre­ scribed requirements will receive a license as a registered nurse (R.N.) and a Bachelor of Science degree. Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, presi­ dent of the 56-year-old Christian training organization, reports that in addition to Biola College, the Los Angeles County General Hospital School of Nursing will be co-ordinat­ ing their program to make this unique nursing program possible. Miss Le- onie V. Soubirou, dean of Biola School of Missionary Medicine and chairman of the department of nursing in Biola College, will be co-ordinator for the entire program. This program will require the completion of specific courses outlined in catalogs of Biola College and the Los Angeles County General Hospital School of Nursing. Students who are enrolled will take a major in biological science and nursing. During the first and fifth years, students will be on the college campus for their classes. During the second, third and fourth years, the students will be in residence in the School of Nursing in the hospital. This program is unique because Bible in­ struction, Christian service opportun­ ities, and Biola College standards and privileges are required concurrently throughout the student’s enrollment in the school of nursing. Following successful completion of her training in the School of Nursing, the student receives a diploma in nursing from the Los Angeles County General Hospital. Thus she is quali­ fied to write the State Board exam­ ination for licensure as a registered nurse of the state of California. Upon

completion of the fifth year the stu­ dent will be granted a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in bio­ logical science and nursing from Bio­ la College. Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland states,

Pictured above from left to right are Dr. James H. Christian, dean of Biola College, Miss Leonie V. Soubirou, director of the Nursing Department, and Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Biola president. “Because we are convinced that there is a need for more qualified Christian nurses, this program has been devel­ oped. It means that the student will have ample opportunity for a thor­ ough Christian education while at the same time receiving an academic preparation in biological science and a professional training in nursing. The program is designed to prepare the registered nurse for Christian service both at home and abroad.” Requisites for admission will con­ sist of the entrance requirements for Biola College. Candidates will be ac­ cepted on the basis of satisfactory completion of course requirements, personal references (as required by 18

the department of nursing of the col­ lege), counseling interviews with the members of the faculty of the School of Nursing, physical examinations conducted at the Student Health Ser­ vice of the School of Nursing, and demonstrated aptitudes as measured by a series of tests required by the School of Nursing. The first class will be enrolled at the opening of school, September 8, 1964. Inquiries should be addressed to the Registrar, Biola College, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California. TWO WILLING PARTIES A very fashionable wedding was scheduled for a Saturday afternoon in a large San Francisco church. Every­ thing seemed to proceed normally until the bride was asked the traditional question, “Do you take this man to be your lawful, wedded husband?” There was an enbarrassingly long pause, after which she replied, “Well, I don’t know. I just can’t make up my mind.” Start­ led, the pastor wisely stepped in front of the couple and announced to the audience, “Ladies and gentlemen, there w ill be no wedding today.” Des­ pite the hundreds of dollars worth of food for the reception, the entire cere­ mony was cancelled. In order for any marriage to be finalized there must be a legal acceptance on the part of both parties through the words “l w ill” or “1 do.” This is also true spiritually. God asks, “W ill you have my Son to be your Saviour?” The answer must be definite. For as many as received Him to them gives He the power to become the sons of God. Have you taken this step of faith, and made this greatest of all decisions? Incidentally, w ithin a week the bride returned to the preacher explaining, “/ was just nervous. Now my mind is really made up. I do want this man to be my law fully wedded husband.” The marriage did take place. h Many of us know we have a Saviour but all too few of us really know the Saviour that we have. ■k h

Baptize your heart in fellowship with Christ before you attempt to wade into the stream of daily life. * * * It is amazing what God can do with a broken heart if we are sure to give Him all of the pieces. * * * WHICH ARE YOU? Bees and butterflys both exist on nectar from flowers, darting here and there. Entomologists tell us that butter­ flies, unlike bees, only satisfy them­ selves with superficial sweetness, never delving too far into the flower. The honey bee, however, goes right to the core. In fact, if the flower is closed the bee w ill even exert itself to explore the innermost recesses, seeking out more for its larder. The butterfly w ill generally die in October while the bee is safe in its hive along with the fra­ grant nectar it has diligently acquired. Too many so called Christians are like the butterfly, flitting from this portion of God’s Word to another, never gain­ ing any real spiritual depth or under­ standing. We need to devour the Word. The Psalmist exhorted, “O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.” * * * Worry comes through human interference with the divine plan. * * * READ THE BIBLE THROUGH God sent me a letter years ago, I hoped it was true. I read snatches here and there but never read it through. The letter was so long it made a black bound book; I was busy with other things and just had time to look. I drifted on, then sorrow came. I didn't know what to do. So I opened the letter that God sent and I started reading it through. Now I'm walking the way of the Cross, the Letter from God is my Guide, I'll keep it and read it as long as I live for I've found Christ inside. * * * Don't major on the minor things of life. 19

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