Recognising the Silent Signs of Trauma

Caroline King | E-Book | Recognising the Silent Signs of Trauma


A Woman’s Guide to Recognising the Silent Signs of a Traumatised Nervous System

Nervous System Reset


As women, we often carry so much more than others see.

We juggle roles, responsibilities, and expectations, all while quietly enduring the emotional and physical impact of stress. But what if that stress goes deeper? What if there’s a hidden layer affecting your energy, mood, and overall sense of wellbeing?

This book is here to help you recognise those silent signs and gently guide you towards healing.

In these pages, you’ll learn to recognise when your nervous system has been pushed past its limits and what to do when traditional stress management techniques aren’t enough. I want to help you to learn the language of your body, listen to its responses, and gently reset your nervous system so that you can live a calmer, and more pleasurable life.



Stress vs. Trauma - Understanding the Difference

2 Recognising the Silent Signs of a Traumatised Nervous System 3 What is Polyvagal Therapy? 4 Resetting Your Nervous System - Simple Techniques to Begin 5 Finding Hope -You Can Heal 6 Working Together - The Benefits of Guided Support

CHAPTER ONE Stress vs. Trauma—Understanding the Difference

We often use the word stress to describe everything from a busy day to a major life crisis. But not all stress is the same. While everyday stress can be managed, trauma deeply impacts your body and mind, leaving a lasting imprint on your nervous system. When your body feels there is threat or danger, your autonomic nervous system (ANS) goes into an automatic survival response (fight/flight/freeze). This is natural. However, if these survival respo nses aren’t fully processed and reset, they can get “stuck” and continue to influence how you feel and react long after the actual event. This on-going disruption in your nervous system of being stuck in a fight/flight/freeze states, is what we refer to as a traumatised nervous system. Something feels ‘off’ in your body, heart and mind. You feel despair and may even wonder if the problem is all in your head. I want to reassure you that it’s not and understanding this, is vital for your healing journey.


CHAPTER TWO Recognising the Silent Signs of a Traumatised Nervous System Not all trauma is obvious. While some may associate trauma with severe events, it can also come from situations that seemed less obvious but still over- whelmed your ability to cope.

Here are some subtle signs to watch for:

Emotional Numbness: Feeling shutdown from your emotions, or having a hard time feeling joy, love, or excitement. 1. Overreacting to Minor Stressors: Finding that small things feel overwhelming or send you into a downwards spiral of negative thoughts. 2. Physical Symptoms with No Clear Cause: Experiencing headaches, stomach issues, or chronic pain that medical investigations and traditional treatments don’t seem to resolve. 3. Persistent Exhaustion or Fatigue: Waking up tired and drained, no matter how much sleep you get. 4. Constant Anxiety or Hypervigilance: Always feeling “on edge” and you just can’t relax. 5. If these symptoms sound like you, know that it’s not just in your head - your body is trying to tell you that it needs help. And that’s where Polyvagal Therapy comes in.


CHAPTER THREE What is Polyvagal Therapy?

Polyvagal Therapy is based on Dr. Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory, and this focuses on the vagus nerve - an extremely important part of your nervous system that helps with emotional balance, feeling connected, and your ability to be resilient. The vagus nerve is like a motorway that runs from your brain to your heart, major organs and gut, constantly sending signals about your safety.

When your nervous system is functioning well, this “motorway” is smooth, allowing you to move through stress, connect with others, and feel grounded. But trauma can disrupt this flow, leaving you feeling stuck in states of high anxiety or shutdown. Polyvagal Therapy uses specific neuro-scientific techniques to reset your nervous system. This makes it easier to move from a state of survival into a state of safety, so that healing can occur.


CHAPTER FOUR Resetting Your Nervous System— Simple Techniques to Begin If your nervous system has been holding onto stress or trauma, it can feel overwhelming to think about how to start healing. But the good news is that repeated small, gentle steps can make a big difference.

Here are some simple techniques that you can try to begin resetting your system:

Grounding Exercises: Connect with your physical surroundings. This means walking barefoot on grass, holding a cup of warm tea, smelling your favourite scent, hearing the birds singing. 1. Posture: Bracing or slumping changes the way you breathe. Rolling up a small towel and placing it under the ‘sitting bone’ will help the spine to line up. 2. Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Singing, humming, or gargling all help to strengthen the vagus nerve and promote a sense of safety and calm. 3. Safe Connection: Spend time with people, pets, or even objects that bring a sense of comfort. Social connection is a key part of feeling safe again. 4. Gentle Touch: Hugging yourself tightly can increase sensory feedback and create feelings of safety that remind your brain it’s not in danger. 5.


CHAPTER FIVE Finding Hope—You Can Heal

Healing a traumatised nervous system doesn’t happen overnight, but every small step you take matters. It’s easy to feel discouraged, especially if traditional talking therapies haven’t brought the relief you’ve hoped for. But the fact that you’re reading this book and learning about your body’s responses is a sign of hope, courage and strength. With Polyvagal Therapy, you’re not just managing symptoms - you’re addressing the root causes and reshaping your nervous system to be more functional, resilient and adaptable.

This journey is about reclaiming your sense of safety and peace, one gentle step at a time.


CHAPTER SIX Working Together—The Benefits of Guided Support While self-help strategies are a great start, having step by step guided support can be incredibly empowering. As a trained professional, I help women to reset their nervous system and heal by using specialised trauma training that focuses on you and your specific needs. Together, we can: Identify the specific triggers and patterns that affect your nervous system. Develop a personalised plan for resetting your nervous system. Use Polyvagal body-based techniques to safely release stored trauma. Nurture your emotional resilience. This isn’t just about overcoming stress - it’s about rediscovering your sense of self, feeling empowered in your life, and connecting in your relationships in a way that feels safe and nourishing.


CONCLUSION: Your Path to Peace

If your body and mind have been holding onto pain and fear, it’s time to start releasing it.

You deserve to feel calm, balanced, and fully alive. Healing is possible, no matter how long you’ve felt stuck. I hope this book guides you gently towards the peace that’s waiting on the other side of your stress and trauma. Remember, your body is not your enemy—it’s your ally. With patience, compassion, and the right support, you can move beyond trauma and step into a life that feels truly yours.


Hi I’m Caroline King. I’m a Psychotherapist who helps traumatised women to reset their nervous systems. I offer 35 years of experience in helping you to create a better mind-body connection. This is essential to good physical, mental and emotional health. It's how we heal trauma.

If you would like to feel safe, calm and connected please feel free to reach out.

My qualifications are Registered and Accredited by The National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society.

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