Recognising the Silent Signs of Trauma

CHAPTER TWO Recognising the Silent Signs of a Traumatised Nervous System Not all trauma is obvious. While some may associate trauma with severe events, it can also come from situations that seemed less obvious but still over- whelmed your ability to cope.

Here are some subtle signs to watch for:

Emotional Numbness: Feeling shutdown from your emotions, or having a hard time feeling joy, love, or excitement. 1. Overreacting to Minor Stressors: Finding that small things feel overwhelming or send you into a downwards spiral of negative thoughts. 2. Physical Symptoms with No Clear Cause: Experiencing headaches, stomach issues, or chronic pain that medical investigations and traditional treatments don’t seem to resolve. 3. Persistent Exhaustion or Fatigue: Waking up tired and drained, no matter how much sleep you get. 4. Constant Anxiety or Hypervigilance: Always feeling “on edge” and you just can’t relax. 5. If these symptoms sound like you, know that it’s not just in your head - your body is trying to tell you that it needs help. And that’s where Polyvagal Therapy comes in.


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