with international NET and cardiac experts want to nd devise methods for improving outcomes. They are uroendocrine Cancer UK have been supporting with this

ear with carcinoid syndrome. Additionally, patients can with weight and muscle loss. Management of these ether to provide a safe and effective service for patients.

d in Sheffield in December 2023, the delegates agreed to rationalize services to 3-5 UKINETS expert panel. g with CHD to understand their experience of living with the disease and of the treatment what an ‘ideal service’ would look like for a carcinoid heart disease patient and gathered . This feedback has been added to a draft consensus document which is now being and comments. The next stage of this process will be to collate that feedback and take the ERSITY HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST: Site-specific CNS education Trust to provide a series of lunch-time educational sessions for their site-specific Clinical olorectal). etings with the teams and their leads, their Macmillan Senior Nurse Philippa Hand, has re and more responsibility for those with neuroendocrine cancer and discussed with ts) might best be supported in both their practice and professional development.

ing sessions to the teams (1 Colorectal, dback has been extremely positive and anned (for the Lung CNS team). e teaching sessions - including a pre- eams, Trusts and organisations and across to discuss opportunities and options.

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