A Simple Guide To Understanding Your Nervous System

CHAPTER TWO Sympathetic Activation— Too Hot to Handle

When your body senses any kind of threat or danger, your sympathetic nervous system kicks in like a boiler that’s turning up too high. Think of it as your thermostat being set to HOT. This is your body’s fight-or-flight response, preparing you to face a threat or run away from it. How It Feels: You might notice your heart racing, your mind feeling scattered, or a sense of urgency. It’s as if there’s an internal adrenaline surge - your body is getting ready to act, even if there’s no immediate danger.

Common Signs:

Anxiety or panic Racing thoughts

Restlessness or agitation Feeling “wired” or jumpy

When you’re stuck in this “too hot” state, everyday challenges can feel like it’s all just too much. Small things might make you overreact or feel overwhelmed. Your body’s internal thermostat is set on high alert, keeping you from feeling truly calm. But don’t worry - there are ways to reset your temperature.


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