King's Business - 1924-01


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THE BIBLE CONTRASTED WITH OTHER RELIGIONS BOOKS (Continued from Page 8) settled, until, exhausted, they all sat face to face defiant and unconvinced each by the other. Then it was that Elihu moved by inspiration, set the truth before them all. The result was that they were dumb for they had but “darkened counsel by words without knowledge,” and Job was hum­ bled before God, saying, “Behold, I am vile: what shall I say unto Thee? I will lay my hand upon my mouth. Once have I spoken; but I will not answer: yea, twice; but I will proceed no further” (Job 40:4, 5). This book is a striking and remarkable illustration of the difference between specu­ lation and revelation. And as it is supposed that the Book of Job is the most ancient book in the Bible, if not in the world, this fact alone would go far to clear up the per­ plexity that exists in the minds of some as to their compara­ tive worth and the true relation existing between ancient writings and the Bible. Scientific Difficulties of the Bible Still another point. Many, especially among the younger and partly educated portions of every community, are troubled with what they term the scientific difficulties of the Bible. We can only touch upon this point. Because the Bible is not a speculation as to the origin of things, but an authoritative statement of the truth from God to man, it does not follow that its revealed truth is unphilosophical. And, because the Bible does not contain a'scientific account of creation, and is not written in the terms of the modern scientists, it does not follow that the Bible is scientifically inaccurate in its statements. It must be borne in mind that the Bible was written ages before the birth of the modern sciences. And had it been written in scientific language it would have been to the people then living, and even to the great mass of people now living, an utterly un­ intelligible book— as most scientific books are now, unin­ telligible except to the educated few. There can be no greater mistake than to suppose, for an instant, that any well-ascertained fact of science has yet been shown to be in conflict with the Scriptural account of creation. We are aware that the assertion to this ef­ fect is often made; but such assertions have never been proved. Indeed, it is becoming more evident every day that science and revelation are drawing nearer together; that is — that science is drawing nearer, in her domain, to the truth as revealed in the Word of God. But were this not so, and were it shown that there was a real and thoroughly demonstrated error in the Bible account of creation, so that we must needs honestly give up Moses and the Bible, to whom should we go for the truth? We might, adapt the words of Joshua (24:15). and say, “And if it seem evil unto you to believe the Bible, choose ye this day whom ye will believe, whether the pantheistic or materialistic philo­ sophers who speculated before the rise of modern science or the atheistic, theistic or agnostic scientists;” for there be some who say science teaches there is no God; and some who say there must be a God; and others who say we can­ not know if there be a God. Certainly science is at present on a wide sea of discovery in many boats, guided, each boat, by the theory of its particular occupant. Two Things are Certain (1) Neither philosophy nor science has succeeded thus far in impeaching the accuracy of the Bible statement. (2) They have as yet reached no common ground of agree­ ment among themselves. So that the Christian need not, as yet (and I am sure he never w ill), be in any fear from the assaults of the students of science. It is, indeed, no new experience for the Bible to meet the shock of skep- (Continued on next page)

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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