King's Business - 1924-01

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


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ought to tell about these facts. Does he not know that all the greatest scientists have for 75 years searched every­ where for the three essential facts without which evolution is simply an absolutely unproven hypothesis? The first fact necessary is origin without creation by the Lord; the sec­ ond, the beginnings of life from non-life; the third, some one species that grew by inherent forces from a lower species. How famous would be the name of Hibben forever if he can furnish one or the other essential facts to a certainty! Is it not a wholly unfair thing to berate fundamentalists for not accepting facts which this learned man says he has, but keeps to himself? The

BRYAN AND HIS CRITICS William Jennings Bryan was recently termed “an ex­ ceedingly dangerous character in religious thought by the Rev. Edmund D. Soper, professor of the history of reli­ gion at Northwestern University, in an address before a Methodist campmeeting. That was because Mr. Bryan has said that man must choose between the Bible and evolution. Dr. S. Parkes Cadman, in his address at the commencement of our Western Maryland Col­ lege, also derided Mr. Bryan because of his op­ position to the doctrine of evolution, and, like Dr. Van Dyke, attempted to convey the impression that the Great

Commoner was a veritable ig- noramus as far as scientific knowledge is concerned. Criti­ cizing Mr, Bryan seems to have become a very popular pastime with a certain class of preach­ ers and educators. It seems rather absurd, however, to re­ fer to one who is as well read as Mr. Bryan as a man “who talks much but reads little,” and the general public will not be greatly impressed by the unworthy effort to discredit the intelligence and discount the learning of one of the greatest characters of Amer­ ican history. And in the mean­ time Mr. Bryan goes serenely on, challenging the preposter­ ous theories of the Darwinian doctrine, and waiting in vain for a satisfactory reply to his assertions. As he so forcefully says: “There is no antagonism between religion and real sci­ ence. Science is classified knowledge, therefore nothing is scientific unless it is true.

whole discussion he gives ig­ nores the real facts ’that there are six kinds of evolution, and makes no choice among them; it speaks of progress as if that were evolution, and of de­ velopment by Providential dealings of God, claiming that also for evolution. The loosest kind of loose and superficial thinking, astonishing for a learned man to express.— East­ ern Methodist. SOLID AND SENSIBLE The Rev. Dr. Russell H. Con- well offered Northern Baptists at Atlantic City some food for serious reflection. In sub­ stance he warned them and the world not to “evolute! if you do you’H evolute down­ ward.” He pointed out that' the world had perhaps reached the peak of its civilization, “reach- ed that great stage those old worlds like Rome or Egypt

TWO LETTERS Tkat Made tke Entire K. B. OffIce Force Happy All Day From Illinois “Enclosed, please find check for 124 subscriptions to the King’s Business. Perhaps we will send for more later.”

From Wales o rder from Wales calls for 15 Dozen October issue 18 November 21 ” December


and states that orders will be sent in­ creasing the number in like proportion. We would willingly sit up all night to open letters like that. Let ’em come!


reached before they began evoluting downward. There are lessons in the ruins of those nations which suggest that we are wrong, in being too proud of our own civilization. “The dangerous trend downward of war civilization is the sign of the times. Man evolutes downward. He re­ trogrades. The times are ripe for evoluting. We must see He declared the only safety lay in Jesus. “I am an old man now,” he said. “I am speaking to most of you for the last time, and I tell you from the long experience of my life and from the bottom of my heart that the only safety lies in Jesus. Go to Jesus first with all your problems. That’s ‘safety first.’ He admonished his audience not to meddle with the Bible. “You might just as well go down to Washington and cut a piece off that standard yard-stick,” he said. “You’d be no worse than the minister who meddles with the Bible.” Dr. Conwell introduced himself by confessing he was no preacher at all. “I never wrote a sermon nor preserved one in my life,” he said. “I have been so busy saving souls I haven’t had time even to graduate from a theological seminary.” — Eastern Methodist.

No truth can hurt the Bible, no truth can hurt Christianity. Our objection is to unsupported guesses put forth by sci­ entists in the name of science. The guess to which we most object is the guess that a man is a descendant of the brutes. . We object to this guess because it is unproved and demoralizing. It leads man to look downward for spiration.” “F o r th ou h a st m ad e h im a lit t le low e r th a n th e a n g e ls, and h a st crow n ed h im w ith g lo r y and hon or.1 (P sa lm 8:5.1 .-^-M ethodist Protestant. PRESIDENT HIBBEN’S “FACTS OF EVOLUTION” The learned president of Princeton University in his’ baccalaureate address denounces fundamentalists for not accepting the facts of evolution; and repeats again and again that “the facts of evolution” prove it to be true, that fundamentalists are afraid of recognizing these facts of evolution, and so on. Now if President Hibben has such absolutely convincing facts in his possession, facts that greatest scientists, like Huxley, Lord Kelvin, Wallace and even Darwin himself, have diligently searched for and never found, Hibben interpretations of himself instead of looking up for in- that we don’t.”

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