The Work in Los Angeles Harbor O. Zimmerman, Superintendent
/"\3 \!E Sunday afternoon recently a ship \ r . . from Philadelphia nosed her way into the harbor. There- were a number of men on board but one man seemed to be laid on the hearts of two- of the workers. . They felt they had to speak to that certain man before-leaving the ship. -A tract was given him -,apd -. greetings exchanged! and both workers resolved to speak to that man defi nitely about his soul. - As they were ready to. le^v£. the ship they found the man read ing,.,the- tract and so approached him and asked ,if he were a Christian. He said he didn?f..think,.he was; but. he had- been think ing ahout eternal things-and had no doubt been made ready by the reading of the tract,: so, after a battle with Satan, he' was willing to, aecept Christ. As the workers left the ship he. thanked them for speaking-to; him,: and promised by His help to live the.Chris-' tian life on board ship. ■ . .. . .. D uring ,the meetings in Santa Cruz-.last, year, one evening a young man was dealt.
with by the worker. His case .seemed al most hopeless, for he was., being dragged down by worldly companions and went away with an unbroken will, though under conviction. The worker was led to write him a letter, from which he received no reply until last week. The young man joy fully wrote of his surrender to God and his happiness in the Christian life- The follow ing is an extract of his letter: “I still: have your letter of October 2b, 1913, and have offen.thougb-t I would an swer. it, but was;.negligent because I could not say what I wanted to say! I have sur rendered my life to God. I have not for gotten you or the talk we had in the tent at. Santa Cruz-almost a year. ago. How I wish I could shake your hand, and tell you how in these last few- weeks God has put a new hope in my soul! If I had the time I would tell you.of the incident in which I truly believe, the mercy of God soared me until I could see my lost condition. I had always realized the fact that my sin would
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