King's Business - 1924-01



ticism. For centuries it has been the object of attack, always fierce and relentless; and for centuries it has en­ dured and beaten back its assailants. As a granite rock in £he sea meets and hurls back into the ocean the fierce waves that roll upon it, so the Bible has met and heaten back by the power of its immovable and eternal truth all its assailants. Like a rock in the sea rooted in a great sub­ marine but unseen formation, it has sometimes seemed to be overwhelmed by the surging fury of the waves; but it has ever emerged unshaken and triumphant: the only ef­ fect has been to sweep away some human theological struc­ ture or false system of interpretation built upon it, but not growing out of it. >In this connection it is well to bear in mind that skep­ tical scientists have of late become far less haughty in their criticisms of the Bible, and far more humble in their es­ timate of their own knowledge (as it becomes every stu­ dent, whether of science of theology, to b e); for says an eminent scientific writer on the rights and duties of science: “It becomes science to confess with much humility how far it falls short of the full comprehension of nature; and to abstain conscientiously from premature conclusions.' The rapid progress of discovery in recent times only makes more plain to us the fact that the extension of our knowledge implies the extension of our ignorance; that everywhere the progress of our knowledge leads us to unsolvable mysteries. It would be easy to furnish illustrations from every branch of science; but geology and biology are very fertile in them.” It has seemed due to many honest but uninformed minds, especially among the young, to say so much by way of recognition, of their new-found difficulties, and also by way of indicating the outline of answer. : ' Afe 1 -' NO MODERNISM IN MENNONITE CHURCH Modernism was denounced with a righteous indignation at the General Conference of the Mennonite Church of the U. S. A. and Canada held in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada during the last week of; August. The following resolution passed enthusiastically is the outstanding one of the Conference and shows clearly that the faithful of this Church do not mince matters. “Modernism as now commonly understood is an evolu­ tionary philosophy of religion. In principle it exalts man, minimizes God, and denies the inspiration and authority of Scripture. Its principles are opposed to every principle of Bible Religion. It has gained a foothold in the civilized world and is propagated through schools both church and sta te schools, elementary and advanced, through the Press and from many pulpits. For this reason it has become a menace to the Church, threatening its foundations. As a means for counteracting the blighting influence of this mon­ ster evil we recommend: (1) That the whole truth of the Gospel be faithfully and diligently taught and that the heresies confronting us be exposed. (2) That we maintain a wideawake evangelistic spirit giving ourselves wholeheartedly to the work of saving souls. Matt. 28:19-20. (3) That a faithful study of the Bible accompanied by prayer and meditation be encouraged as a daily practice by every member. (4 ) That all our Ministers, Missionaries, Superinten­ dents, Teachers and other Christian workers, take a def­ inite, positive position in support of the whole Bible faith, not shunning to sound a note of warning against the en­ croachments of modernism wherever needed. 2 Tim. 4:2-5. ( 5 ) . That the members who hold positions of respon­ sibility in the Church and maintain a friendly attitude to­ ward modern liberalism, refusing to turn from the error of their way, should not be continued in their position. 6) That more literature upholding the fundamentals of the Christian faith and turning the light of truth upon the evils of Modernism be circulated among our people. —Contributed by Jas. T. Uttley.

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