King's Business - 1924-01

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S



“Best” Books

Rev. H. W. Greist, Pres­ byterian M i s s i o n a r y in charge of the station at Point Barrow, Alaska, writes us at some length regarding the young man whose pic­ ture appears above. Speak­ ing particularly of his char­ acter and his desires, Dr. Greist says: “He has accomplished all the work possible in the Government schools here. He is a student of the Word, devout, earnest, con­ secrated and gives much promise. If he could get to Los Angeles It was our thought that he could take the Institute work, and also some work in a n i g h t school or private school, so that he could be licensed by the Yukon Presbytery. But there is no fund to which I have access which would en­ able me to defray his trans­ portation and further ex-, penses. Could you not in­ terest some Christian man or woman to undertake to pay his expenses to Los An­ geles and assist him In de­ fraying his expenses while

f o r Preacher Christian Worker

Knowing the Scriptures

By D r. A. T. Pierson This book of rules and methods of Bible Study, this help to the appreciation and interpretation of th e Scrip­ tures, calls attention to some fifty of the leading ways in which the close study of this divine book has been found to disclose its meaning. Any one who wants to know the Scriptures b etter will never be disappointed from using this book as a guide. Cloth, $1.50 Getting Things From God Answered or Unansw ered? M iracles of F a ith in C hina L o u isa V aughan

D r. C harles A . B lanchard If you care fo£ a book th a t will n o t only b e food for y o u r soul w hile being read b u t will also resu lt in a v ery definite deepening an d bro ad en in g of your p ra y e r life, th is is th e book to read, reread a n d th en p ass on to y o u r friends. P ap er, 75c C loth, $1.25

T he fa c t th a t G od b o th hears and answ ers p ra y e r is am ply d em o n strated _in th is w onderful book w hich h as fo r its c en tra l them e th e p ro v in g of Jo h n 14:13, 14. G et th is book ju s t as soon a s you can fo r it_w ill surely deepen y o u r p ray er life a n d stren g th en your faith in God. P ap er, 60c; cloth, $1.00

R o b e r t J a m e s Ik k o k , fu ll-b lo o d e d E i k i m o , 20 y e a rs o f ag e, a m em b er of W ain .w rig h t, A la sk a , P r e s ­ b y te ria n C h u rch , v e ry d e­ siro u s .of g iv in g h im se lf fo r se rv ic e am o n g h is ow n people.

qualifying for this service? It would bring good interest, I am sure. Transportation to Los Angeles would he about $350.00.” Here is a chance for a real paying investment. Some of our good friends have written us asking where they could put their missionary money where they would be sure it would be used for definite soul-saving work, and this surely offers a splendid opportunity. Just Published The Case For Prohibition Its Past, Present Accomplishments, and Future in America By CLARENCE TRUE WILSON, D. D., General Secretary, and DEETS PICKETT, Research An authoritative study of the prohibition movement in the United States, based on th e results of a most thorough investigation— a book dealing w ith facts ra th er than fancies. Carefully w ritten in a clean-cut, attention-hold­ ing style; keen in analysis; copious in the use of his­ torical and statistical m aterial; and revealing wherein and why prohibition has failed as well as show ing its successes, “ T h e Case for Prohibition“ commends itself to every thoughtful person. 12 mo. Cloth; 274 Pages. $1.75, net; by mail, $1.87. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Secretary, Board of Temperance, Prohibi­ tion, and Public Morals, of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

What the Bible Teaches

Rev. R. A. Torrey, D. D. A Thorough, and Comprehensive Study of A ll th e Bible Has to Say Concerning th e G reat Doctrines of Which It T reats. “The entire w ork is thorough, as well as com prehen­ sive, and is the most convenient and labor-saving work of its kind for m inisters and Bible students th at has yet appeared, in fact, it constitutes a library of Biblical theology, packed in one handsome octavo volume of over 500 pages.“ Cloth, $3.00 Oneness With Christ By W . R . N icholson E x p o sito ry L ectu res on th e E p istle to th e Colos- sians. T he forcefulness of The Book of Daniel R ev. W . C. Stevens

M r. Stevens’ know ledge' of th e P ro p h etic W ord is too well know n to need comm ent here. Suffice to say th a t of th is it h as been said, ** H is unfolding of th e book is th e book’s unfolding of itself.” A volum e especially for th is day of w orld convulsion an d age crisis. C loth, $1.25

th e book, its elevating an d helpful expressions, a n d its gracefulness and b eau ty of diction, com bine to m ake it a m ost excellent guide in the stu d y of th is g re a t le tte r of P au l to th e people of Colosse. Cloth, $1.25

The Two Genealogies o f Jesus By J. C. Stillion

No one ever need be puzzled over the two genealogies if they have this book for reference. In it you will find both genealogies carefully examined— all the light of Scriptures being thrown upon them— th eir points of agreem ent noted and the reason given— their points of disagreem ent are also pointed out and thoroughly ex­ plained. P aper, 25c

If m oney does n o t accom pany o rder, goods will be sen t C. O. D. unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail ad d 10% for postage.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M 'Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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