Elevate October 2016 | Air Serbia


Dečak od 12 godina po imenu Branko Bosilj- čić stoji sam na Železničkoj stanici u Beogradu. Roditelji su ga ostavili tu da se snađe jer ih je po- terala velika nemaština iz Valjeva. Oni su morali da se bore za koru hleba, a on je morao sam sebe da zbrine. Vrlo brzo se pokazao kao vredan šegrt, pa su ga majstori uzeli na zanat. Tako je postao bombondžija, a kasnije i vrlo cenjen u poslu. Nje- govi proizvodi preživeli su i Drugi svetski rat i po- sleratnu kolektivizaciju i industrijalizaciju... A žive i danas, nadmoćniji su i od potonje poplave uvo- znih proizvoda. – Od jednostavnih sastojaka nastaje providna, svetlucava masa, džinovska bombona, koju može- te da obojite i namirišete tako da svakome pođe voda na usta – kaže Branko Bosiljčić, unuk koji je nastavio dedinim stopama. Ovaj zanat ne može da se nauči u školi jer već dugo nema pravih majstora. – U našoj porodici svako je imao svoje zadu- ženje. Učili smo gledajući starije, prvo šegrte, pa kalfe... Mi pravimo starinske, prave slatkiše. Šećer je osnova, uz bombonski sirup i kukuruzni skrob. Dodajemo mnogo voća da bismo dobili zdravu kombinaciju. A 12-year-old boy called Branko Bosiljčić stands alone at the main Belgrade Train Station. His parents have left him there to fend for himse- lf, having themselves been driven from Valjevo by great scarcity. They had to continue to fight for a crust of bread, and he had to take care of himse- lf. He quickly proved to be a worthy apprentice, so a master craftsman took him on to learn the craft. Thus he became a sweetmaker, who later became very highly rated in the business. His products survived World War II and the post-war collectivi- sation and industrialisation ... And they are alive today, and they are superior to the subsequent flo- od of imported products. - From simple ingredients, a transparent, shimmering mass is produced, a giant candy, whi- ch you can colour and flavour so that everyone waters at the mouth - says Branko Bosiljčić, the grandson who continues his grandfather’s craft. This craft cannot be learned in school, as the- re have been no real master craftsmen for a long time. -In our family everyone had their duties. We learned from watching those who were older, first apprentices, then journeymen ... We make old-fas- hioned, proper candy. Sugar is the base, with can- dy syrup and corn starch. We add a lot of fruit in order to get a healthy combination.

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