suggested, and the question will give you the opportunity of stating your stand and position. This qll requires much patience and understanding. Ev eryone doesn’t have the same intellect or background for understanding. Don’t be afraid of using illustrations, metaphors, similes, allegories and all sorts of figures of speech. Your task is to get the person to understand the Word. Of course the Holy Spirit must do it through you. Some of those to whom you talk will say, “I was born in this church and I’m going to die in it.” Or they may say, “My religion is the only one that’s right in the world.” You can answer that by stat ing, “Well, suppose the Lord Jesus called you into His presence now? What would you say to Him? Suppose He sent you out to tell folks about Him, what would you tell the people?” In just a few minutes, that person is overwhelmed and overcome. As you talk with people about the Saviour, diagnose their cases and see what their trouble is. Perhaps they don’t believe the Bible is true. Pin them down, in a kind way, and ask, “What part? What Scripture don’t you think is true? What chapter or verse?” Hold them right to that. Then, there are those who really think God owes them salvation be cause they are so lovely and upright. After all they pay their debts. Simply ask them, “Will that make you a rela tive of God? Do we become children of God because we obey His laws and His rules? Suppose you lived in my home as my secretary and you never did a thing wrong. You never stole a thing. In fact you were always trying to help me in my work. That wouldn’t make you my relative, would it?” You ex plain to the friend, that it isn’t good works whereby we are saved, it is be cause of the work of the Lord Jesus Christ that we find joy, peace and eternal life. Christian friend, if you are in earnest, the Saviour will make you a fisher of men. Go to Him, love His ways, study His Word, depend upon His Holy Spirit and He will make you a great servant of God.
Dr. Walter L. Wilson (seated) confers with Radio Director A l Sanders before air time. Although he is an octogenarian, the ever friendly Dr. W^alter L. Wilson, this month’s speaker, has a unique way of answering the familiar question, “How are you?” With a twinkle in his eye he will reach into his pocket and pull out a specially printed slip of paper on which are written these words: MY ANSWER You ask me, “How are you?” and l reply at once and w ith pleasure: My appendix is in and my tonsils are out. M y epiglottis is working nicely. My sinuses are clear and my joints all fu l ly lubricated. My digestion is fine arid my lachrymal glands are working. My spleen is O.K. and my pancreas is in good condition. M y feet are free from corns and bunions and my heart is beating with regular rhythm. My breathing is also regular. Now if you wish further information let me know, and also let me know what you will do w ith this information. Dr. Walter L. Wilson 6
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