King's Business - 1924-01

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Different from all his brother Evolutionists, Dr. Klaatsch “begins the human story with a special development of the foot.” No other animal has a foot like man, nor a man’s hand, nor his teeth, nor anything like a man’s brain, though this author tries to leap over an unbridg- able chasm by declaring there is no sharp distinction be­ tween instinct and intellect, or as he means, reasoning. Then, too, the entire body of man gives him freedom of movement no animal can have, “so that man performs gymnastic exercises in which no animal approaches him.” He argues once more upon the resemblance of the Nean­ derthal man to the gorilla and of both to some living Af­ rican blacks. But let us always remember that the pic­ tures of the “Neanderthal man” are wholly imaginary. All that was found was “a skull cap” and a few other bones of the supposed man! And from that Evolutionists have given\ us the whole face! So also they have made up the Cro-Magnon man and other few bone finds to full men! So this much vaunted new authority on Evolution, knocks down a great deal so long industriously built up. And multiplies differences in man from all below, like his foot, hand, teeth, brain, whole body, and others, all widest chasms, with not a foot of bridge spanning by Evolution from either side. One would think the logical conclusion of this $8.50 small volume would be the unthinkableness of Evolution. But the author’s creed, like the rest of his tribe, is unchangeable nevertheless and notwithstanding he believes in Evolution forever. He bids us go far back of apes to find man’s progenitor. If superior intelligence were, evidence how would it do'to believe the dog and the horse were good candidates for the honor of furthering the human race away back?— Eastern Methodist.

LATEST AND GREATEST ON EVOLUTION "The Evolution and Progress of Mankind,” by Dr. Her­ mann Klaatsch, of Germany, in 1916, is now published in translation, and is regarded by its admirers as the latest word of a great scientist on Evolution. Its New York publisher got it up in finest form to sell at $8.50 a volume of only 316 pages, so he manifestly rates its value of the highest. This authoritative deliverance is full of fresh interest, breaking away from the dreary mechanical of the Evolution fathers and threadbare assertions and theories, but of course tenaciously maintaining man’s descent or ascent from the lower animals. He tries to give a final quietus to man’s direct descent from apes or monkeys: “Neither in body nor in mind— is man— from apes or monkeys.” But “the gibbon of the family of apes and the orang are more manlike. The gib­ bon has a gentle expression in a very human face with a sunny and happy temperament and a vocal capacity of ex­ traordinary range and sweetness. Their choruses are 'birdlike in rapidity and are greatly admired. Though the gibbon is a very small creature. The orang in its first year reminds one very much of human children. In Borneo in Dutch families they play with the children.” But so of course do puppies, kittens, lambs, birds and often even snakes. “The chimpanzee, however, has the closest re­ semblance of all to man.” The author notes as of special wonder that they make mats and some of them roofs over . them and mend the roofs. But of Course the birds are the most expert and most wonderful nest builders and the beaver beats them all. Yet neither birds nor beavers are supposed to be very near in man’s progenitors.

Through the Bible with William H. Pike A Correspondence Course Providing an Excellent Plan for Daily Devotional Study—Going Through the Bible in One Year Mr. Pike takes you to each book, giving you a brief synthetic study, in­ tended to give a mental vision of every book. You are given the Key Word, Key Verse and Chapter, the Writer, to Whom Written, Scope of the Book, Summary, Outline, Practical Teaching, View of Christ, Dispensational Ap­ plication, How to Master the Contents, Setting of the Book. Twelve simple examina­ tions are given, entitling one to a Bible Institute Certificate for the Course.

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B eg inne r’s Course ONLY TWO DOLLARS Appeals to young believers and all who have had no foundation Bible teaching. Circular on application-



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