The fool hath said in his heart. There is no God." But what will he say when he meets God? * * * PRESCRIPTION FOR REST The president of a large corporation was afflicted with the first stages of a nervous breakdown. He had a beauti fu l suburban home replete with every imaginable comfort and luxury. His mind, however, seemed to be in per petual motion. So, visiting a psychia trist he was told, “You must leave the city and go live in the country.” The wealthy executive replied, “But, doc tor, I do live in the country! There are miles and miles of woods, hills and fresh air all about me.” The doctor stroked his chin and then responded, “Well then you must have ease and comfort.” But again the businessman shook his head. “You don’t understand, doctor, I’m surrounded with all of those things in my home. I have servants. I need nothing.” The counsellor persist ed, “Well then get some relaxation, go to concerts, plays and other such places.” Again the defected man re sponded, “Why, I’ve had tickets for everything you could imagine. Going so often, I’ve grown weary of it all.” Quietness followed after which the doc tor seriously explained, “Then, yoiive come to the wrong physician. It’s not rest of the body you need, but rest of the soul. I cannot give that to you.” He was a wise doctor. Help can only come from the Lard Jesus Christ, the GreatPhysician, theOne who said, “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I w ill give you rest.” * * * It's well to keep your temper for re membernobody else wants it. * * * There is no strength or power in one's Christianity where his tongue is always loose. 20
Many would be scantily clad if they were only clothed in their humility. HOW TO PREACH An older minister was trying to help his new assistant who had just gotten out of seminary. The youthful pastor was anxious to get into the pulpit and try out some sermons. The elder man of God told him one morning, “We’re going down to the city today to preach to the people.” The assistant readily agreed, and since it was only a short distance from town they decided to walk. On the way, the minister stopped long enough to speak to a women carry ing a heavy bundle. Then he encour aged a lad on the street corner selling newspapers. He greeted a workman who was digging a ditch by the curb. And strangely enough, he did this type of thing the rest of the morning as they walked through the city. Finally, when the afternoon was almost gone, he re turned to the young minister and ex plained, “Well, l guess ifs time for us to go back to the church.” This puz zled the assistant who quizzically asked, “But pastor, when are we going to preach?” The older saint quietly replied, “Why, that’s exactly what we’ve been doing all day long!” Yes, that’s real preaching. As the couplet declares, “I’d rather see a sermon than to hear one any day?’ To give a ready witness for Christ, you can be effective right where you are, without oratory or eloquence. It is a consistent every day living before our fellowmen. It can be readily said o f each one of us that we are the only Christian some body knows. The Word of God likewise tells us that we are “living epistles known and read of all men?’ * He who carries a tale will always make a monkey out of himself. * *
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