King's Business - 1924-01

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


fronting the church by reason of the attacks being made by disloyal professors and preachers upon the Book he loved, he planned a project to help stem the tide, and—together with his brother, Mr. Milton Ste­ wart—formed a committee of Christian men who were authorized to secure the very best possible articles in defence of the faith from noted writers the w'orld over. Twelve' volumes of these fundamental articles were

LYMAN STEWART When this good man said “ Good night” to this world, he awakened in the presence of One whom he loved better than his own life—his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, leaving behind him the fragrance of a devoted Christian character rarely known in these lat­ ter days. Lyman Stewart was a wonderful example of a Christ

tian layman.' Endued by birth with a modest, quiet nature, re­ inforced with an indomitable will; through years of struggle against opposing circumstances of a character well adapted for defeat; with unalterable purpose and unyielding faith, he over­ came obstacles and accomplish­ ed seemingly impossible tasks. He served his country in the Civil W a r h e served it in the development of an i n d u s t r y which has made millions of dol­ lars for many men, and has helped to make possible the de­ velopment of other industries of the largest possible value. He served his Lord, to whom he daily acknowledged his grat­ itude for the ability to do all these things. For years he .suf­ fered in body, and was more than once at the door of death but—by faith in God’s promises, #the prayers of his f r i e n d s , and sometimes the s k i l l of the physician—he was spared to e n j o y the p r i v i l e g e of seeing the de­

published and sent free to every minister, missionary, evangelist and student in religious schools, in the English-speaking world. The outlay necessary for this work was enormous,, but was gladly made. Hundreds of thou­ sands of letters poured into the. office of the committee express­ ing the deep gratitude of thank­ ful hearts for saving them from the shipwreck of their faith. The great Fundamental Move­ ment which today is sweeping over this and other lands owes very much to. the initial step ta­ ken by these, two men whose names never appeared in the volumes—simply the statement that they were issued by “ Two Christian Laymen. ’’ If he needed a visible monu­ ment, it is hete in the center of a great city Of a million people —-a building where hundreds of students aré being trained for Christian wo r k ; where thou­ sands of people are being reach­ ed through the printed page and through its various evangelistic


sires of his heart, in a large measure, accomplished. He was a man of one Book. Not that he did not read other books, but ONE BOOK and that the BOOK OF BOOKS was the object of his heart’s devotion, and his life purpose was centered in the promulgation of that BOOK and it's teachings. The movements of God have always been marked by His choice of men. God chose Mr. Stewart to fill a unique place in the church, and he filled it well and faithfully. He recognized the call, but was uncon­ scious of its far-reaching influence as he was borne along by the power of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the purpose of God. He had the vision of a prophet. Believing in the warnings and admonitions of the Bible and its pro­ phecies concerning the last days, he earnestly, desired to help other believers to be on their guard, also, and —some fourteen years ago—sensing the danger con­

enterprises; where the influence, of the great, pulsing heart of this man of God will be felt until this age shall close. But his immortal monument has been erected in the hearts and lives of men and women. Could we call from Heaven and from the ends of the earth those who have been blessed through his minis­ try, the shout of thanksgiving would reverberate wherever man is found. He used his wealth while he lived, instead of leaving it to be used after his death. Were we to put emphasis upon any one great Scrip­ ture truth which influenced his life, it wOuld be .that one so dear to all saints who, in loving faith, put their haiids upon the Bible and give expression to their faith in its verity: “For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them, also which sleep in Jesns w ill God bring w ith Him. For this we say unto you by the Word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord, shall not precede them which are asleep.

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