police beat
No paper ballots in Russell Township ACTUALITÉ • NEWS
o%cers and equipment assigned to the lo- cation in place. The site chosen for the checkstop was on Lemieux Road in The Nation Municipality. While police were setting up, they heard a loud noise. A pickup truck arrived and, after talking to Gabriel Franche, the driver, police tested him with the roadside screening de- vice. The results of that resulted in the 20-year- old Nation resident going to the OPP de- tachment for a breathalyzer test. Police then charged him with impaired driving, driving with a blood-alcohol reading exceeding 80 milligrams, being a novice driver with a blood-alcohol level exceeding zero, and having care and control of a vehicle with open liquor inside. Boat theft A pair of stolen kayaks are $oating around Prescott-Russell. Police received a call Sept. 16 from a resident on Briere Road in St- Albert about two kayaks and some !shing gear stolen from his seasonal property. The kayaks are each about 14 feet in length, one is red, the other is blue. Anyone with infor- mation can call the CrimeStoppers toll-free tips line at 1-800-222-8477.
Pennyante thief Police have a burglary case where the thief may have been scrabbling around a bit to !nd some actual cash to take away. Const. Jason Cholette answered a day- time break-and-enter call Sept. 15 from a home on County Road 8 in The Nation Mu- nicipality. The burglar got in through a basement window and left with a Zildjian-brand CD case containing about four dozen CDs, a Dewalt electric drill with a case and three batteries, and a small quantity of cash in the form of a plastic bag with $30 worth of quarters, a small jar with about $30 worth of loonies and toonies, and a large jar full of Canadian Olympic commemorative quar- ters, totaling about $100. Anyone with information about the break-in can call Const. Cholette at the Hawkesbury detachment at 613-632-2729. Bail violation A Limoges man is charged with breaking his bail condition after police answered a domestic disturbance call Sept. 16. The complainant was outside her home when she noticed the accused walking in front of her house. The OPP report states that he then stopped and began harassing and threatening her. She went inside and called the police who then arrived and ar- rested the man. His name was not revealed. He is charged with failure to comply with the conditions of a police order. R.I.D.E. stop Police had their !rst catch of the day dur- ing a routine R.I.D.E. checkstop Sept. 20 before they had even !nished getting the
CANDICE VETTER candice.vetter@eap.on.ca
EMBRUN l The Township of Russell con- !rms the next municipal election will be decided by electronic and telephone vot- ing only, with no method of voting in per- son by paper ballot. Township clerk Joanne Camire La$amme stated the 2014 Municipal Elections will be done by telephone voting or internet vot- ing as noted on the Township’s website. “No paper ballot or tabulators will be used in the 2014 municipal elections,” said La$amme. “The 2014 Voters’ Guide for Ontario Muni- cipal and School Board Elections from the province is posted on the website,” she said, as well as information on telephone voting and internet voting, election procedures, online voting video demos, and questions and answers. The information will be bilin- gual. The voting period begins Wednesday, October 22, 2014 and runs until Monday, October 27, 2014. Eligible voters will re- ceive a voter information letter, including a personal identi!cation number (PIN), in the mail !ve to seven days before the !rst voting day. Voters must enter this PIN and date of birth.
A help centre will be located at the Town- ship Hall, 717, Notre Dame Street, Embrun between October 22 and 27 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the weekend, and 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Monday, October 27. The help centre at 443-3066 x 2345 can be reached before voting. Unlike paper ballots, with which identi- fying voters’ is impossible, electronic and telephone votes will be encrypted on the voters’ personal computer. The Township states the decryption of votes will be on an isolated and physically secured server using a mixing technique.
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717 rue Notre-Dame St. Embrun ON, K0A 1W1 tel: 613-443-3066 Élections 2014 elections
ÉLECTIONS MUNICIPALES DANS LE CANTON DE RUSSELL POUR LES POSTES DE: MAIRE (1) CONSEILLERS (4) CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF EASTERN ONTARIO (1 conseiller) (Pour toutes les municipalités des Comtés unis de Prescott-Russell) SYNDICS DU VILLAGE PARTIELLEMENT AUTONOME DE RUSSELL (3 syndics) JOUR DU SCRUTIN : Lundi 27 octobre 2014. PÉRIODE DE SCRUTIN : Vous pouvez voter en tout temps à compter de 9 h le mercredi 22 octobre 2014 jusqu’à 20 h le lundi 27 octobre 2014 MODE DE SCRUTIN : Vous pouvez voter pendant la période de scrutin en utilisant l’Internet n’importe où dans le monde. Vous pouvez également utiliser le téléphone et vous brancher au système de vote sans frais n’importe où en Amérique du Nord. Le numéro sans frais et le site Internet seront fournis dans une lettre d’information de l’électeur par la poste adressée aux électeurs admissibles pendant la semaine du 13 octobre 2014. CENTRE D’AIDE : situé à l’Hôtel de Ville, au 717, rue Notre-Dame à Embrun, sera ouvert du 22 au 27 octobre 2014 aux heures suivantes : Pour de l’aide pendant la période de scrutin, veuillez composer le 613 443-3066, poste 2345. Nous invitons les électeurs à commencer à voter tôt au cours de la période de scrutin. VOTE PAR MANDATAIRE : Puisque le but d’un mode de scrutin de remplacement, en l’occurrence le vote par téléphone et par Internet, est de permettre aux électeurs de voter depuis leur domicile, où de l’endroit de leur choix, et d’offrir une période de votation prolongée, le vote par mandataire n’est plus nécessaire. POUR DES RENSEIGNEMENTS ADDITIONNELS, VEUILLEZ CONTACTER L’HÔTEL DE VILLE EN COMPOSANT LE 613 443-3066. AVIS D’INFORMATION SUR LES ÉLECTIONS r Mercredi 22 octobre au vendredi 24 octobre de 9 h à 16 h. r Samedi 25 octobre et dimanche 26 octobre de 9 h à 13 h r Lundi 27 octobre de 9 h à 20 h
MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF RUSSELL FOR THE OFFICES OF: MAYOR (1) COUNCILLORS (4) CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF EASTERN ONTARIO (1 trustee) (For all municipalities in the United Counties of Prescott and Russell) POLICE VILLAGE OF RUSSELL TRUSTEES (3 trustees) VOTING DAY: Monday, October 27 th , 2014. VOTING PERIOD: You may vote at any time from 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 22 nd , 2014 until 8:00 p.m. on Monday, October 27 th , 2014 VOTING METHOD: You can vote during the election voting period using the Internet from anywhere in the world. You can also use a telephone service and connect to the voting system toll free from anywhere in North America. The toll free number and the Internet site ZLOOEHSURYLGHGLQD9RWHU,QIRUPDWLRQ/HWWHUE\PDLODGGUHVVHGWRTXDOLÚHGHOHFWRUVLQWKH week of October 13 th , 2014. HELP CENTRE: Located at the Town Hall, at 717 Notre-Dame, Embrun will be open between October 22 nd and October 27 th as follows: r Wednesday, October 22 nd to Friday, October 24 th between 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. r Saturday, October 25 th and Sunday, October 26 th between 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. r Monday, October 27 th between 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. For assistance during the voting period, please call 613-443-3066, extension 2345. Voters are encouraged to vote early during the voting period. VOTING PROXIES: Since the purpose for the use of the alternative voting, being telephone and internet voting, is to allow electors to vote from their home or from wherever they wish, and to offer a longer voting time period, the voting proxies are not applicable and no longer necessary. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, CALL THE TOWN HALL AT 613-443-3066.
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