Na Univerzitetu Kolumbija ustanovljena je Pupinova medalja , koja se dodeljuje za izuzetne doprinose Columbia University established the “Pupin Medal”, which is awarded for outstanding contributions
that his goal was to make people who were better than he was himself. Many Nobel Laureates, many great sci- entists of the 20th century, were Pupin’s students. “It meant a lot that this College was in New York, which in my imagination was much more than any other city in the world. My first victory on American
veka bili su Pupinovi učenici. „Mnogo je značilo i to što je taj koledž bio u Nju- jorku, koji je u mojoj mašti bio nešto više nego ma koje drugo mesto na svetu. Moja prva pobeda na američkom tlu dobijena je tu, u Njujorku, kada sam se borio za svoje pravo da na svojoj glavi nosim svoj crveni fes.“ Na mnoge druge načine upisano je na dru- gom kraju svetu ime ovog idvorskog dečaka među besmrtnike. Velika zgrada laboratorije za fiziku na Univerzitetu Kolumbija nosi njego- vo ime. I ne samo to već je američko ministar- stvo unutrašnjih poslova 1966. godine proglasilo zgradu Laboratorije Pupin za nacionalno-istorij- ski spomenik. Na stogodišnjicu rođenja Mihajla Pupina uspostavljena je na Univerzitetu Kolum- bija Pupinova medalja , koja se dodeljuje u znak priznanja za izuzetne doprinose. Pulicerom je na- građena Pupinova autobiografija, koja nimalo slučajno ne nosi naziv Sa pašnjaka do naučenja- ka . Bio je prvi Srbin koji je dobio ovo značajno priznanje. Neverovatno zvuči da su decenijama delovi njegove autobiografije bili obavezna lekti- ra u američkim školama…
soil was achieved there, in New York, when I fought for the right to wear my red fez on my head.” In many different ways, the name of this boy from Idvor is inscribed on the other side of the world among the immortals. The large building of the physics laboratory at Columbia University bears his name. And not only that, but also the U.S. Department of the Interior in 1966 declared the Pupin Laboratories build- ing a national historic monument. On the cen- tenary of the birth of Mihajlo Pupin, Colum- bia University established the “Pupin Medal”, which is awarded in recognition of outstanding contributions. Pulitzer awarded Pupin’s autobi- ography, which by no coincidence bears the ti- tle “From Immigrant to Inventor”. He was the first Serb to receive this prestigious award. It sounds amazing that parts of his autobiogra- phy were required reading in American schools for decades... And this is just the beginning of a long list of awards, recognition, medals and honours that
Moja prva pobeda na američkom tlu dobijena je tu, u Njujorku, kada sam se borio za svoje pravo da na glavi nosim crveni fes My first victory on American soil was gained there in New York, when I fought for my right to wear a red fez on my head
To je samo početak duge liste priznanja, od- likovanja, medalja i počasti koje je Pupin primio od američkog društva za života i posle smrti. Kakva neverovatna sreća da je naš narod iznedrio jednog ve- likog naučnika i još većeg čoveka, koji je svojim izu- mima zadužio ceo svet, a sve nas svojim nebrojenim dobrim delima.
Pupin received from American society both during his life and after his death. What incredible luck that our nation spawned a great scientist and an even great- er man, who bequeathed his inventions to the whole world, and all of us with his countless good deeds.
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