Krug svetlosti U pitanju je festival posebne umetnosti, smotra dizajnera svetlosti i profesionalaca u oblasti 2D i 3D grafike. Ruski i svetski dizajneri pripremaju multimedijalni spektakl, stvarajući video-maping na fasadama poznatih građevina, spomenika kulture i drugih moskovskih građevina, integrišući svoje ideje u arhitekturu grada. U sličnom spektaklu možete uživati i u oktobru u Sankt Peterburgu. Tamošnji Festival svetlosti (28. do 29. oktobar) donosi posebnu čaroliju u ovaj grad muzej.
Circle of Light This is a special arts festival, a festival of designers of lights and professionals in the field of 2D and 3D graphics. Russian and world designers prepare a multimedia spectacle, creating video-mapping on the façades of famous buildings, cultural monuments and other Moscow buildings, integrating their ideas into the architecture of the city. A similar spectacle can be enjoyed in October, but in St. Petersburg. The local “Festival of Light” (28 th to 29 th October) brings a special magic in this great museum city.
St. Petersburg Great Festival of Animated Films
Sankt Peterburg Veliki festival crtanih filmova Ovo je događaj u okviru kojeg možete da pogledate 50 jedinstvenih programa crtanih filmova. Osim toga, ovo je prilika da se družite sa ruskim i stranim animatorima, a ove godine specijalni gost je oskarovac Aleksandar Petrov. Program festivala namenjen je širokoj publici i predstavlja najnovije animirane filmove iz Rusije i inostranstva, a prikazuje i nagrađene filmove međunarodnih festivala… Osim toga, biće održan i konkurs studentske animacije. Za vreme festivala otvoriće se nova fabrika crtanog filma – jedinstveni zabavno- obrazovni prostor za celu porodicu. Deca i odrasli moći će da učestvuju u snimanju pravih crtaća, pisanju scenarija… Festival traje od 27. oktobra do 9. novembra.
This is an event that offers fifty unique programmes around animated films. In addition, it is also an opportunity to socialise with Russian and foreign animators, and this year’s special guest is Oscar winner Alexandr Petrov. The festival’s programme is intended for a wide audience and presents the latest animated films from Russia and abroad, as well as screenings of films that have won awards at international festivals... Apart from all that, a competition of animations produced by students will also be held. The festival will also see the opening of the new Factory of Animated Film - a unique entertainment and educational space for the whole family. Children and adults will be able to participate in the filming of real cartoons, the process of writing scripts etc. The festival runs from 27 th October to 9 th November.
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