The Wisdom o f W inning Souls
by l>r. Walter L. Wilson
of the most blessed opportuni- tives given to the believer by the Lord is that of soul winning. The real secret of success, for those of you who may not be enjoying this privilege, is the approach. One of the first rules is always to be courteous. Don’t interrupt a conver sation, start with an accusation, or bring up some matter that isn’t even your business. Next, be alert and watchful in your discussion. See what the effect of your first words are on the individual. See if he is interested or nervous. He may
have to keep an engagement or some appointment. The third rule is to be sympathetic. Your position is not as a critic or as a superior person, but rather as a friend. In the fourth place, observe some ar ticle or familiar object as a ’ spring board” for your conversation. It might be a gold lapel cross and you can begin by saying, “Aren’t you glad that cross is empty? The person’s attention is immediately gained and you can then tell why Christ is not there. Another first thought might be used if you are talking to a man who is
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