King's Business - 1924-01



THIRTY-TWO REASONS WHY THE DE­ STRUCTIVE CRITICISM OF THE OLD TESTAMENT MUST BE REJECTED Rev. R. B. Jones p BECAUSE its founder was a sceptic. 2. BECAUSE, if the critics’ theories be true, the Jews of the Old Testament times would have been aware of the case, and would have repudiated the suspected portions. 3. BECAUSE the literary method of the critics, when applied to literature belonging to their own times and language, has signally failed. 4. BECAUSE the critics’ theories are simply the re-hash of the theories of notorious infidels, such as TOM PAINE, VOLTAIRE, BRADLAUGH, INGERSOLL, etc. 5. BECAUSE its theories are in conflict with the ex­ plicit utterances of our Lord Jesus Christ regarding the Old Testament. 6. BECAUSE, in order to retain their theories, the critics have to assail the infallibility of Christ as teacher. 7. BECAUSE it has no single historical fact for its basis, but is built upon purely subjective assumptions. 8. BECAUSE every single fact of archaeological dis­ covery is dead against their theories. 9. BECAUSE many of the first basal assumptions of the critics— such as the non-prevalence of writing in the time of Moses— have been proved to be false. 10. BECAUSE it cannot be that Germans and British, in the twentieth century A. D„ know better than the an­ cient Jewish historians themselves. 11. BECAUSE it makes God the user of fraudulent forgery as a means of Ancient Revelation. 12. BECAUSE men of equal, and even superior, scholar­ ship to the critics have shown their theories to be un­ tenable. 13. BECAUSE it robs men of a chief desideratum, namely, an authoritiative, complete, perfect, and final Revelation from God. 14. BECAUSE while it pretends to remove intellectual hindrances to the acceptance of the Bible, it leaves no Bible worth accepting. 15. BECAUSE it creates more intellectual hindrances than it professes to be able to solve. 16. BECAUSE it leads none to Christ, but destroys the faith of many. 17. BECAUSE it is barren of evangelistic and spiritual effects and results. 18. BECAUSE it is the natural offspring of that un­ proven, unprovable, un-Scriptural, and God-dishonoring theory— DARWINISM. 19. BECAUSE it inevitably leads to the relinquishing of fundamental Christian truths, such as the Deity of Christ and His substitutionary, propitiatory atonement on the Cross. 20. BECAUSE in destroying the authority of the Bible, it takes away the foundation of Christian civilization, and leads to social and political anarchy. 21. BECAUSE the critics themselves cannot agree as to what they call the “assured results’’ of their investiga­ tions.

22. BECAUSE it proceeds on a rationalistic basis, which shuts out the supernatural and miraculous intervention of God in history. 23. BECAUSE recent scholarship is increasingly sub­ verting the whole critical position. 24. BECAUSE the critics dare not take cognizance of the many books published that riddle their whole structure. 25. BECAUSE not one of the critics, nor all put to­ gether have sufficient knowledge to show that the Old Testa­ ment is not what it professes to be. 26. BECAUSE the critics wilfully shut their eyes to all the evidence with which they cannot harmonize their theories. 27. BECAUSE it makes impossible the exercise of faith, faith with presupposes and demands an infallible Word of God to rest on. 28. BECAUSE its methods and: results are repugnant to the common sense of every unprejudiced mind. 29. BECAUSE having silenced the Voice of God, it leaves the human rape to the uncertain light of its own little intellect and philosophy, which can never lead it to God. 30. BECAUSE it is the modern expression of the Ser­ pent’s insinuation to Eve: “Hath God said?’’ Gen. 3:1. 31. BECAUSE it is nothing but the latest presentation of age-long scepticism and infidelity in a Christian garb, 32. BECAUSE so far from the human race having been, at the outset, a race of superstitions, polytheistic savages, as the critics, teach,— “the idea of God is clearer, simpler, and freer from mythological conceptions, as we penetrate more remotely into the past history of nations.” —-{Mgr., Leroy, “The Religion of the Primitives.” )

THE MODERN MIND “Come now, let us reason together.” Isa. 1:18. Howard W. Pope Come now and let us reason use, And Mercy’s gift you’ll not refuse; Tho’ your sins red as scarlet be, Christ died to save you on the tree; And tho’ they red to crimson grow, They shall be whiter than the snow. God always follows reason’s way, Whatever He may do or say; He never asks us to believe, Until some reason we receive; Thus has He dealt thro’ all our days, And He deserves our hearty praise. The ancient and the modern mind, Were just the same as we shall find; The ancient mind was more profound, The modern in conceit abounds; The ancients followed reason’s way, The moderns quote what “scholars” say. If we the safe course would pursue, We’ll not discard old truth for new; There’s no new truth ’neath sun or sod, For Truth is just as old as God. No farther can a man progress, Than to desire God’s Righteousness.

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