RUSKI TERIJER Godine 1952. odgojena je no- va rasa crni terijer, poznata i kao „Staljinov pas“. Sovjet- ska vojska tražila je velikog i snažnog psa uravnoteže- nog karaktera kojeg bi mogla da koristi i policija. Ogromni, dlakavi div veoma je brzo postao popularan van gra- nica Rusije. Njegova veličina ipak nije u skladu sa njego- vim karakterom. Jeste nepo- verljiv i oprezan, ali je zapra- vo pravi razmaženi meda. Još jedna drevna rasa koja je dobila ime po oblasti u ko- joj je uzgojena. Ovaj veliki pastirski pas sposoban je da se prilagodi veoma različitim klimatskim uslovima. Nje- govo nepoverenje prema strancima je takvo da je ve- oma opasno približiti mu se. Pod parolom „tuđe neće, ali svoje ne da“, sjajan je kao čuvar, ali nežan kao mačka prema svojim vlasnicima. HASKI IZ SIBIRA Samojedov sibirski rođak ha- ski nema tako dugo i to- plo krzno, pa mu jedna od osnovnih uloga nije da služi kao ćebence. Haskije su od- gojile Čukče, starosedelački narod iz severoistočne Azije, a koristili su ih za prevoz te- reta na velikim udaljenostima u surovim uslovima. Počet- kom 20. veka brojni tragači za zlatom poveli su ih sa so- bom i od tada ove razigrane njuške možete videti po ce- lom svetu. BERZOJ Među najpoznatijim ruskim psima, pored samojeda, svakako je ruski hrt berzoj. On je lovac, navikao na sa- mostalan život, pa se neće prilagoditi kao vučjak, ali na vuka po mnogo čemu pod- seća. Jedan je od najbržih na svetu, ništa mu što ze- mljom gazi ne može umaći! Da bi vas poštovao, moraće- te da poštujete njegovu in- dividualnost. OVČAR SA KAVKAZA
BLACK RUSSIAN TERRIER In 1952 a new breed of black terrier was bred, also known as “Stalin’s dog”. The Soviet army sought a large and po- werful dog with a balanced character, which could also be used by the police. This huge, hairy giant very quickly be- came popular outside Russia. Its size, however, is not con- sistent with its character. It is suspicious and cautious, but is also like a proper spoiled bear. CAUCASIAN SHEPHERD DOG Another ancient breed na- med after the area where it was bred, this large shee- pdog is able to adapt to di- fferent climates. Its distrust of strangers is such that it is very dangerous to appro- ach it. It will not follow the commands of others, and wi- ll not disobey its owner, ma- king it a great guard dog. It, is as gentle as a cat towards its owners. SIBERIAN HUSKY The Samoyed’s Siberian cousin, the Husky, does not have su- ch long and warm fur, so ser- ving as a blanket is not one of its main roles. The Huskies we- re bred by the Chukchi, a native people of northeast Asia, who used them to transport goods over long distances in harsh conditions. In the early 20 th cen- tury, many gold prospectors to- ok huskies with them and since then this exuberant breed has been seen all over the world. BORZOI Among the most famous Ru- ssian dogs, alongside the Sa- moyed, is certainly the Ru- ssian Borzoi hound. A hunter accustomed to independence, it will not adjust like a wolf- hound, but it is reminiscent of the wolf in many ways. One of the fastest breeds in the wor- ld, nothing which walks the earth can escape it! In order to earn its respect, you must res- pect its individuality.
With Siberia bound by snow and ice, the no- madic tribes of the north were forced to find ways to warm themselves during the harsh winter. In their search for food, the people were first joined by dogs, and a tribe with the strange name of Samoyeds con- sidered that their loyal four-legged friends weren’t only needed to pull sleds and haul prey. They cre- ated a race of white dogs with two layers of long fur, naming this soft and ever smiling dog after them, as “Samoyed”. During the day they hauled and hunted, while at night they lay on their masters, warming them during the long Siberian nights. This beautiful dog is one of the oldest breeds in the world. In Europe it is often called “smiling Semi”, because its mouth is drawn upwards at the corners so that it constantly appears to be smiling. And it also has an affable character. Even as adult dogs they do not lose their playfulness and you will almost never see one that is angry or aggressive. That’s why it is not the best choice if you need a guard dog, because it would probably just endless- ly lick intruders, but it is a good choice if you have children. Although it is a family dog, it has not for- gotten its roots of hard work, thus it is necessary to provide it with the opportunity to run. This Rus- sian dog is popular in all parts of the world. This is still only one of many breeds which Russia can be proud of, when it comes to man’s best friend. This great country boasts a large num- ber of breeds that have conquered the planet. These are mostly powerful, big dogs, proper giants of the dog world! negom i ledom okovani Sibir naterao je nomadska plemena severa da pronađu sve načine da pobede surovu zimu. U potra- zi za hranom ljudima su se prvi pridruži- li psi, a pleme neobičnog naziva Samojedi dosetilo se da verni četvoronošci ne moraju samo da vuku sanke i dovlače plen. Napravili su rasu be- log, dugog krzna u dva sloja, mekanog i večno na- smejanog psa, koji je po njima dobio ime samojed. Danju je vukao i lovio, a noću ležao na svojim vla- snicima, grejući ih tokom dugih sibirskih noći. Ovaj lepi pas jedna je od najstarijih rasa na svetu. U Evropi ga često zovu „nasmešeni Semi“ jer su mu usta na krajevim povučena nagore, pa izgleda kao da se stalno smeje. A i karakter mu je veseo. Ni odrasli psi ne gube tu šteneću razigra- nost i gotovo nikada ga nećete videti da je ljut ili agresivan. Zato nije najbolji izbor ako vam treba pas čuvar jer bi uljeze verovatno lizao do besvesti, ali jeste ako imate decu, jer samojed obožava ma- lišane. Iako je porodičan pas, nije zaboravio svoje korene niti težak rad, pa je neophodno pružiti mu mogućnost da potroši tu silnu energiju. Ovaj ruski pas popularan je u svim delovima sveta. Ipak, samo je jedan od onih na koje Rusija može biti ponosna, bar kad je reč o najboljem čo- vekovom prijatelju. Ova zemlja može da se po- hvali velikim brojem rasa koje su osvojile planetu. Radi se uglavnom o moćnim, velikim psima, pra- vim divovima psećeg sveta!
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