Recognising the Silent Signs of Trauma

CHAPTER ONE Stress vs. Trauma—Understanding the Difference

We often use the word stress to describe everything from a busy day to a major life crisis. But not all stress is the same. While everyday stress can be managed, trauma deeply impacts your body and mind, leaving a lasting imprint on your nervous system. When your body feels there is threat or danger, your autonomic nervous system (ANS) goes into an automatic survival response (fight/flight/freeze). This is natural. However, if these survival respo nses aren’t fully processed and reset, they can get “stuck” and continue to influence how you feel and react long after the actual event. This on-going disruption in your nervous system of being stuck in a fight/flight/freeze states, is what we refer to as a traumatised nervous system. Something feels ‘off’ in your body, heart and mind. You feel despair and may even wonder if the problem is all in your head. I want to reassure you that it’s not and understanding this, is vital for your healing journey.


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