A SIMPLE BIBLE STORY A dedicated Christian school board member was visiting a certain class room and thought he would see how much the youngsters knew about the Bible. He said to one student, “Some one walked around a wall, blew a trumpet and the wall fell down. Now who was it?” The Christian official, of course, was thinking of Joshua. But the little boy flinched, his color mounted, and finally he gasped, “Please sir, it wasn’t me!” The prim and proper teacher came to her pupiVs immediate defense, “I know this little boy! He comes from a good family, and if he says he didn’t do it, I’m sure he didn’t.” The Christian was more amused now than stunned. Determined to share with someone the interesting happening he went to the principal of the school, who went quickly• to the defensive, “Well, of course, in a school this size I can’t know every individual child. But that teacher has been on my staff for ten years and if she’s pre pared to vouch for the student, I’m sure we can take her word for it. The little boy didn’t do it.” Ready to throw up his hands in horror, he went to the director of education for the city. But before he could finish his story the busy leader interrupted, “Now look, lets not have any fuss about it. I know a man in the repair and maintenance department. I’ll just have a quiet word with him and we’ll get that wall built up again without any bother. You can just forget about it.” The illustration may only be a story teachers tell, yet it does symbolize a definite sign of the times in which we are living. What
are we teaching our children? Do they know the wonderful Bible stories? Do they understand the Scriptures which are able to make them wise unto salvation? What a tremendous respon sibility we have in the home, the church, and the school! * Some people are a lot like blisters, for they only show up after the work is all done. * * * ARE YOU A WATCHWINDER? Some very common things most of us take for granted are sometimes mys tifying objects to those in remote lands. Like the familiar pocket watch which was discovered by a bedouin sheik Who thought he had captured an ani mal. After all he could hear its heart beating. He ran with glee to show it to a missionary in the area, extremely proud of his prize. The missionary, not wanting to dissappoint the sheik, kindly explained that it was a mech anism for telling time; it had no life. Another human being, many miles away, had made it. But this didn’t convince the bedouin. The next day, however, he returned with a sorrowful pronouncement, “The little animal is dead!” (The watch had, of course, stopped running.) So the missionary took the lifeless timepiece and care fu lly wound, its stem. Handing it back to its owner he suggested, “Now, listen to it.” A brightened and lightened face responded. The shiek stroked the poc ket watch affectionately and then wanted to know the missionary’s se cret. How could he have given the 30 * *
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