King's Business - 1924-01

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, THE LAND AND THE BOOK Notes Concerning the Jews and Prophecy Compiled hy James A Yaus, Superintendent of Jewish Work, Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The Jew and the Arab “The very people who supported the Balfour declaration are now crying, “The Jew is robbing the Arab.” Palestine is my home, I know every spot in it, I know the peoples. Robbing the Arab? I would like to know what the Jew has robbed him of? I know he has been robbed. There is a saying in the Arabic language— ‘Wherever the hoofs of the horse of a Turkish soldier treads, no grass will grow.’ That is true. Every Turkish governor ruled by enforced robbery. He had to amass three fortunes: a fortune to get his position; a fortune to maintain. his position, or to justify himself when accused of maladministration; and a fortune to buy another position. Where did he get his money? He robbed the people. Whom did he rob? The Fellaheen. The . poor Arab—what has he? The Turk has robbed him even of his character! What could the Zionists rob him of? The charge that the Jew is robbing the Arab is absolutely false, \ . Go to the Jewish colonies, to the fifty that we visited. Every colony has an electric supply, a water supply, a pub­ lic garden, a public hall and a synagogue. I am grateful our Secretary said that these colonists are not anti-re­ ligious. The smallest community has a synagogue. They have transformed the land. The valley of Jezreel and places where the Arabs would not go on account of ter- ible malaria— look how these colonists have transformed those places. Millions of trees have been planted and a wonderful transformation has been made. (S. B. Rohold, in Jewish Missionary Herald) Midnight Petitions at Wailing Wall It is not generally known that devout Jews in the Holy Land make a practice of visiting the Wailing Wall at the midnight hour, to repeat what are called the “Midnight Petitions,” An eye-witness informed me that he visited the Wailing Wall just to satisfy himself as to whether this was a fact. He states that he found there, scores of Jews, seated on the ground, with their boots off, a candle in one hand and a book of prayers in the other. They were mourning, and reading the “Lamentations of Jeremiah” and repeating peti­ tions for the restorations of the People, the City and the Temple. (J. A. V.) Palestine Jews’ Changed Attitude Toward Christ “We have two classes of Jews in Palestine,— the Jeru­ salem Jews, and the Jews that I call the “returning rem­ nant.” They are as different as day from night. The Jeru­ salem Jew mourns for Zion all the time, and expects that Jehovah will build it, while he lies in bed and sings praises. The others, the “returning remants,” say that Jehovah will rebuild Zion by giving them strength and power to build. We have discovered. . . . a great change in their attitude toward Christ (A wise workman with love and tact and a knowledge of the Jewish people ahd their ways can readily secure a large Jewish hearing for the Gospel Mes­ sage, and be attentively listened to without bitterness or antagonism). Our great need as missionaries among them is really good literature, especially Hebrew lietrature, (S. B. Rohold, in Jewish Missionary Herald)

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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