A Simple Guide To Understanding Your Nervous System

CHAPTER THREE Dorsal Vagal Shutdown—Too Cold to Connect If the sympathetic system is like a thermostat that’s too high, the dorsal vagal system is like a setting that’s turned down too low. This is your body’s freeze response, which can feel like a deer stuck in the headlights. Imagine your thermostat stuck on COLD - you feel numb, as if your energy is frozen, disconnected and exhausted. How It Feels: It feels like your battery is flat, and even getting through the day can feel like too much. This freeze state often happens when you can’t take action, and your nervous system is overwhelmed and shuts down to protect you.

Common Signs:

Exhaustion or chronic fatigue Feeling emotionally numb or distant Disconnection from others Difficulty getting out of bed or doing daily tasks When your body gets stuck in this state, it’s hard to find motivation or feel engaged. But again, this isn’t a flaw - this is your body’s way of saving energy and keeping you safe when it feels there’s no way out. Understanding this is the first step toward gently warming up and finding balance again.


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