Biola Broadcaster - 1964-04

GATHERING OR STINGING Some of God’s most interesting crea­ tures are the familiar and ordinarily industrious honey bees. Many years ago, a number of hives were brought from a cold climate to the tropical island of Barbados. According to their new owners, they were not surprised to see them go to work immediately gathering honey for the winter which their instincts taught them to expect. In the Barbados, however, the winter didn’t come. W ith no difference in seasons, the bees eventually grew lazy. They stopped gathering honey and citi­ zens complained that they seemed to spend their time flying around stinging people. Trouble is usually produced by those who arerit producing anything else. Concerning the second coming of Christ, some may erroneously say, “Where is the promise of the Lord’s return? He said He would be back and yet He hasn’t come. Maybe He won’t.” God’s Word has told us to watch and pray. This is not an armchair religion.” A Christianity which is vibrant and vital is one which expresses itself in real service to God. Have we slack­ ened in our search for the sweet honey of His Word? Are we busy for our­ selves or busy for Him? This month’s “Biola Hour” ‘station salute goes to KGER which carries the programs twice daily. Picture below is Mr. E. William George, manager.

Spirit can understand spiritual things. That is the reason we have more than two hundred different religions in the United States. To understand eternal things, we must have eternal life. There must be a new life imparted and implanted in our souls. An unsaved man doesn’t know where he is going. That is why we refer to him as being “lost.” The Saviour right­ ly declared, “I am the way, the truth YOU TELL ON YOURSELF You tell what you are by the friends that you seek, By the very manner in which you speak. By the way you employ your leisure time, By the use you make of dollar and dime. You tell what you are by the clothes that you wear, By the spirit in which you, your bur­ dens bear, By the kind of things at which you laugh, By the records you play on your phonograph. You tell what you are by the way you walk, By the things about which you delight to talk. By the manner in which you bear defeat. By so simple a thing as how you eat. By the books that you choose from the well-filled shelf, In these ways and more, you tell on yourself. So there's really no particle of sense In an effort to keep up false pretense. and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” He is a wonderful Redeemer, Saviour, and Lord. He came to seek and to save that which was lost. These are the conditions of the man who has never placed his faith and trust in Christ who alone can cleanse him and make him fit for hea­ ven, giving him the nature and knowl­ edge of God which can be obtained from no other person.


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