28B — July 29 - August 11, 2016 — Owners, Developers & Managers — M id A tlantic
Real Estate Journal
New Jersey Apartment Association www.njaa.com
NJAA Charitable Fund Golf Outing Monday, September 12, 2016 Galloping Hill Golf Course 3 Golf Drive, Kenilworth, NJ 07033
Deadline to Register: Friday September 2nd For more information contact: events@njaa.com or 732-992-0060
Event Day Timeline
Golf $390 per person/$1,560 per foursome (Cost for Golf includes Lunch & Dinner/ Reception) Lunch Only - $75/person Dinner/Reception Only - $175/person
Lunch 11:00am Shotgun Start/Scramble Format 12:00pm Snacks & Beverages 12-5pm Dinner/Reception 5:30pm
To register, complete this form and email or fax back to: events@njaa.com / (609) 860-0060
GOLF REGISTRATION $390 per person/$1,560 per foursome Player 1: Name ____________________________________ Company ____________________________________ Player 2: Name ____________________________________ Company ____________________________________ Player 3: Name ____________________________________ Company ____________________________________ Player 4: Name ____________________________________ Company ____________________________________ LUNCH ONLY $75 per person Name ___________________________________________ Company ____________________________________ Name ___________________________________________ Company ____________________________________ RECEPTION ONLY $175 per person Name ___________________________________________ Company ____________________________________ Name ___________________________________________ Company ____________________________________ PAYMENT INFORMATION Please make checks payable to NJAA Charitable Fund or authorize Credit Card payment as: Visa MasterCard AMEX Card Number ________________________________________________ Security Code ___________ Exp_________ Cardholder Name ___________________________________ Company ____________________________________ Address _______________________________________ City_____________________ State ______ Zip _________ Phone _____________________________________ E-mail ______________________________________________ Signature ______________________________________ Date ____________ TOTAL AMOUNT $________________
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