2022 Training High 5 eBook

Happiness Officers Cana Den Mi Sapato ( Walk In My Shoes)

Submitted by: Nadine Willems-Antersijn Corporate Trainer, Giannis Group


To promote employee satisfaction and wellbeing by increasing empathy and teamwork.

How it Works

At Giannis Group, we have implemented a company-wide Happiness Office to increase employee health and wellbeing, with the goal of raising job satisfaction scores to over 85% among our 500

Spending time working in another area of the company shifts perspectives, promotes empathy, and improves teamwork.

employees. Each of our locations, which include 10 food and beverage locations as well as a boutique hotel, has a dedicated Happiness Officer who works closely with employees at that location. The Happiness Officer monitors the culture of the team and receives direct feedback from employees. This summer, we implemented a new project with the Happiness Officers called “Cana Den Mi Sapato,” which means “Walk In My Shoes.” Each Happiness Officer had the opportunity to work at another location, doing a different job than they normally do. They participated in every aspect of the company, washing dishes, toasting bagels, mixing drinks, and processing shipments, to name a few.


Experiencing another employee’s day-to-day work responsibilities increased empathy and promoted a spirit of teamwork, which is exactly what the Happiness Office aims to do. It allowed Happiness Officers to understand more deeply that all roles are important and valuable, and dispelled the misconception that someone else’s job would be so much easier or less stressful than their own.

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