A Simple Guide To Understanding Your Nervous System

INTRODUCTION: Finding Balance in your Body’s Thermostat Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here. In this book, I want to help you understand your body’s reactions in a way that feels comforting, not overwhelming. You may have heard of the fight-or-flight response or felt moments of shutdown when stress becomes too much, but what if we could look at these experiences through a different lens - one that helps you to feel more in control? Let’s imagine that your nervous system is like a thermostat, managing the “temperature” of your body’s reactions. Just like a thermostat keeps your home at a comfortable setting, your nervous system is always working to keep you feeling safe and balanced. But when you’ve experienced trauma or prolonged stress, this internal thermostat can get stuck, leaving you feeling too hot, too cold, or rarely “just right.”

Understanding this is the first step in reclaiming your balance, and I’m here to guide you through it.


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