Junior Endeavor Topics By J. • ¡SjK tr'r m S ||B ||?£ Sunday, July 26—Acts 26:19,2. * What Home Missions are Doing1for This Country K. H. S. .... .' ' ’ ■
-, • ... One- of the most blessed kinds of.' home missions is that for our immigrants. Mis sionaries who can speak foreign languages are sent to meet tfie thousands who come on ships and trains to make this land ,their home-land. They are given Bibles and tracts, in their, own language, and treated with Christian kindness’ and helpfulness and, .fé' 'possible, "led to Christ :and the new life’ in their new home. Surely we shall all help thè good work, and be home missionaries, too, each in> his own way. -Otherwise we -ha-ve po right or heart toesing, . . ■ __ "God bless .our. n ativ e lan d .” The Gospel alone can save Our land ffòm ruin, and we must try to make it in fact what it is in name, 'a Christian country. Note.—The leader will 'do welT to: get, from mission periodicals, pictures of home mission groups, schools, churchès or mis sionaries. Sunday, August 2—Matt. 5:10-121 The Beatitudes.—Be Faithful In Temptation and Trial .(CONSECRATION .MEETING) [N ote,—T he lead er w ill use th e follow ing suggestions, such,' an d so m uch, as m ay be ad ap ted to th e Ju n io rs u n d er h is ch arg e.) 1. The Faithful. The sort of a person hard to find (Fs. T2;:l; Prov. 20.6). The one who will not lie (Prov. 14:5). The one who has great blessing (Prov. 28:20). .Qne who is especially Under God’s care (Es. 101). The first of' whom it was said that he was faithful (Neh. 9:8);. - 2. Bible Stories of Unfaithful and Faith ful Persons. We read of. two unfaithful .men and their punishment in Joshua 7 :20, 21, and 2 Kings 5:20-27; of, two faithful men atid their rewards in Genesis ,37:28-4l; and Daniel 6 :4-10, 16, 23, 28. Each of, these through faithfulness in, persecution' was lift7 ed from a pit to primacy,. In. the New Tes tament what faithful oyercojners l in; tefinp1- tation and persecution cari '.the Juniors; think of? Many hundreds of years ago a rich and
1. - “Home,” -here, means Ilome.-la.nd. The;Lord Jesus ‘said, “Go ye Ipto a)l ,tbe world and preach the gospel”. -.(Mark. 16: IS) I At the same time He. said, “A>t Jeru salem, in all-Judea,-and inSamaria)” wjycih meant*-;“begin in your .home-country,” ,JS if. He ^said.- to us, “Begin at Los . ,A,ng$jff, in all California, and in the XJnifad &,tales" (Acts 1:8). . . . " ,,(V( «,, , 2, “Missions.” A mission is a sending] a missionary Society is a sending,.socie-ty.; and a missionary is a sent one, - Paul said, "Howi shall they hear without a preacher, and how' shall they preach unless they, are sent?” (ROm. 10:14, 15). 3.. Mission Boards. The churches have what- are' called “boards,” or “societies,” or “associations,” which are made up of men or women chosen to plan the work, handle the money, and appoint and send out mis sionaries, ■ ' 4. What They .Are Doing. In our cities, towns, villages and country : sections are whole neighborhoods of people who do not know or care about the Gospel and Jesus any more than the heathen over the seas. Or there are. Christians, but. so, fdw that they cannot support a ' minister ,t>f build a church without help from the rest of us, which we give through our board; and some, like the Mountain Whites down South, .have no day-schooling or very little of it they are .So .'ignorant and poor. ' A missionary goes into such neighborhoods and gathers the people together, preaches to them and helps them build and support a church. Often the first thing is: a Sun day school, by and by a C. E. Society, and out of-both grows, a church, Thousands of our larger churches'began as home mis sion churches supported and built in whole or in part by the mission boards and are now helping to do and support the woik for others.
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