U šarenoj gomili uzbuđenih iseljenika verovatno nije bilo srećnijeg čoveka od mene kada sam ugledao obećanu zemlju. U mojoj mašti Njujork je bio nešto više nego ma koje drugo mesto na svetu
In the colourful crowd of excited immigrants there was probably no happier man than me when I saw the Promised Land. In my imagination, New York was something more than any other city in the world ada je Mihajlo Pupin, jedan od očeva teleko- munikacija i čuveni naučnik i profesor Uni- verziteta Kolumbija, primao medalju Džon Fric, bio je 27. januar 1932. godine, a sveča- nost je održana u Njujorku u Američkom in- stitutu inženjera elektrotehnike. Dr Bankroft Džeraldi je svoj počasni govor počeo rečima: „Pre 58 godina, kasne zime 1874, mladi Srbin se iskrcao u Kasl Gardenu . Bio je bez imanja ili imovine, bez prijatelja ili uticaja i bez znanja jezika ove zemlje. Mnogi bi rekli da nije imao ništa; ali tako ne bismo prepoznali stvari koje je imao. Imao je dobro zdravlje, karakter, ambiciju, um željan da nađe znanje i da ga When one of the fathers of telecommunica- tions, famous scientist and Columbia University pro- fessor Mihajlo Pupin, received the John Fritz Medal it was 27 th January 1932, a ceremony was held in New York at the American Institute of Electrical Engi- neers. Dr Bancroft Geraldi began his honorary speech with the following words: “Fifty-eight years ago, in the late winter of 1874, a young Serb landed at Castle Garden. He was with- out land or property, without friends or influence, and without knowledge of the language of this country. Many would say that he had nothing, but that would mean not recognising the things that he had. He had good health, character, ambition, a mind eager to find knowledge and use it, as well as high ideals.” This amazing story began on the last page of an illustrated newspaper with an advertisement of steamship company Hamburg-America, which of
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