King's Business - 1924-01

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


WHY I BELIEVE IN THE VIRGIN BIRTH (Continued from page 11)

Best” Books

Jesus rose and came back to men. The faith which had died with Him rose with Him. And the men who one day had lost heart and conceived Christianity only as a dear memory of One who had been with them but was now gone forever from their lives, the next day had risen up, lifted into a new life by the sight of their Risen Lord, and went forth in the power of the Resurrection to conquer thè world. What but the Resurrection explains the existence of Christianity in the world today? Has_ it not died a thou­ sand times? Have not men again and again destroyed it? Unbelief, war, sin, materialism— a score of deadly forces have antagonized and annihilated it. Yet it lives. From each destruction it rises by the power of the Resur­ rection. And by that power it is even yet to prevail. The might by which God raised Christ from the dead will avail to overcome all that hinders and to complete in God’s good time the triumph which began when Christ arose. But faith like this, men say, is not possible in the light of modern knowledge. On the other hand it is just as possible now as it ever was and just as necessary. Mod­ ern knowledge no more makes impossible a supernatural Christ, horn of a' Virgin and risen from the dead, than ancient knowledge. All true 'knowledge, modern and an­ cient alike, must make placo for facts. And t’he supreme fact of history, the fact of saving significance to man, is the uniqueness of Christ and His supreme uniqueness, in birth, life and death, and in Life that is stronger than Death. however, as with the traveling bands. At holiday times every advantage is taken of the opportunity to send out the student body into the surrounding districts. Even though the Women’s Department has only been organized a year they have already begun this work with great efficiency. In fact one pastor said their work surpassed that of "the men. We listen to the thrilling story of the very begin­ nings of it all— the initial donation of Mr. Lyman Stewart and his insistence that Gospel literature be distributed free of charge, the vision of possibilities that came to Dr. Keller through seeing cigarette companies distributing sample packages free .to the Chinese in Changsha, the co­ operating generosity of Mr. Milton Stewart, and the con­ tinuing gifts of Mr. Lyman Stewart. These «factors in a few short years under the guidance and blessing of the Lord have developed into a work of twelve hands scattered over several great provinces of China, reaching literal mil­ lions. But the time has come to leave this place one thousand miles inland in China, and begin the first lap of the jourr ney back to home and friends in America. We tarry a moment in prayer, goodbyes are said, together with thanks for the warm hospitality, and we are gone! A TRIP TO CHANGSHA (Continued from page 27)

t2i Preacher Christian Worker

The Holiest o f A ll

By Andrew M urray The best analysis of the Epistle to the Hebrews on the m arket today. A nd not only th a t bu t it is a veri­ table treasure house filled w ith soul food for the real Bible student and very helpful to even the most casual reader. A truly wonderful book th a t you will always be glad to own and read. Over 500 pages of legible type. Cloth, $3 00 rhe Full Blessing of Pentecost The True Vine M editation for a m onth on Jo h n 15:1-16. T he a u th o r

No w riter is safer o r m ore sane th a n A ndrew M urray, and we are glad to have him to tu rn to in these day s of so m uch w rong "P en teco stal B less­ ing" teaching. T his book rings ^ tru e to th e S cripture teaching an d is a book you need to hold you true. B oards, 75c Abide in Christ T h o u g h ts on the B lessed Life of Fellow ship w ith the Son of God. T he th irty -o n e sh o rt- sto ry ch ap ters of th is book are arran g ed as daily read ­ ings fo r a m onth. They are an exposition of th e fif­ teenth c h ap ter of John, — C hrist’s w ords a b o u t th e vine an d th e branches. B oards, $1.00 Like Christ T he object of th is book is to " stu d y th e im age of God in th e m an C h rist Jesu s, to yield a n d se t open o u r inm ost being for th a t im age to ta k e possession and live in us, and th en to go fo rth a n d let th e heavenly likeness reflect itself and shine o u t in o u r life am ong o u r fellowm en.” B oards, 75c

say s: "I have felt d raw n to try to w rite w h at young C hristians m ight easily a p p re ­ hend a s a help to them to ta k e i*1®4 po sitio n in w hich th e C h ristian life m u st be a sue* T his book is m ost helpful. B oards, 75c Humility If Jesu s is indeed to be o u r .Exam ple in H is low liness, we need to u n d erstan d th e p rin ­ ciples in w hich it w as rooted, and in w hich w e can find com ­ m on ground s o.n w hich we stan d w ith Him, an d in w hich o u r likeness to H im is to be attain ed . A nd th a t is ju st w hat th is splendid book show s us so v ery clearly. B oards, 75c The Master’s Indwelling B y A ndrew M urray If you w ould like to know th e secret of th e Com­ fo rtin g P resence, the in ­ dw elling p erso n ality and pow er of the H oly S pirit, th is is the one book th a t you need m o st to read. B etter o rd er it today. B oards, $ .75

God’s Best Secrets

By A ndrew M urray If th ere ever was a man since the days of the Apostle Paul who has dwelt in the secret place of the Most High w here he could and did learn God's Best Secrets, that man was Andrew Murray. A nd he is giving us eight of these best secrets in this book,— The secret of A dora­ tion, The Secret of the Abiding Presence, T he Faith Life, The Secret of Fellowship, The Secret of Inspiration, The Secret of Intercession, and The Secret of United Prayer.^ W ritten in th e last days of his long and useful life, this book bring» his very last word to th e Chris- tian. Church. The book is made up of eight sections, each containing thirty-one short chapters. Eacli chapter has a Scripture heading so th at it is particularly helpful when used for daily meditation. Cloth, $2.00 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. unless otherw ise specified, if books are to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r postage.


B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal. .

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