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Real Estate Journal — Green Buildings — July 29 - August 11, 2016, 2014 — 21B
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Philadelphia firm ensures that museum building systems operate efficiently Wright Commissioning goes for Gold at the Museum of the American Revolution
HILADELPHIA, PA — Wright Commission- ing , the Philadelphia region’s only independent building commissioning firm, is actively involved on the project team for Philadelphia’s Museum of the American Rev- olution at Third and Chestnut Streets. Wright is working with Owner’s Representa- tive Dan Bosin Associates , Robert A. M. Stern Archi- tects , Altieri Sebor Wieber Consulting Engineers and Intech Construction on the three-story, 118,000 s/f project. “Our job is to make sure that specialized building systems P TRENTON, NJ — Stress- ing the importance of keep- ing critical infrastructures operational during natural disasters, the Board of the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (EDA) awarded preliminary approval for the funding of two projects under the Energy Resilience Bank (ERB). One project is a combined heat and power (CHP) system at Cooper University Hospital (CUH) and the other is a resiliency project at the Ber- gen County Utilities Author- ity (BCUA), which provides wastewater treatment and solid waste management for more than 500,000 people. Created by the Christie Ad- ministration in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, the ERB is the first public infra- structure bank in the nation to focus on energy resilience. Administered by the EDA, the ERB is utilizing $200 million from New Jersey’s second Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recov- ery (CDBG-DR) allocation to support the development of distributed energy resources (DER) at critical facilities throughout the state that will enable them to remain opera- tional during future outages. The intent of the ERB is to finance the installation or
such as the atrium smoke control system function as they were designed to, mean- ing that we review and verify the work of the designers and contractors on the project,” said Will Wright , president of Wright Commissioning. “Sur- viving our scrutiny will give this facility the best chance of reaching its goals, including LEED Gold certification.” Additional special features of the building systems in- clude the climate-controlled room that houses the actual tent that Washington used at Valley Forge, a novel water- recapture system that uses WEST BOYLSTON, MA — Greenskies Renewable Energy has signed an agree- ment to build a 2-megawatt solar array on a capped landfill in West Boylston. The ground-mounted ar- ray will be the second largest project ever built by Green- skies, the Connecticut-based company with the largest market share of the U.S. solar industry’s commercial and industrial market sector at the close of the first quar- ter of 2016. The company’s largest solar project to date is the 5-megawatt solar en- ergy plant built on a 43-acre tract of land in East Lyme, Conn., in 2014. The West Boylston proj- ect, which will be built in partnership with the West Boylston Municipal Light Plant (WBMLP), a munici- pally owned and operated utility company, will cover about 5 acres of the landfill located off Route 140. It will consist of about 6,000 solar photovoltaic panels. “Power produced by the project will be distributed to the municipal grid, resulting in a net savings of about $1.8 million for the community over the life of the array,” said Michael Daly , a busi- ness development manager at Greenskies.
graywater from a detention basin piped to the cooling tower, and a fire protection system that pumps water and nitrogen in a rapid mist to deprive a fire of oxygen. Scheduled to open in Spring 2017, the Museum of the American Revolution is among a number of historical, cul- tural and museum projects on which Wright Commissioning has worked, including Cli- veden of the National Trust, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Historical Society of Penn- sylvania, Scott Arboretum and the Lancaster Historical Society. n “We are proud to be part- nering with WBMLP on this initiative,” he said. “Light Department General Man- ager Jon Fitch and the West BoylstonMunicipal Lighting Plant Board of Commis- sioners have done a great job. They are innovators who are certainly aware of the need to serve the 3,500 residents and businesses of West Boylston with the most dependable and cost- effective power possible.” The project, which has been fast-tracked by Green- skies to meet deadlines im- posed by the Massachusetts Department of Energy Re- sources, will be completed early next January. Greenskies is the number 1-ranked solar developer in the commercial and in- dustrial sector according to the latest U.S. PV (photo- voltaic) Leaderboard, com- piled quarterly by GTM Re- search, the solar industry’s leading research firm and data tracker. The eight- year-old company designs, builds and maintains solar photovoltaic systems for commercial and industrial clients, municipalities and government agencies, educa- tional institutions and utili- ties throughout the United States. n
Museum of the American Revolution
Greenskies to build solar array on Bay State landfill
EDA advances two projects for Energy Resilience Bank Funding
upgrading of commercially available and cost effective re- silient energy technologies at critical facilities, with a focus on effective DER technologies, including CHP and fuel cells, which are designed to start up and function in “island” mode, disconnected and isolated from the grid during a power outage or other event. As an added benefit, these technolo- gies typically provide cleaner and more efficient power than more traditional forms of elec- tricity generation. “It is essential that New Jersey’s communities and res- idents have access to hospi- tals and clean water through any emergency,” EDA chief executive officer Melissa Orsen said. “When complete, the projects approved today will enable these facilities to continue operating indepen- dently from the electrical grid and providing necessary com- munity services and benefits in the event of future storms, disasters, or other emergency situations.” Today’s Board action will allow the CUH project to advance to the next phase of the ERB program review. As authorized, $28.2 million of ERB funds will be reserved for the project, approximately $19.5 million as a grant and $8.7 million as a low-interest
loan. An additional $2 million will be provided in the form of a loan from the Public Ser- vice Electric & Gas (PSE&G) Hospital Efficiency Program, which will cover the gap be- tween the ERB funding and the project’s total estimated cost of $30.2 million. Consistent with ERB and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) CDBG-DR program re- quirements, CUHwill develop a new CHP on its hospital campus in Camden. The proj- ect will include a 4.4 Mega- watt recuperated combustion turbine generator that will be interconnected within the hospital campus, which in- cludes the main hospital, the MD Anderson Cancer Center, 3 Cooper Plaza, the Education and Research Building, and two adjacent parking garages. The BCUA is responsible for wastewater treatment and solid waste management ser- vices for Bergen County mu- nicipalities. The action taken at today’s board meeting will allow the BCUA project to advance to the next phase of the ERB program review. As authorized, $26.99 million of ERB funds will be reserved for the project, approximately $25 million as a grant and $1.9 million as a low-interest loan. n
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