Rusija u fokusu / Russia in focus
ske stanovao je i sam pisac u vreme kada je stvarao roman. A u Stolarskoj ulici su tad radile 22 krčme, valjda zato i ima- ju tako važno mesto u priči: „Oduran za- dah iz krčmi, kojih baš u ovom delu gra- da ima sva sila, i pijanci, koje je svaki čas sretao, iako beše radno vreme, popunja- vali su gadan i tužan kolorit slike...“ Na Stolarsku se nastavlja Kokuškin most. Nedaleko je i Sadova ulica i osta- la važna mesta na kojima se odvija rad- nja romana. U Rusiji je 11. novembar ve- liki praznik. Na ovaj dan rođen je Fjodor Mihajlovič Dostojevski. Tiskaju se ljudi ispred muzeja velikana, a zvaničnici kre- ću s pripremama dvodnevne fešte Dan Dostojevskog . Ona pada u prvu subotu jula, upravo kad i počinje radnja romana Zločin i kazna . „Na ulici je vla-
jevna Biron objašnjava da su izabrali jul za slavlje jer je novembar izuzetno hla- dan, baš kao i januar, mesec kad je pisac umro. Ove godine gradske vlasti odo- brile su projekat u skladu sa kojim će se prostor muzeja, koji govori o životu i stvaralaštvu pisca, značajno povećati. Pre svega, pored kuće u kojoj se nalazi me- morijalni stan Dostojevskog, na adresi Kuznječki sokak 5/2, planira se izgradnja trospratne stambene zgrade. Za skoro 50 godina, koliko muzej postoji, ekspozici- ja se znatno proširila. Na programu su pohodi i ekskurzije po Peterburgu Do- stojevskog, performansi sa lutkama-ve- likanima koje predstavljaju pisce, savre- menike Fjodora Dostojevskog, a takođe i snimci iz filma Idiot, u čemu mogu da
učestvuju svi koji žele. Partneri književ- no-memorijalnog muzeja tih dana biće desetine muzeja, pozorišta i biblioteka. U celom gradu izvode se predstave, per- formansi, projekcije filmova, ekskurzi- je, izložbe i predavanja. U fešti učestvuju pozorišta, muzeji, biblioteke i još dese- tak vodećih kulturnih organizacija grada. Na ulicama je žamor, ljudi su kostimira- ni, zabavljaju se i slave… U stvari sve jako liči na opis Svidrigajlova, jednog od ju- naka iz romana. „Ja sam uveren da u Peterburgu ima mnogo ljudi koji u hodu razgovaraju sami sa sobom. To je grad poluludog sveta. Kad bi kod nas bilo nauke, lekari, pravnici i fi- lozofi mogli bi u Peterburgu da vrše razli- čita istraživanja, svaki u svojoj struci. Ret-
zens of museums, the- atres and libraries will be partners of the li- terary-memorial mu- seum. Plays, performan- ces, film screenings, tours, exhibitions and lectures are perfor- med throughout the city. Theatres, muse- ko se na jednom mestu nalazi toliko mračnih, oštrih i neobičnih uti- caja na čovečju dušu koliko u Peterburgu. Šta vrede sami klimat- ski uticaji! A ovamo je to upravo središte cele Rusije i njegov se ka- rakter mora odraziti na svemu…“
writing the no- vel. And in Sto- larski Street then worked 22 taverns, which is proba- bly why they have such an important place in the story: “The insufferable stench from the pot-houses, which dala strašna žega, a usto i zapara, ti- šina, svuda kreč, skele, cigle, prašina i onaj poseban let- nji smrad, tako po- znat svakom Peter- buržaninu...“ Vera Serge-
are particularly numerous in that part of the town, and the drunken men whom he met continually, although it was a wor- king day, completed the revolting misery of the picture.” On Stolarski continues Kokushkin Bridge. Nearby are also Sadova Street and other important places where the no- vel unfolds. In Russia, 11 th November is a major holiday. It was on this day that Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky was born. Pe- ople gather in front of the museum of this Great, while officials begin prepa- ring two days of festivities “Dostoevsky Day”. It falls on the first Saturday in July, just when the action starts in the novel “Crime and Punishment”. “The heat in the street was terrible: and the airlessness, the bustle and the pla- ster, scaffolding, bricks, and dust all about him, and that special Petersburg stench…”
Vera Sergeyevna Biron explains that they chose July for the celebration be- cause November is very cold, just like January, the month when the writer died. This year saw the city government approve a project that will result in a si- gnificant increase in the space occu- pied by the museum that showcases the life and works of this writer. First of all, a three-storey residential building is plan- ned beside the house containing Do- stoevsky’s memorial apartment, at Pen- za Sokak 5/2. The museum’s collection has grown significantly in the almost half a century that it has been housed there. The programme includes walks and excursions in Dostoevsky’s Peters- burg, performances with puppets of the greats that represent writers, Dostoev- sky’s contemporaries, as well as foota- ge from the film Idiot, in which anyone who wants can participate. That day, do-
ums, libraries and a dozen of the city’s le- ading cultural organisations all participa- te in the festivities. There is a buzz on the streets, with people in costumes, having fun and celebrating ... In fact, it’s all very similar to the description of Svidrigailov, one of the novel’s characters. “I’m convinced that many people in Petersburg talk to themselves as they walk. This is a city of half-crazy people. If we had any science, then physicians, lawyers, and philosophers could do the most valuable research on Petersburg, each in his own field. One seldom finds a place where there are so many gloomy, sharp, and strange influences on the soul of man as in Petersburg. The climatic in- fluences alone are already worth somet- hing! And at the same time this is the administrative centre of the whole of Ru- ssia, and its character must be reflected in everything.”
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