King's Business - 1924-01


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

BIOLA HALL WORK (Continued from page 30)

“Best” Books

ally, everlastingly at it and his various experiences and re­ ceptions would fill a volume. ■ Another of our Blola Hall boys engaged in his extra hours in this same house-to-house work is being greatly blessed and used. Their clear ring­ ing messages from our entrance always gain a good hearing from the men on the street. We have one man only five months saved whose messages put to shame men of twenty years profession. Our greatest problem is how to find op­ portunity for others to speak as he is so eager to tell the story. Several have stopped at the Hall on their way home after a busy day and God has encouraged them with souls for their hire. One gave the invitation at the close of his message asked if any would accept and publicly profess the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour and three Raised their hands and came in for further instruction, being richly re­ paid for his efforts in between the office and the Fisher­ men Club for which he was headed. These men have a true conception of service and are truly redeeming the time knowing it is short. There is one man as regular as clock work in his sowing of the good seed. We always reserve six hundred Gospels of John each month for him and few in the large concern he works for who have not been pre­ sented with a copy upon their promise to read same. These surely are men with the wisdom of God buying up their opportunities, casting their bread upon the waters assured they shall find it after many days, sowing the seed in the morning and in the evening, withholding not their hand. “Who then is that faithful and w ise steward whom his Lord shall make ruler over His household to give them their portion of meat in due season.” “Blessed is that servant whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so doing.” REVEREND BRITTON ROSS The First Student of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles A recent copy of a Texas paper gives a graphic account of the trip of Dr. Britton Boss to the meeting of the World Baptist Alliance in Stockholm last June. Mr. Ross was the first student to he enrolled in the In­ stitute and make good from the first day. His life has been one of sturdy advance in the knowledge of the Word of God, and of successful effort in service, He is now the pastor of the First Baptist Church at Mineral Wells, Texas, and upon his return from his trip abroad was accorded a well-earned reception by his church and fellow townsmen. He had the privilege and pleasure of visiting four con­ tinents, eighteen countries and fourteen of the largest cities of the world. Speaking of some of the things that most impressed him, Mr. Ross said: “It is fallacy to expect to prevent wars at the present time. There is no such thing as universal peace. I talked with bankers of n ea rly every country, hotel men, repre­ sentatives of large business interests and others, and their invariable expression was: ‘When the next war breaks out,’ etc. Just what they will do, and just how it will be carried on, and what it will result in, is being discussed by the citizens of Europe right now. Europe has accepted the prediction of another war and is looking for it any time now. Lloyd George says there will be another great war, and I believe he is right.” Pray for Mr. Ross that now, after seeing the need of a lost world, he may give himself with greater devotion than ever before to the one great thing for which God has saved and preserved him— the saving of the lost'.

Î21 Preacher ^Christian Worker

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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