oravak u Sankt Peterburgu mogla bih da poistovetim sa strasnom i požudnom lju- bavnom avanturom, koja ne- kontrolisano obuzima tvoje
I could compare a stay in St. Petersburg with a passionate and lust- ful adventure in love, which uncontro- llably takes over your being in its en- tirety, forcing you to give yourself to it without hesitation. An adventure that happens once in a lifetime, quite suddenly and unexpectedly, leaving a
Sankt Peterburg otima te mahnito, kao princ Pepeljugu, tek što je uspela da navuče cipelicu St. Pete’s hijacks you wildly, like the prince did to Cinderella, as soon she managed to put on the shoe
biće u celosti, terajući te da joj se pre- daš bez zadrške. Avantura koja se de- šava jednom u životu, sasvim iznena- da i neočekivano, ostavljajući trag za ceo život, jer posle nje više ništa nije isto! A kako bi i moglo da bude kad te na jednom me- stu sačeka i obuzme sve najbolje i najlepše iz najve- ćih evropskih gradova – Venecije, Amsterdama, Pariza i Londona, upotpunjeno snažnim pečatom raskošne ru- ske kulture i očaravajućim duhom složene ruske duše, koja se rečima teško može opisati. Široke, iskrene i otvo- rene. U isto vreme divlje i pitome. Bez premca, čvrste i oštre, kao vetar što šiba iz Finskog zaliva. Istovremeno
trace for life, because afterwards nothing is the same! And how could it be, when in one place you are awaited and overwhelmed by all the best and most beau- tiful from Europe’s greatest cities, Venice, Amsterdam, Paris and London, complemented by a strong stamp of luxurious Russian culture and the enchanting spirit of the complex Russian soul, which words struggle to de- scribe? Broad, honest and open, while simultaneous- ly wild and tame. Peerless, solid and sharp, like the wind that howls from the Gulf of Finland, while at the same
Tekst / Words: Žana Korolija Fotografije / Photography: Shutterstock
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