them today. This does not necessarily follow. It does not mean that they were saved. Certain disciples learned of the way with a head knowledge, how ever, they turned back. Then in verse two comes the question, “Have ye re ceived the Holy Ghost since ye be lieved?” They had indicated that they were followers in some aspects else they would not have had the name “disciples.” They said they had been baptized into John’s baptism. This was a transitory era and is certainly not true with the day in which we are living. No one is living that close to Pentecost. These people were unaware of the new state of the Christian faith and church. This is why Paul asked them the question. They did not even know the Holy Spirit was due to come. They had not known anything about the happenings at Pentecost. John bap tised in view of the One, Jesus Christ, who was to come afterwards. They hadn’t gone on to the completion for which John’s baptism was instituted. Having received the amount of light already given, they were ready to re ceive the further revelation the apostle Paul gave them. Q . Eugene, Oregon — “Are there fourth and fifth dimensions as well as first, second, and third?” A. We do not know of any. It has been well said that a man may not be able to control the heighth of his stature but at least he can control the width and depth of his character. These are two important dimensions of life. Q . Tulare, California — “A speaker in our church said lice brought upon Egypt were not lice at all, but actually were mosquitos. Do you believe this?” A. No, we do not. If they were mos quitos the Lord would have said so. Speakers who try to be very profound and to improve upon the Word of God ofttimes ask us to believe a bigger miracle than the one they are trying to disprove or to belittle. Q . Forest Grove, Oregon — “What does it mean about the immortality of the
Hospitality Day brought more than 5 00 high school students to the campus to see Biola “first hand."
soul? This always puzzles me.” A. The Bible does not refer to the immortality of the soul. It speaks of the immortality of the body. The rea son is that the soul never dies. (There is a certain sense in which a soul is said to be spiritually dead.) The soul of an unbeliever will go on throughout all eternity in conscious woe. The soul of a believer will go on in eternity in conscious bliss, and eternal life. The part of man which never dies is the soul. I Timothy 1:17, “Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.” If Jesus Christ did not have a mortal body, He could not have been put to death. It is the sep aration of the immaterial part of man from the material part of him. Read I Corinthians 15:53 for additional proof. In this entire 15th chapter, Paul is answering questions not on the resur rection of the soul, but on whether there is a possibility, contrary to the Greek philosophy denying it, that there is the resurrection of the body.
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