Elevate October 2016 | Air Serbia

Tekst / Words: Katarina Sretenović Fotografija / Photography: iStock/Jevtić

Window seat Sedište do prozora


Each autumn this image inspires the same question - why do they leave? Are they fleeing before some kind of trouble? Why don’t they take us along if their instinct tells them that it will be warmer elsewhere? And fi- nally, how come we, people, don’t have such a possibility? A monologue develops in the head, and I already imagine myself taking off and quickly becoming part of the flock. I ad- mit, for a second I wonder if I would be able to take at least one bag... But no, are new begin- nings not more beautiful without keepsakes? Oh no, now I’m being attacked by the ques- tion of whether or not it is even possible to erase the past ... A human still cannot escape from themselves. That’s why they can’t be as free as a bird. Or can they? Are those the kind of people who spend their winter holidays in Thailand? I read that in Serbia there are 273 species of birds and they are all endangered. Perhaps that’s why they are leaving?

Svake jeseni ova slika pokreće isto pitanje – zašto odlaze? Zar beže pred nekakvom nevo- ljom? Zašto ne povedu i nas ako im instikt go- vori da će na drugom mestu biti toplije, bolje? I na kraju, zašto i mi, ljudi, nemamo takvu mo- gućnost? Monolog se razvija u glavi, a već zamiš- ljam sebe kako uzlećem i ubrzo postajem deo jata. Priznajem, na sekund pomislim i da li bih mogla da ponesem makar jednu torbu… Al’ ne, zar novi početak nije lepši bez ikakvih uspo- mena? O ne, sad me već napada pitanje da li je uopšte moguće izbrisati prošlost… Čovek ipak ne može da pobegne od sebe. Zato ne može da bude slobodan kao ptica. Ili može? Da li zapravo takvi tipovi zimuju na Tajlandu? Pročitala sam da u Srbiji živi 273 vrsti pti- ca i sve su ugrožene. Možda zato odlaze?

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