King's Business - 1924-01



H. How school teachers and college professors sin against the child: 1. By teaching them evolution, atheism, and infidelity. 2. By neglecting their MORAL AND SPIRITUAL edu­ cation almost altogether. 3. By compelling young people to dance in schools. Instance of this kind occurred in California where parents were fined for refusing to allow their child to go to school on this account. 4. By setting too low a standard for right Christian living. 5. By denying their pupils the right use of the Bible, and even openly denying the Word itself in the class room. 6. In some cases by so discouraging pupils that they are weary of life, and commit suicide! About 800 child suicides in one year! HI. How society sins against the child: 1. By placing before them sinful examples in word and deeds. 2. By corrupting their minds in the dance, the movies, and pool rooms. 3. By allowing places of vice to stand in the way of their purity. 4. By scorning their Christian views and lives. 5. By sometimes using them to perpetrate crimes, us­ ing them as “tools.” 6. By so engrossing their minds with worldly things that they minimize and neglect, yea, even reject the spiritual things. “Woe-unto the world because of offenses! for it must needs be that offenses come; but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh!”—Matt. 18:7. — J. T. Larsen.

SINNING AGAINST THE CHILDREN “Said I not unto you, Do not sin against the child?”— Gen. 42:22. I. How parents sin against the child: 1. Pre-natal sins of parents:— ' 2. By improper care in infancy due to ignorance and neglect. 3. By allowing children to do as they please— dis­ obedience and self-will. 4. By allowing them to take part in harmful pleasures. 5. By not allowing them helpful, healthful, and use­ ful pleasures. 6. By allowing them to go idle. Note that sins of Sodom were: .¡‘Idleness, fulness of bread, and pride.” (Ezek. 16:49.) 7. By allowing them to dress like the worldlings.— placing themselves in position to ignore laws of health and decency. 8. By neglecting their spiritual education, giving them only a secular education—without prayer, the Bible and church. 9. By withholding the child from going to Sunday school, or' summer Bible school, and sometimes church. Oh, the sin of parents even refusing to allow their children to accept Christ! 10. By failing to love and encourage them because of being “too busy.” . 11. By failing to teach them regarding moral and home subjects; allowing them to learn from other ill- instructed persons and too often led astray. 12. By failing to set- them a right example as to their social and .daily duties.

OurChristianLifeCalendar for1924 | T he demand for S cripture C alendars continues to increase w ith each season. T h eir popularity is so firmly established that countless families throughout the land have come to look upon them as an essential feature to th eir home equipment.

Biblical Card Games for young folks and children Fathers and Mothers a re often a t their wits end to know w hat to do for and w ith th e younger members of the fam ily' during th e long w inter even­ ings— Reading good Biola books is alright, bu t when th e youngsters get tired of reading something else has to be provided and here is where these Biblical C ard Games come in good play— Bible Boys ...................................50 Cents D aughters of the Bible.......... ....50 cents Old T estam ent Game............. ..35 cents New T estam ent Game..!__1... .35 cents

T he C hristian Life C alendar is so a rtistic ally designed th a t it can n o t fail to fo ste r a love fo r th e tru ly b eautiful a n d noble in a rt— B ut th e m o st im p o rtan t featu re of all is th a t th ro u g h e its carefully selected readings it b rings God’s m essage daily to m any hom es th a t m ig h t otherw ise be d e stitu te of it. T hree o th er Sin te re stin g featu res th a t d istin ­ guish o u r C h ristian L ife C alendars a re— 1. T he title s of th e In tern atio n al Sunday School lessons for th e fifty-tw o w eeks of th e y e ar a re given, also location^ of th e lessons. 2. T he D aily R eading fo r each S atu rd ay is th e - G olden T ex t fo r th e follow ing S un­ day ’s lesson. 3. T he C h ristian E ndeavor T opics (Senior an d Ju n io r) fo r each Sunday are listed. M any p u rch ase th e calen d ars to u se as C hristm as gifts. N othing could be m ore a p ­ p ro p riate. T o -those buying in sm all lo ts fo r th is a n d like purposes, we m ake th e following term s: Single copy 25c; five copies, $1.00; tw enty - five copies, $4.75; one h undred copies, $17.00. T hese prices a re cash w ith o rd er. P o stag e prep aid to an y p lace on earth . If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise sp eci­ fied. If books a re to com e by m ail a d d 10% for postage.

Books on Games, for all Occasions Handbook of Games and

Program s— L aPorte ........... ...... $1.00 Phunology— H arbin ...................... 1.25 Social Plans for Young People— Reisner ................ ....... 1.50 Ice Breakers— Geister ........... ....... 1.35 1.25 It is to Laugh— Geister........... ....... 1.25

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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