King's Business - 1924-01




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The Effective Evangelist, Rev. Lionel B. Fletcher of Cardiff. Mr. Fletcher is known as the “Australian Evan­ gelist,” and seeks to make his experience in definite Chris­ tian work a help to both evangelist and minister, and we heartily commend it. (Geo. H. Doran Co.) $1.50. Behold He Cometh, Christahel Pankhurst, A remarkable production and a wonderful illustration. Coming to this country to arouse an interest in political and social condi­ tions after hard battles and hard usage in Great Britain, Miss Pankhurst had a revelation which turned the tide of her life. Dr. F. B. Meyer, in his introduction to her book, says, “From all other methods of world renewal she bids us lift our heads and rejoice because the Redeemer draweth nigh. From social schemes to Scripture and from politics to prophecy, is a happy turn in the life of any one.” Read the book. (The Book Stall) Cloth $1.00. Saint Paul, by Frederick W. H. Myers. A famous religi­ ous poem, not in sermon, but in the form of a monologue by . the Apostle in which there is the overflowing of the heart of Paul. (A reprint by H. R. Allison, London) 25 cents. The Empty Tomb and the Risen Lord, Rev. C. C. Dobson, Vicar of St. Paul’s Paddington, England. An interesting il­ lustrated story reverently constructed with the purpose of making the account as from the standpoint of a personal witness, affording the opportunity to call attention to hith­ erto unnoticed details, which will greatly interest and strengthen the faith of the reader. The resurrection of our Lord will have a deeper meaning to those who read the book. (Wells, Gardner, Darton & Co.) $1.50. A Faithful Guide to Peace with God, by George Taylor Rygh. The hook consists of excerpts from the writing of C. O. Rosenius arranged as daily meditations to cover a period of two months. The name “RoSenius” is well known to all Swedish Christians,— one of God’s chosen witnesses to the verity of the great doctrines of the Word. These daily meditations would be of great value to any or all Christians. (Augsburg Publishing House, Minneapolis) $1.50. The Story of Jesus, the Christ, Helen Brown Hoyt. Nine­ teen illustrated stories of the life of Christ, embracing the great events and well worth reading and telling to others. (W. A. Wilde & Co., Boston) $2.00. God’s Call to America and Other Addresses, Rev. Geo. W. Truett, D. D. A collection of addresses and orations by one of the greatest preachers of America. No one has ever heard this man of God preach without being blessed. Every message of his is spirituai and uplifting. Don’t fail' to put the book on your shelf of specials. (S. S. Board, Southern Baptist Convention) $1.50. The Curiosity Book. A booklet by Rev. C. H. Woolston designed to help parents and teachers interest little people. It is dedicated to “The bright and happy boys and girls of Winona Lake.” Well worth having. (Rodeheaver Co.) 50 cents. Telling Stories for God, by Dora F. Hendrick. Twelve illustrations of how to make Bible stories interesting and effective and through them to convey the great Bible truths. (Rodeheaver Co.) 50 cents.

The Returning Tide of Faith, by Neville S. Talbot, D. D., M. C. Bishop of Pretoria. The testimony of one whose be­ liefs were tried as by fire and who emerged with a triumph­ ant faith in the great doctrines of the Word. Commended without reserve as a spiritual uplift for every loyal be­ liever. (Revell) $1.60. A Galilee Doctor, W. P. Livingstone. The story of the first medical missionary to labor on the shores of the Lake of Galilee. A very interesting and highly instructive nar­ rative of the faith, skill, heroism and remarkable per­ severance of Dr. D. W. Torrance, by the author of the well- known hook, “Mary Slessor of Calabar.” (Doran) $2.00. Paul, Son of Kish, Lyman I. Henry. In this story the life of Saul of Tarsus, historically reconstructed, has been harmoniously blended by the use of fiction with the ac­ counts of his life given in the New Testament. In matters of custom, manners and conditions, as well as in the use of important dates, the generally recognized historical au­ thorities have been faithfully followed to aid in giving correct impressions. (Baker & Taylor) $3.00. God’s Plan with Men, an Interpretation of Salvation. Rev. T. T. Martin. Methodist, Presbyterian, United Pres­ byterian, Baptist, Episcopalian, Reformed Church, Con­ gregational and Disciple editors join in welcoming the pub­ lication of this effective book. We can hardly recall such unanimity of opinion from such widely separated (theolog­ ically) bodies of Christians, on so vital a subject. Few writers on the theme of salvation have had such tribute paid to them. It is worthy of more than passing notice. Here, very evidently, is a book which interprets God’s great Plan of Salvation for Men to the satisfaction of the evan­ gelical Christian world. (Revell) $1.50. Synthetic Bible Studies, containing an outline study of every book of the Bible, with suggestions for sermons, ad­ dresses and Bible expositions, James M. Gray, D. D., Min­ ister in the Reformed Episcopal Church, Dean of the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago. A new, revised, large type edi­ tion of this famous Bible study hand book. A greatly im­ proved presentation affording a comprehensive view of the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. Its value is so well known that it would seem superfluous to commend it. The design is not that readers should study this book, but study the Bible by its aid. To that end it will be found useful in the conduct of Bible classes in churches, Young People’s Societies and Young Men and Young Women’s Christian Associations, where people are hungering for the Word of God. One of the BEST .books. (Revell) $2.25. The Apostolic Age, Wm. Bancroft Hill, D. D. A valuable book for both pastor and student who are looking for a help in church history. Dr. Hill shows that the apostolic age was the great missionary age, and has clarified many dif­ ficulties that confront the student. We commend it heart­ ily. (Revell) $2.00 Jesus Christ and the Modern Challenge, Frederick C. Spurr, President of the National Council of Evangelical Churches of Great Britain. Mr. Spurr meets the challenge of the critics with a message so definitely vigorous that there is no place left for their offensive feet to stand upon. Buy it and you will prize it. (Revell) $1.25.

Any Book reviewed in these columns may be obtained of Biola Book Room, 536-558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

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