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Iso Ćorović, direktor Ugostiteljsko-tu- rističke škole u Novom Pazaru, jeste ge- ograf. Nije stručnjak za gastronomiju, ali zna da Pazarac ne seda za sto bez ljute pa- prike. Zato Naser Đakovac, predavač u ovoj školi, potanko i zanimljivo priča o ce- remonijama oko sofre. Bogato iskustvo iz celog sveta prenosi učenicima, ali ih uči da spremaju starinska jela. Otkriva im taj- ne sakare, ćumura čiji dim daje tako po- sebne ukuse… – U našoj kuhinji caruju ukusi teleti- ne i jagnjetine s Pešterske visoravni, jaki planinski sirevi, ruzmarin i nana. Čuvena je i ovdašnja halva s orasima i medom, pa tufahije, baklave – objašnjava Đakovac do- dajući da lepota ukusa pazarskih jela dolazi od toga što se spremaju lagano i kuvaju sporo. Žene iz Udruženja žena i majki Anna iz Novog Pa- zara najzaslužnije su što su mnogi ukusi sačuvani od zaborava. – Pazarska ravanija je kolač koji muškarci naro- čito vole. Da se na stolu nađe 100 vrsta kolača, sva- ki će prvo uzeti parče ravanije – ispričala nam je Milena Pećanin, nastavnica muzike i članica udru- ženja. A kolač je tako jednostavan da svako može da ga spremi. Taj nezaboravni ukus dobićete ako umu- tite četiri jajeta sa isto toliko šoljica brašna i šećera, pa u to ulijete trećinu šolje mleka i dve trećine šolje
next to each other in a round baking tray. Prior to being placed on the table they are covered with sour milk with garlic. An opia- te for all the senses! The director of the Catering and Tou- rism School in Novi Pazar, Iso Ćorović, is a geographer. He is not an expert in ga- stronomy, but he knows that a man from Pazar does not sit at a table without spicy peppers. That’s why Naser Đakovac, a le- cturer at the school, talks about ceremo- nies around sofre. He teaches students to prepare traditional dishes. He reveals to them the secrets of Sakara, the charcoal smoke which gives a specific taste... - In our cuisine dominate the tastes
Neprocenjiva su bogatstva islamskog i hrišćanskog nasleđa Novog
of veal and lamb from the Pester plateau, strong mo- untain cheeses, rosemary and mint, the famous local halva with walnuts and honey, and tufahije, baklava - explains Đakovac, adding that the beauty of the flavo- urs of Pazar dishes comes from them being prepared easily and cooked slowly. Women from the “Anna” Association of Women and Mothers from Novi Pazar are most deserving for having preserved many flavours from oblivion. - Pazar ravanija is a cake that is particularly loved by men. If there are 100 kinds of cakes on the table, every man would first take a piece of ravanija – we are told by Milena Pećanin, a music teacher and mem- ber of the association. You
Pazara These are the most priceless riches of Islamic and Christian heritage in Novi Pazar
ulja. Ostaje samo da izli- jete u pleh i na tihom pe- čete ceo sat. Da osetite sve te ukuse ipak morate u Pazar, u čar- šiju. Krenite od Sebilj-če- sme i lagano gustirajte. Re- dom, slano, pa slatko.
will get that unforgetta- ble taste if you mix four eggs with four cups of flo- ur and sugar, then add one third of a cup of milk and two-thirds of a cup of oil. All that remains is to pour the mixture into a baking tray and bake it lightly for an hour. In order to experien- ce all of these flavours you still have to go to Pazar, to the bazaar. You head off from Sebilj Fountain and slowly sample what’s on offer, in order, savoury, then sweet.
Lepota ukusa pazarskih jela dolazi od toga što se spremaju lagano i kuvaju sporo; 1 sitnoćufte, 2 ravanija, 3 janija The beauty of the tastes of Pazar dishes comes from them being prepared easily and cooked slowly; 1 sitnoćufte, 2 ravanija, 3 janija
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