to stone him a dozen times, yet he never wavered. When his people wanted to kill him, to fire him, he was true to his Lord. He was true to the people, too, because he prayed that the wrath of God would not fall upon them. David, of course, is the model singer. Everytime he got into trouble, he sang. Oftentimes he started out the Psalms with sorrow, grief and trouble. He always ended up, however, by sing ing praise to the Lord. He sang when the tears were flowing, he sang when people talked about him, and when they plotted against his life. God wants us to be like that, too. The song of faith will make the devil flee. YOUR W I L L IS I M P O R T A N T I f you do not have a w ill to ex press your desire, your estate (wheth er large or small) may be completely distributed by the courts in a way that you would never have done. Hundreds of Christians, though faithful in every other service for the Lord, have neglected to write a w ill. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THIS! For a Christian not to make a w ill is in effect telling the world, “I have no interest in any part of m y estate going into the Lord's work.” Our BIOLA Stewardship depart ment is ready to help you, and to counsel w ith you concerning estate matters. Attorneys have cooperated w ith our Christian friends and helped them .in preparing w ills that are Christ-honoring and true to the exact wishes of the individual. We have prepared a PERSONAL ESTATE FACTS booklet to preserve vital information to help in the ad ministration of your estate. This is free for the asking. F ill out the form below and mail to STEWARDSHIP DEPARTMENT, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 55 8 So. Hope St:, Los Angeles 17, California. Please send ESTATE FACTS book let. Name .................................................... Address ................................................ Cily ........................................................ State ...................... .......... Zone ...... ..
Pictured above in a recent campus meeting are Dr. Arnold T. Olson, Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Dr. Cornelius Van Til, and Dr. Charles L. Feinberg. pared an ark to the saving of himself and his house.” We too must get ready for the judgment of God and hide in the shelter of the Rock, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the One who went through death’s dark valley for us. Job is the model of patience and pi ety. He sat on a pile of ashes with a disease which is probably like that which we know today as elephantiasis. He was going to be perfected by sor rows and suffering. He wasn’t sitting there because he loved ashes, but he sought for relief from his pain and misery. Through all the false counsel of his three friends his faith was unshaken. He said, “When I am tried, I will come forth es gold. I know that my Re deemer liveth.” He knew someday that he would meet his Lord face to face. Let us be like Job and trust the lovely Lord. Abraham was the model of faith. He believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness. When God told him to kill his only son Isaac, Abraham took the knife and went to Mt. Moriah, bound him and laid him on the altar. He put the wood around him and was ready to bring down the knife when the angel of the Lord stopped him. He proved his willingness to carry out God’s will even though it seemed strange at the moment. God had told him he was going to make a great na tion out of him. Believe God about yourself today. Moses is the model of faithfulness. When everything went wrong he stood true to the Lord. The people wanted
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