SPOTLIGHT ON NEUR The ‘spotlight on neuroendocrine cancer’ campaign aims to raise aware The campaign is in collaboration with the UK and Ireland Neuroendocr
We are delighted that this month the Primary Care Society of Gastroente consultant gastroenterologist and chair of the UK & Ireland Neuroendoc neuroendocrine cancer on their Ingest podcast. They discussed why it’s important for GPs to know about neuroendocrin some of the challenges. Prof Pritchard provides lots of practical advice a symptoms can be vague and mimic other more common conditions such neuroendocrine cancer. This provided a wonderful opportunity to highlight neuroendocrine cance of supporting GPs to be able to recognise potential neuroendocrine canc to be diagnosed faster and more accurately. Please help us and share this with your GP! Just CLICK HERE to vi directly by clicking on the image.
A GP with an extended role (GPwER) is a GP who undertakes an additio secondary care in innovative roles supporting gastroenterology waiting l As it is in addition to their core general practice, it requires further trainin sponsored by NHS England. The training takes 12 months and is a mix training sessions. We have been working with the programme lead and are delighted that We are very excited to have this opportunity to include neuroendocrine c in hospitals supporting patients. AN OVERVIEW OF NEUROENDOCRINE CANCER FOR HEALTHC To enable us to raise awareness of neuroendocrine cancer for healthcar aim of these is to act as a bite-size, practical educational aid to support date we have created a general one for all HCPs, one for GPs and one one for general surgeons. These will be ready later in 2024.
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