King's Business - 1924-01



THE SOUL-WINNER’S EQUIPMENT God’s Plan Made Plain How Any One and Every One May Become a Soul-Winner by Using the God-Given Gospel of John This Gospel was written for a definite, specific purpose: “But these are written, that ye might believe th a t Jesus is the Christ, the Son of G od ; and that believing ye might have life through His name.” (John 2 0 :3 1 .)

(P o rtio n o f Sam ple P a se , V est P o ck et E dition.) J O H N CHAPTER 1— THE DEITY OF JESUS CHRIST Vs. 1-18. T he Incarnate Word The Word and God I N the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. T he Word and World 3 All things were made by Him; and w ithout Him was not any thing made th a t was made. The Word and Men 4 In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. T h e W ord a n d Sin 5 Aod the light shineth in darkness; and the dark­ ness comprehended it not. A Man Sent from God, whose Name was John 6 U There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness o f the L ight, th at all m en through him might believe. 8 H e was not th at L ight, but was sent to bear witness o f th at L ight. CHAPTER TITLES an d DIVISIONS m ake it easy to com prehend. The H EL PS a re designed to ASSIST CHRISTIAN W ORK ­ ERS in th e ir p erso n al endeavor to W IN SOULS, b y using th is G ospel w ith them ; a n d also to m ake it possible for an y one in to w hose hands th is Gospel falls to find God’s plan of salv atio n s ta te d in th e term s of th e G ospel itself. All NECESSARY INFORMATION fo r dealing w ith th e UNSAVED is given, a n d th e p assag es cited a re all from th e GOSPEL of JOHN .

HOW TO DEFEND th e FUNDAMENTALS of o u r FAITH. Use this edition of the Gospel of John. Some of the doctrines given are: INSPIRATION OF GOD’S WORT John 6:63; 8:26 ; 12:50 DEITY OF JESUS CHRIST E ternal God, John 1:12 Omnipotent, 5:25 Omniscient, 2:24, 25 Omnipresent, 3:13 C reator, 1:3 One w ith the Father, 14:9 God manifest, 1:18 God in hum an form, 1:14 God worshipped, 9:35, 36 ATONEMENT OF JESUS CHRIST John 1:29; 12:24; 6:51 RESURRECTION OF J e s u s c h r is t John 20:19, 20; 20:26-29 ASCENSION OF JESUS CHRIST John 16:7; 14:12 SECOND COMING OF JESUS John 14:3; 21:22, 23 Also, the Doctrines of the E ter­ nal Life of Believers, the Person­ ality of Satan, E ternal Punish­ ment.

THE TESTIMONY Since the first edition was pub­ lished, over 200,000 have been circulated, and hundreds of con­ versions have been reported. IT WORKS Boys and girls have used these Gospels in reaching their play­ mates. S. S. teachers and scholars have used them. T he way of salvation is made plain, and God has honored HIS WORD. This is the most simple, p ra c ­ tical, effective method of evan­ gelism, and cannot fail, for de­ pendence is upon H is Word, and th at cannot fail. You can have the joy of WINNING SOULS if you so desire. Do you desire th a t joy? Then secure a Gospel and go to work.

Rev. J. F rank Norris, Pastor of First Baptist Church, Ft. Worth, Texas, says: “Just received the package of the Gospel of John. I have gone through it with my office force and it is the most wonderful thing th a t was ever prepared. If you had never done anything bu t make that outline you would not have lived in vain.” Rev. Rush E. Crissman, of the American S. S. Union, says: “I find this portion of the W ord of God a splendid entering wedge for greater ,study of the whole Bible later. I order these little books a thousand a t a time and have scattered them far and near.” ; Send for a Sample accompanying which will be sent you Suggestions fo r Personal Work. S. S. Superintendents and Teachers will find it a means of creating a real revival in school and church. Single copies, 5c; 100 copies, $4 .00 ; 1000 copies, $30.00. BIOLA BOOK ROOM 536-558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

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