G od tells us that the most basic reason He wants us to be soul winners is because lost men and women and boys and girls are dead without a Saviour. I was riding along in an under taker’s hearse and felt lead to say to Him, “I wonder if you’re dead to God like this friend in the back here?” He answered quickly, “What do you mean?” “Well,” I said, “this friend doesn’t care anything about his fam ily. They love him but he doesn’t re spond. They call him but he doesn’t answer. They command him but he won’t obey. They love him but he doesn’t respond. He’s dead to them. Maybe that’s the way between you and God. God calls you but you don’t reply.” When I was finished, the fun eral director said, “Sir, you’re abso lutely right, I’m glad you said this to me. I’ve buried quite a few people lately and it frightens me. I sat up until two o’clock this morning reading my Bible, trying to find out how to be a Christian. But I didn’t find out.” What a precious opportunity to lead him to the Lord. But not only is the unsaved man dead, he is also blind. He doesn’t read the Bible, for it doesn’t mean anything to him. He reads the Psalms and they bore him. He looks at Matthew and it tires hmj. He doesn’t know what he is readingxHe doesn’t see the things of God. He could read the 53rd chapter of Isaiah and never see the Lord Jesus Christ or anyone else in it. That is why Jesus said, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” This is why we are to take the Gospel to others so that they may
see Christ, the meaning of Scriptures, and become an intelligent person. The third reason for witnessing to the unsaved man is because he is wicked. Suppose you commit one sin a day. That would make 365 sins a year. In ten years you would have committed 3,650 sins. But suppose it is ten sins a day? Sins of omission and of commission; sins of ignorance and presumption; sins you cause other peo ple to commit. Who would want to look at this terrible record? That is why God sent the Lord Jesus Christ to cleanse men from all sin. When a man trusts the Saviour, God giyes him a new life by the Holy Spirit. In addition, the sinner is unclean. No man can enter into God’s presence unclean. Sin defiles the soul, heart, mind and body. The only way one can go to heaven is 1 y being cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ His son. A doctor, going into the operating room, must be surgically clean. He must put on a sterilized suit, gloves and facial bandage to cover his face and head. Sin must be taken away before a man can enter heaven. We need to remember also that a sinner is the enemy of God. If you want to prove it just mention to an unregenerate man something God says about the way he is living and you will find bitter resentment and hatred. It has always been true as in the days of Christ when the crowd shouted, “We will not have this man to reign over us.” Jesus Christ takes the enemy char acter and makes him a friend. The sinner can sing, “Hallelujah, ’tis done. I believe on the Son!” No human being apart from the Holy 11
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