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order for me to reach that silver medal. They do not know that every day – regardless of whether it was snowing or raining, whether it was winter or summer, whether I was being burnt by the sun or chilled to the bone – I always went training. I have a friend who was better than me and more promising in the junior categories, but who would, whenever he had to get up early for training, just turn over on the other side of the pillow and continue sleeping. Now he tells me: “Eh, if only I’d been more persistent!” I didn’t sleep; I trained and made it to Rio. Our silver boys admit that they had imagined that unforgettable race for their entire lives. - When you’re little you think you’re Saša Đorđević, counting aloud “3, 2, 1”, -and at the sound of the buzz- er you score a basket to win. I always dreamed of over- taking our opponents in the last few metres and win- ning. Now we were a step away, we had a great finish, but we did not succeed, says Marko, with Milenko add- ing, slightly sadly: - We fantasised that we were climbing onto the po- dium, that we were singing the national anthem. Thus it is a little disappointing that we went through the fin- ish line second. We owe great thanks for that to our psychologists, who prepared us for all tribulations. Even before the race we weren’t nervous, but rather we’d been trained for that energy to be enjoyable for us - explain our kayakers, who could teach us much more than how to paddle. - Good energy is the secret of our success - con- clude these World silver medalists as night falls on No- vi Sad. And just as the sun sets on this late September day, Marko whispers to the Danube one more wish... - God willing, after Tokyo we’ll see each other again and I’ll have two medals around my neck: one from the doubles with Milenko and one from the sin- gles. That is my desire. And it is ours too. But Tokyo is a long way off. They need to paddle. To gold.
Maštali smo da se
mlađim kategorijama bio bolji od mene, ali koji bi se, kada god je trebalo ustati rano za trening, samo okre- nuo na drugu stranu i nastavio da spava. Sada kaže: „Eh, da sam bio uporniji!“. Ja nisam spavao... Naši srebrni momci priznaju da su tu nezaborav- nu trku ceo život zamišljali... – Kada si mali, zamišljaš da si Saša Đorđević, bro- jiš naglas 3, 2, 1 i sa zvukom sirene daješ koš za pobe- du. Uvek sam sanjao da u poslednjim metrima presti- žemo protivnike i da tako pobeđujemo. Sada smo bili na korak, imali odličan finiš, ali nismo uspeli – kaže Marko, a Milenko pomalo tužno dodaje: – Maštali smo da se penjemo na pobedničko po- stolje, da pevamo himnu. Otuda malo razočaranje kada smo kao drugi prošli kroz cilj. Veliku zahvalnost dugujemo našim psiholozima, koji su nas pripremi- li za sva iskušenja. Čak ni pre trke nismo bili nervo- zni, već smo bili istrenirani da nam to bude uživanje – objašnjavaju naši kajakaši, od kojih bi se moglo nau- čiti mnogo više od veslanja. – Dobra energija je tajna uspeha – zaključuju osva- jači svetskog srebra dok se noć spušta na Novi Sad. I baš u smiraj ovog kasnog septembarskog dana Marko Dunavu šapuće još jednu želju… – Ako bog da, posle Tokija ću oko vrata imati dve medalje. Jednu u dvosedu s Milenkom, a jednu u jed- nosedu. To je moja želja – kaže on. I naša je. Ali daleko je Tokio. Treba veslati. Do zlata…
penjemo na pobedničko postolje, da pevamo himnu We fantasised that we were climbing onto the podium, that we were singing the
national anthem
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