King's Business - 1914-07

THE KING’S ■Q ne on: The,■.-field who. knows gives tin£ good counsel to missionary voluntefX^: Afld may I just suggest, to you, that while Wi* are. taking, your, cpursq in the Institute,, y,9,U do not., forget the thousand other, things one;,should know to be a successful, misr, sipnary, ,:I used to.-think ,1 was. a.,jack-of- all-trades, and no good at anything, .but.l'.w, glad-of all my, now, and wish I. knew a ..dozen-others. r r,. •„.... r,, Æ . .Remember that no matter, hq.w. .’well equipped you .may be to work .at hQrçie, home isn't Africa or...any. other mission field. Tlie. inqre I ;am here ;,the,,.more ,.I realize :one needs,to'know things, so .-while; you have on opportunity, learn: everything you can, ! I wish -sonie one had-said that to me. i . .-. ., ■ What .could you, do, for: yourself and your girls if- you, were on an ' out-station, miles .from a railroad and a;‘day’s journey from any one else, except, perhaps the one work­ ing with you ?■ Gould you make a dress without a pattern? Could you make soap and vinegar if you couldn’t get any,' anv other way ? Could you run a dispensary ? Could you teach a boy to bake bread and wash clothes?' And above all, can you di­ rect people and make them mind? If you were on an out-station you would probablv have to do’ all these things at some time, and if you can’t do them there will 'be a lot 0f things undone that should be done. How 1 wish I cpuld do all that I have written. In a general way I don’t know of anything more useful than medical knowledge and nursing. A good course in a hospital is of priceless value here. On a mission field there are lots of hard, common, every-dav things to do—arid what if you don’t know how to. do them ? L,earn to drive nails and lo bandage a cut artery, to make children’s, to pull teeth and make gardens— thé more you know the more useful will you be. : A, E, B ishop , for nineteen years a mis­ sionary in Central America, in 'His .Sixty- second .Quarterly Letter, has something to say worth quoting for such as anticipate

»BUSINESS 395 entering on the career pf a missionary of the Gospel, especially in Fioman Catholic lands, jiejce .it, i s ; ...,. „••‘VIhis pne. thing I do.” ‘‘To know1Him an

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