King's Business - 1924-01



THE SEAL OF JESUS CHRIST TO THE O. T. (Continued from page 9)

“Best” Books

Some •have urged the futile objection that we find re­ corded ih Scripture the sayings of misguided men, as of Job’s friends, or of open sinners, as of Cain and Judas, or even of the devil, and his angels; and they ask, not with­ out contempt, whether these sayings were inspired? It seems difficult to believe the objection is proposed seri­ ously; but a child might answer it. The words as first ut­ tered were evil, and not inspired from above: the truthful narration of them when uttered God saw to be expedient for our instruction, and therefore moved His prophets to narrate them. The Scriptures, then, as first written, were Pure Unadulterated Truth ' We cannot allow that there was in them the smallest grain of error. I say, as first written, for I am not speaking of the superficial errors which have crept in through the in­ advertence of copyists or the defect of translators. These, taking the sum of them all, are marvellously few. But the originals were perfect. This is asserted again and again:. “The words of the Lord are pure words, as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple: the statutes of the Lord aré right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes: the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.” Or, in the brief weighty dictum of Agar; “EVERY WORD OF GOD IS PURE.” And this, as we have seen, our Lord and His apostles explicitly affirm, quoting without restriction the Law, the Psalms, and the Prophets, as the Word of the liv­ ing God, which abideth for ever. The New Testament The proofs hitherto adduced have especially regarded the inspiration of the Old Testament. We should be pre­ pared to find an equally infallible and inspired guide in the Scriptures of the New Covenant; and sd it is. We have not, indeed-, a third revelation, to certify us of the Divine in­ spiration of the second, as the second does of the first. This the case does neither admit of nor require; for in this way we should need a fourth to assure us of the third. But whatever proofs satisfied the Jews that Moses and the prophets spoke and wrote in God’s name, we have the same and yet stronger evidences regarding the books of the New Testament. “God, who . . . spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son.” Large portions of the Gospels con­ tain the very words of the eternal Son of God, speaking in His Father’s name. Were Moses and the prophets ac­ credited by miracles? so were Christ and His apostles. Did they come supported by the ministry of angels, and an­ nouncing the visions of God? so these. Did they speak as God’s ambassadors, declaring His will, foretelling future events, promising rewards, and denouncing judgments? so these. Did the elder prophets open their commission, “Thus saith the Lord?” the apostlqs write with equal au­ thority, as the prefaces of all their epistles testify. St. Peter classes both together when he calls on those to whom he wrote to be “mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Saviour;” and he places “the epistles of his beloved brother Paul” on the same level with “the other Scriptures,” which the unlearned wrest. (Continued on next page)

Í21 Preacher and .ChristianWorker

In the Twinkling of an Eye

Scarlet and Purple By Sydney W atso n

By Sydney W atso n T hia is an in terestin g sto ry in w hich th e b lessed tru th of th e im m inent re tu rn of C h rist is set fo rth in such a w ay a s b o th to convince th e read er a n d to inspire in him a deeper love of, a n d desire for, th e L ord’s appearing. M any doubtless will welcom e th e o p ­ p o rtu n ity to learn from a book of th is kind th e Bible teaching concerning th is g reat doctrine. Those for w hom th is su b ject has h ith e rto held lit­ tle in terest, o r by w hom it has been contem plated w ith a sense of fear, will derive g reat blessing from a p eru sal of th e sto ry . C loth, $1.25

T his book should speak to the h e arts of m any who, living in a so-called C hristian lanc| and surrounded b y C hristian influences, have y e t failed to settle definitely th e question of th eir ow n p erso n al salv a ­ tion. T he delineation of tru e C h ristian c h arac te r will a p ­ peal to th e read er an d en­ hance his in te re st in th e story, and he him self w ill be b ro u g h t face to face w ith th e n ecessity of a definite accep tan ce of C hrist if he w ould find peace an d salvation. C loth, $1.25

The Passing of “The Word”

A Romance of College Life By Helen Henshaw

T he book depicts the wholesome and typical American college girl of today, who w ith seriousness of ch aracter can have as well the spirit of frolic. While th e story purports to im part a serious message, nevertheless, there is a certain trend of hum or through the pages. The college girl's rhapsodies on flowers and amusements, and typical friendships th at are formed, lend to th e n a r­ rative a naturalness which is in every way pleasing and appropriate. Interwoven is a love theme, by no means complex, but adding a certain charm to th e volume. T he dialogue throughout is n atural and pleasing and the moral and psychological element is strongly marked. An exceptionally healthy story. Cloth, $1.50 The Mark of th e Beast By Sydney W atso n

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A com panion volum e to “ In th e Tw inkling of an Eye,” th is book p ictu res th e h o rro rs to com e upon e a rth during th e tim e of th e G reat T ribulation w hich w ill follow the ra p tu re of th e sain ts. It can n o t fail to excite th e de­ term in atio n to escape th is period of anguish a n d u n ­ restrain ed w ickedness, and to be am ong those who shall be cau g h t up to be forever w ith th e Lord. C loth, $1.25

George Muller o f Bristol

By A . T. Pierson Sometimes we need something to give us more faith in God and especially more faith in His Word. Under such conditions we know of no book th a t will b etter re­ pay you for reading. It is a wonderful story of a won­ derful man, told in a wonderful way, and it will do your soul untold good. D on't delay ordering. Cloth, $2.50 If m oney does n o t accom pany o rder, goods will be sen t C. O. D. unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail add 10% for postage.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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