King's Business - 1924-01



Current Comment—Continued

tality” instead of “immorality.” What do you mean, Doc­ tor, by the “law of conservation?” Is it the law of sin and death? “The law of evolution” is it up or down? The Book says it is “worse and worse," but of course we know we cannot depend on the Book, so we must let Sarah and conservation and evolution satisfy us, but— it doesn’t mean anything to us. THE PACIFIC CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE (Methodist) in its issue of March 28th says: The Moody Bible Institute in Chicago recently held a Founders Anniversary Week, during which much attention was given to the theological controversies now. raging. Thereby was clearly emphasized the vast difference between Mr. Moody himself and the present management of the school that bears his name. Mr. Moody was a warm friend of Henry Drummond, the evolutionist, and George Adam Smith, the higher critic, laid small emphasis upon theolo­ gical differences but like John Wesley welcomed men of different opinions if only they possessed a personal Chris­ tian experience and were qualified to offer constructive help to others. Dr. R. A. Torrey was brought up from Los An­ geles for the occasion and gave the following as the secrets of power in Mr. Moody’s life: He was fully surrendered to God; he was in the deepest and fullest sense a man of prayer; he was a man who stu­ died and used the Bible; he was humble— “the humblest man I ever knew” ; he was marked by an entire absence of a love of money; he had a consuming passion for the sal­ vation of the lost; and he had -a definite baptism with the Holy Spirit. This fine statement shows what Dr. Torrey can do when he tries. We see nothing here about a second, premillenial, imminent return of our Lord, the eternal, conscious pun­ ishment of the lost or the verbal inerrancy of the Scrip­ tures. Mr. Moody! was great because he stressed great is­ sues. His successors rattle around in his shoes because of their inability to do the same. Mr. Moody was the friend of every man, but he did not endorse Drumjmond’s crude evolutionary . theories, nor George Adam Smith’s wild vagaries, and he did lay empha­ sis upon theological differences as did John Wesley. Moody was a pronounced premillennialist_ and in one of the last messages the writer heard from his lips, he stated that emphasis should now be placed upon deepening the spiritual life of the church and preparing the Bride for the Lord’s return. •Why try to defame Moody when his books tell the story of his beliefs and of his adherence to the great evangelical doctrines? W i W t Wz NO MORE AUGUST K. B.’S NEEDED We wish to thank those friends who so promptly and generously responded to our call for August K. B.’s. We have enough to supply the demand, but we DO NEED more copies of the SEPTEMBER ISSUE and will greatly appreciate it if you will send in any copies of that issue which are not needed.

BURNING BI BLE S IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY This Dicture was taken recently by Rev. C. A. Douglass on an evangelistic trip m Latin America in company with an American Society Colporteur. A man known to be a traveling merchant had purchased their entire stock of Scriptures for the avowed purpose of selling them at the farm houses in the mountains roundabout. Soon after the sale had been ef- f e c t e d a b o y came running in crying, “ T h e y are burning the B i b l e s.” The missionary a n d colporteur h u r ­ ried to the Plaza a n d t h e r e , in t r o u t , o f t h e c h u r c h , they found a group of men tearing up the Bibles t h e t r a d e r h a d bought and throwing the pieces on a fire which had been kindled with straw. In relating this incident the missionary made the follow­ ing significant statement: “The action of the priest was heartily disapproved by many. There is much sentiment in our favor in that town now, and many openly say .they will gladly receive us and listen to our message when we re­ turn.’’ And it is not only in South America that “Bible-burning’’ is practised. Read the following from “The New Age” : “A great religious festival was held in the square in front of the church of Santa Maria della Novicella. The main feature of the celebration was the burning of a large number of Protestant Bibles taken from the hands of the youth of Rome. While the fire was burning, Signor Cingo- lani delivered a discourse, calling attention to the signifi­ cance of the new ceremony for Rome, invoking, while the fire consumed the corrupt books, the fire of faith to burn in their souls for the good of the Church and the Patria.” THREE WONDJERFUL ARGUMENTS FOR IMMORTALITY Dr. Backus, a Unitarian minister, voices the following: Among the many arguments for immortality there are three which stand foremost in my mind this Easter morn­ ing. The first is Sarah Bernhardt, the second is the law of conservation, the third is the fact of evolution. Science tells us to go to the facts for our theories, and when we obey the injunction we come upon such an amaz­ ing career as that of the great actress who has been de­ scribed as the greatest dramatic genius known to history and, next to Joan of Arc, the most flaming spirit that ever appeared in the garb of woman. The doctrine of evolution reveals the fact that through endless ages one increasing purpose runs. Man stands at the peak of cosmic achievement, a testimony to the fact that the universe seeks to achieve and to perpetuate spirit­ ual values. Well! Well! Sarah has gone, but we wonder if the parson has not spelled a word wrong, making it “immor­

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